During 2005-06, the ADF was involved in military operations, the provision of humanitarian support to other nations, and various joint and combined exercises involving the three Services and allied or regional military forces.
Operation Catalyst is the ADF’s contribution to the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Iraq. The ADF is part of a multinational force that is working to develop a secure and stable environment to assist national recovery.
Operation Slipper is the ADF’s contribution to the international coalition against terrorism and is an important component of the Australian Government's commitment to working with the international community to help prevent acts of terrorism around the world.
Operation Astute is the name for the ADF stabilisation operations in support of the Government of East Timor.
The ADF continued to lead the military component of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI), a multinational regional force which provides support to the Australian Federal Police and the regional police forces (known as the Participating Police Force) in maintaining the rule of law and stability in the country.
The ADF continues to undertake operations against illegal fishing and unauthorised boat arrivals in Australia's northern approaches.
As at June 2006, the ADF has over 4,000 personnel deployed on several operations around the world. Map 4.1 shows areas of ADF involvement in major operations during 2005-06 and details of ADF involvement are given in table 4.2.
4.1 AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE, Major operations - 2005-06

4.2 AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE, Major operations(a) - 2005-06
Operation Catalyst | Operation Catalyst is Australia's contribution to the rehabilitation of Iraq. The ADF is participating in coalition efforts to develop a secure environment in Iraq, assist national recovery programs and facilitate the transition to Iraqi self-government. Operation Catalyst has comprised, on average, 1,400 personnel at any one time. Over the past year, forces have included:
- a Task Force Headquarters;
- a maritime element of one frigate dual force assigned to Operation Slipper;
- aviation elements including two C-130 Hercules transport aircraft and two AP-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft; dual force assigned to Operation Slipper;
- a security detachment to provide force protection and escort to the Australian Embassy and staff in Baghdad;
- a contingent of ADF and civilian personnel working as embedded staff in various coalition headquarters and units; and
- the Al Muthanna Task Group compromising approximately 470 personnel and 40 light armoured vehicles. The task group provided support to the Japanese-Iraq Reconstruction and Support Group and provided training to the Iraqi Army.
Operation Slipper | Operation Slipper is Australia's contribution to the international coalition against terrorism in Afghanistan. Deployed forces have included:
- an Australian National Headquarters element;
- a maritime element of one frigate;
- an aviation element of two AP-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft;
- one Army officer working in a coalition headquarters in Afghanistan;
- a Special Forces Task Group, comprising approximately 190 personnel; and
- an aviation support element comprising two CH-47 helicopters and approximately 110 personnel; and
- several support staff embedded in coalition force elements.
Operation Mazurka | Operation Murzurka began in September 1982 and is Australia’s contribution to providing personnel to the Multinational Force and Observers to monitor the security arrangements in the Sinai. The ADF contributes 25 personnel to the Multinational Force, serving as specialist staff and military observers. |
Operation Paladin | Operation Paladin commenced in June 1956 and is Australia’s continuing contribution to the United National Truce Supervisory Organisation in the Middle East. The ADF contributes 12 unarmed military observers who supervise, observe and report on the various cease-fire arrangements, truces and peace treaties that have been negotiated between Israel and neighbouring Arab nations since 1948. |
Operation Astute | Operation Astute is the name for the ADF stabilisation operations in support of the Government of East Timor. As at June 2006, the Australian deployment included about 2,600 ADF personnel deployed in the East Timor area of operations (land, sea and air). Of these, approximately 1,900 ground troops were in Dili, and actively engaged in security operations in the capital, which has included the suppression of communal and gang violence. A break up of key Australian forces deployed to East Timor at the height of the operation included:
- an Amphibious Landing Ship in Dili harbour to provide medical, communication, accommodation and various support facilities as required;
- eight landing craft heavy;
- an Infantry Battalion Group;
- a Commando Company Group;
- eight Australian Army Black Hawk helicopters;
- C-130 Hercules aircraft to transport people and equipment; and
- a detachment of Royal Australian Air Force, Air Field Defence Guards.
Operation Chiron | Operation Chiron is Australia's contribution to the United Nations (UN) Office in East Timor and continues the work of Operation Spire, Australia's contribution to the UN Mission in support of East Timor which concluded in May 2005. Australia's contribution to Operation Chiron consists of three Military Advisers who provide a liaison and monitoring function in support of the Mission. |
Operation Azure | Operation Azure is the deployment of the ADF personnel to a UN peacekeeping operation in Sudan. The UN Security Council authorised the establishment of the UN Mission in Sudan on 24 March 2005 under resolution 1590. As at June 2006, the military component numbered 13 personnel. |
Operation Anode | Operation Anode is the ADF contribution to RAMSI. The military contingent of RAMSI is supporting the Participating Police Force effort in maintaining law and order. As at June 2006, the military component numbered approximately 140 personnel. |
Operation Resolute | Operation Resolute commenced on 17 July 2006 consolidating all previous border security activities into a single whole-of-government operation. The previous operations were operation Cranberry (illegal fishing and smuggling) Operation Relex II (unauthorised arrivals), Operation Celesta (Heard Island and McDonald Islands fishing patrols), Operation Estes (security patrols of Australia's oil and gas infrastructure) and Operation Mistral (patrols in the southern ocean).
Resources allocated to Operation Resolute include:
- one major Navy fleet unit (Anzac or guided missile frigate) for northern waters response;
- one landing craft heavy to augment security patrols;
- one major Navy fleet unit and replenishment vessel to support operations in the Southern Ocean;
- five RAN Fremantle/Armidale patrol boats, to be increased to seven;
- one Mine Hunter Coastal, with one also at reduced notice to move;
- one AP-3C maritime patrol aircraft, with an additional one at stand-by at certain threat levels; and
- Regional Force Surveillance Unit patrols, intelligence resources, other support elements and training assets.
Operation Larry Assist | Operation Larry Assist assisted the Government of Queensland with the provision of humanitarian relief to the residents of far north Queensland in the aftermath of Tropical Cyclone Larry. Over the period March to April 2006, the ADF provided over 400 personnel and the following capabilities:
- 11 military helicopters;
- three Navy Landing Craft; and
- two RAAF C-130 Hercules Aircraft.
The ADF established an Engineer Group with a water purification unit capable of producing 7,500 litres of drinkable water per hour; undertook the distribution of individual ration packs and bottled water throughout the Johnstone Shire; supplied a field kitchen to provide facilities for the preparation of fresh food for the local population; distributed approximately 3,000 tarpaulins; provided a bath unit to shower up to 120 persons per hour; provided up to 500 beds; a Primary Health Care support team; and a number of Environmental Health Officers.
Operation Pakistan Assist | Operation Pakistan Assist provided humanitarian aid to the people of Dhani in Pakistan, following the earthquake on 8 October 2005.
The ADF contribution comprised a Primary Health Care Facility of 140 personnel and four Black Hawk Helicopters. During the period November 2005 to March 2006, the ADF completed the following:
- treated over 9,500 patients,;
- conducted over 4,000 immunisations;
- conducted three medical clinics away from the main base; and
- flew 74 aeromedical evacuations.
(a) Correct as at July 2006.
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Source: Department of Defence.