ABS Business Register Database
Client Services Statistical Output
Australian Bureau of Statistics
GPO Box 2796Y
Telephone: Melbourne (03) 9615 7755
Facsimile: Melbourne (03) 9615 7798
The primary purpose of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Business Register is to provide a comprehensive source of business names and addresses from which businesses can be selected for inclusion in ABS economic censuses and sample surveys.
Besides business names and addresses, data recorded on the register for each business include items such as type of legal organisation, main economic activity, geographic location and employment size. These data items are aggregated and made available to ABS clients. Note that business names and addresses are not provided to ABS clients.
The ABS Business Register includes those businesses that employ wage and salary earners and businesses with no employment but which are linked by common ownership or control to another business that does.
The term 'business' is taken to mean a legal entity such as a registered company, partnership, trust, sole proprietor, religious organisation, government department, or any other legally recognised organisation which provides goods and services.
Various sources are used to update information on the ABS Business Register. Most new employing businesses are identified and included on the register within one to six months of commencing. However, daily fluctuations in the size and number of businesses, and the problems inherent in detecting these fluctuations in a timely manner, make it difficult to keep the register completely up to date.
Data detail
counts of businesses;
- aggregate employment of business:
- industry type;
- size of business (employment range); and
- type of legal organisation.
Data are available for the above items for businesses in a number of tourism-related industries. These include:
- Accommodation (ANZSIC Class 5710);
- Pubs, taverns and bars (ANZSIC Class 5720);
- Cafes and restaurants (ANZSIC Class 5730);
- Clubs (hospitality) (ANZSIC Class 5740); and
- Travel agency services (ANZSIC Class 6641).
Geographic coverage
Postcode areas, Statistical Local Areas, Local Government Areas, Statistical Subdivisions and Divisions, States and
Frequency of data availability
Historical data
The ABS Business Register is a 'snapshot' of the register at a particular point in time. Currently, the snapshot is based on counts as at September 1998. Detailed comparisons should not be made with register data from other time periods. Use of register data for time series analyses may result in inaccurate and misleading conclusions being drawn due to changes in the classifications, definitions and register updating practices.
Products and services available
Only available as a special data services request.
Due to a new Business Register/frames being introduced with some changes in units and procedures, the next extract is
unlikely before the end of 2000 and may not be comparable with the current extract.