Name | Code | Nature of Change |  | Date of change to ASGC |
Brisbane | 05 | Reduced by the transfer of part of Caboolture (S) Bal in BSD to Moreton |  | 1-7-98 |
 |  | Enlarged to include part of Esk (S) from Moreton |  | 1-7-99 |
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Central West | 35 | Enlarged to include part of Bauhinia (S) from Fitzroy, and part of Murweh (S) from South West |  | 1-7-98 |
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Darling Downs | 20 | Enlarged to include part of Bendemere (S) from South West |  | 1-7-00 |
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Fitzroy | 30 | Reduced by the transfer of part of Bauhinia (S) to Central West and part of Calliope (S) - Pt B to Wide Bay-Burnett |  | 1-7-98 |
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Mackay | 40 | Enlarged to include Bowen (S) from Northern |  | 1-7-01 |
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Moreton | 10 | Enlarged to include part of Caboolture (S) Bal in BSD from Brisbane; reduced by the transfer of part of Noosa (S) Bal to Wide Bay-Burnett |  | 1-7-98 |
 |  | Reduced by the transfer of part of Esk (S) to Brisbane |  | 1-7-99 |
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Northern | 45 | Reduced by the transfer of Bowen (S) to Mackay |  | 1-7-01 |
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South West | 25 | Reduced by the transfer of part of Murweh (S) to Central West |  | 1-7-98 |
 |  | Reduced by the transfer of part of Bendemere (S) to Darling Downs |  | 1-7-00 |
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Wide Bay-Burnett | 15 | Enlarged to include part of Calliope (S) - Pt B from Fitzroy and part of Noosa (S) Bal from Moreton |  | 1-7-98 |
Name | Code | Nature of Change |  | Date of change to ASGC |
Brisbane City | 0505 | Enlarged to include small parts of Woodridge and Browns Plains from Logan City; reduced by the transfer of part of Berrinba-Karawatha to Logan City |  | 1-7-98 |
 |  | Enlarged to include part of Ipswich (C) - North (now Karana Downs-Lake Manchester) from Ipswich City (Part in BSD) |  | 1-7-00 |
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Caboolture Shire Part A | 0520 | Reduced by the transfer of part of Caboolture (S) Bal in BSD to Moreton SD Bal |  | 1-7-98 |
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Central West | 3505 | Enlarged to include part of Bauhinia (S) from Fitzroy SD Bal, and part of Murweh (S) from South West |  | 1-7-98 |
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Darling Downs SD Bal | 2005 | Enlarged to include part of Bendemere (S) from South West |  | 1-7-00 |
 |  | Reduced by the transfer of parts of Cambooya (S), Crow's Nest (S), Jondaryan (S) and Rosalie (S) to Toowoomba |  | 1-7-01 |
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Fitzroy SD Bal | 3015 | Reduced by the transfer of part of Bauhinia (S) to Central West and part of Calliope (S) - Pt B to Wide Bay-Burnett SD Bal |  | 1-7-98 |
 |  | Enlarged to include part of Rockhampton (C) from Rockhampton* |  | 1-7-99 |
 |  | Reduced by transfer of part of Calliope (S) - Pt B to Gladstone* |  | 1-7-00 |
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Gladstone | 3010 | Enlarged to include part of Calliope (S) - Pt B from Fitzroy SD Bal* |  | 1-7-00 |
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Gold Coast City Part A | 0510 | Reduced by the transfer of part of Gold Coast (C) Bal in BSD to Logan City |  | 1-7-99 |
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Hervey Bay City Part A | 1507 | Created from part of Wide Bay-Burnett SD Bal. Comprises Hervey Bay (C) - Pt A SLA |  | 1-7-01 |
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Ipswich City (Part in BSD) | 0525 | Enlarged to include part of Esk (S) from Moreton SD Bal |  | 1-7-99 |
 |  | Reduced by the transfer of part of Ipswich (C) - North to create SLA Karana Downs-Lake Manchester in Brisbane City |  | 1-7-00 |
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Logan City | 0530 | Enlarged to include part of Berrinba-Karawatha from Brisbane City; reduced by the transfer of small parts of Woodridge and Browns Plains to Brisbane City |  | 1-7-98 |
 |  | Enlarged to include part of Gold Coast (C) Bal in BSD from Gold Coast City Part A |  | 1-7-99 |
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Mackay SD Bal | 4010 | Enlarged to include Bowen (S) from Northern SD Bal |  | 1-7-01 |
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Moreton SD Bal | 1020 | Enlarged to include part of Caboolture (S) Bal in BSD from Caboolture Shire Part A; reduced by the transfer of part of Noosa (S) Bal to Wide Bay-Burnett SD Bal |  | 1-7-98 |
 |  | Reduced by the transfer of part of Esk (S) to Ipswich City (Part in BSD) |  | 1-7-99 |
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Northern SD Bal | 4515 | Reduced by the transfer of Bowen (S) to Mackay SD Bal |  | 1-7-01 |
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Rockhampton | 3005 | Reduced by the transfer of part of Rockhampton (C) to Fitzroy SD Bal* |  | 1-7-99 |
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South West | 2505 | Reduced by the transfer of part of Murweh (S) to Central West |  | 1-7-98 |
 |  | Reduced by the transfer of part of Bendemere (S) to Darling Downs SD Bal |  | 1-7-00 |
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Toowoomba | 2001 | See Toowoomba City |  | 1-7-01 |
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Toowoomba City | 2001 | Enlarged to include parts of Cambooya (S), Crow's Nest (S), Jondaryan (S) and Rosalie (S) from Darling Downs SD Bal; renamed Toowoomba |  | 1-7-01 |
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Wide Bay-Burnett SD Bal | 1510 | Enlarged to include part of Calliope (S) - Pt B from Fitzroy SD Bal and part of Noosa (S) Bal from Moreton SD Bal |  | 1-7-98 |
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 |  | Reduced by the transfer of Hervey Bay (C) - Pt A to Hervey Bay City Part A |  | 1-7-01 |
Name | Code | Nature of Change |  | Date of change to ASGC |
Gladstone | 3051 | See Gladstone SSD* |  | 1-7-00 |
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Hervey Bay | 3046 | New S Dist. created. Comprises Hervey Bay (C) - Pt A SLA |  | 1-7-01 |
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Toowoomba | 3064 | New S Dist. created. Comprises Cambooya (S) - Pt A, Crow's Nest (S) - Pt A, Jondaryan (S) - Pt A, Rosalie (S) - Pt A, Toowoomba (C) - Central, Toowoomba (C) - North-East, Toowoomba (C) - North-West, Toowoomba (C) - South-East and Toowoomba (C) - West SLAs |  | 1-7-01 |
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