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Framework for the Collection and Publication of Tourism Statistics
THE MODEL The Framework adopts the internationally accepted approach that tourism is a demand side activity, comprising the activities of a particular type of consumer - visitors. Visitors includes, in addition to recreational tourists, persons visiting an area for business and other reasons. The Framework identifies and provides the definitions of the various types of visitors; domestic, international, overnight and same-day visitors. The Framework identifies the types of statistics that are generally required, i.e. those which in some way measure or describe the activities of these visitors. An activity is identified as an event (or transaction) in which a visitor obtains a product from a supplier. The Framework model is based on this transaction which comprises three elements: The statistics either measure a relationship between two of these elements, e.g. value of purchases of food (product) by same-day visitors (consumer), or describe some aspect of one of the elements, e.g. number of employees in the accommodation sector (supplier). The order of the elements and the arrows between them illustrate the hierarchical relationship between the elements. The principal element of the transaction is the consumer. Only if the consumer meets the definition of a visitor is the product and, consequently, the supplier involved in the transaction, relevant. For example, a restaurant meal can be supplied to a resident or a visitor. In principle, if the consumer is a visitor then the transaction would be included, but if the consumer is a resident then it would not be included. (In practice, of course, such distinctions cannot always be made.) The Framework provides classification systems for each of the three elements. The CONSUMER is classified as: international visitor:
domestic visitor:
The PRODUCT is classified into seven broad product groups:
These broad product groups are further broken down into more detailed categories. The SUPPLIER group is classified according to a standard classification such as the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC). Associated with each of the three elements is a list of typical measures, e.g. age and sex for consumers, expenditure for products and value of sales for suppliers. The Framework provides classification systems and definitions for all of the typical measures. The Framework provides the common language for use in all tourism statistical collections and is intended for use by all providers and users of tourism statistics. Copies of the Framework can be obtained from: The Statistical Concepts Reference Library Australian Bureau of Statistics PO Box 10 BELCONNEN ACT 2616 Telephone: Canberra (02) 6252 5702 Facsimile: Canberra (02) 6251 5324 Email: Internet: