1377.0 - Measures of a Knowledge-based Economy and Society, Australia, 2003
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(b)(c) See STATISTICAL NOTES below for an explanation of these terms. (d) Includes working proprietors and partners of unincorporated businesses. Sources: ABS Information and Communication Technology, Australia, 2002–03 (cat. no. 8126.0). TOTAL EMPLOYMENT OF ICT SPECIALIST BUSINESSES, 2002-03 Source: ABS Information and Communication Technology, Australia, 2002–03 (cat. no. 8126.0). STATISTICAL NOTES Data are from the ABS Information Technology and Telecommunications Survey, which is conducted every two years and covers the main industries involved in the production and distribution of ICT goods and services in Australia. Please see the Explanatory Notes of cat. no. 8126.0 for further information on the survey including scope, methodology, data quality, classifications, concepts and definitions. The 2002–03 ICT industry survey is based on a new statistical infrastructure arising from the introduction of The New Tax System (TNTS). As a result, data from this survey is not comparable to previously released results. For more information, please refer to the Explanatory Notes. Indicator originally proposed in Framework The ABS Discussion Paper Measuring a knowledge-based economy and society, An Australian Framework (cat. no. 1375.0) proposed that this indicator present information on share of total business employment. That information is provided under International Comparisons below. INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS SHARE OF ICT SECTOR EMPLOYMENT IN BUSINESS SECTOR EMPLOYMENT(a) 2000 OR LATEST YEAR AVAILABLE
Source: OECD estimates, based on national sources; STAN and National Accounts databases, August 2002 Measuring the Information Economy 2002 (http://www.oecd.org). STATISTICAL NOTES Information on ICT industries (called the ICT sector by the OECD) is provided to the OECD by National Statistical Organisations. Issues for international comparability include differences in the timing, scope and coverage of data collections and the national classifications used to approximate the ICT sector. In 1998, OECD member countries agreed on a definition of the ICT sector as a combination of manufacturing and services industries that "capture, transmit and display data and information electronically". The ICT sector is defined in terms of the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) Rev. 3. Methodological information about sources and data collection methods is available from the OECD publication Measuring the Information Economy . Data provided by member countries have been combined with different data sources to estimate ICT aggregates compatible with national accounts totals. For this reason, the indicators presented here may differ from figures contained in national reports and in previous OECD publications. In respect of Australia, data are based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) (cat. no. 1292.0) which differs in some details from ISIC Rev. 3. In addition, details provided to the OECD differ somewhat from information published in catalogue 8126.0. In particular, information is provided to the OECD on a whole of industry basis (rather than for specialist ICT businesses) and information includes data on some industry classes which are included in the OECD definition of the ICT sector but not included in the ABS Information Technology and Telecommunications Survey.