Contents >> General Information

General Information


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In many cases, the ABS can also provide information which is available on request or which is historical or compiled from a variety of sources. Information of this kind may be obtained through the Information Consultancy Service. This information may be made available in one or more of the following forms: consultancy reports, microfiche, floppy disk, magnetic tape, computer printout or photocopy. Charges are generally made for such information. Inquiries may be made by contacting Information Services in your nearest ABS office.


The following abbreviations have been used in this publication.

Australia, States and territories of Australia

NSWNew South Wales
SASouth Australia
WAWestern Australia
NTNorthern Territory
ACTAustralian Capital Territory

Other abbreviations

ABSAustralian Bureau of Statistics
ACEAdult and Community Education
ACERAustralian Council for Educational Research
AIHWAustralian Institute of Health and Welfare
ALPAustralian Labor Party
ANZSIC Australian and New Zealand Standard Industry Classification
ASCCSSAustralian Standard Classification of Countries for Social Statistics
ASCEDAustralian Standard Classification of Education
ASCOAustralian Standard Classification of Occupations
ASGCAustralian Standard Geographical Classification
ATOAustralian Taxation Office
ATSICAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission
ASTAustralian Social Trends
CDEPCommunity Development Employment Projects scheme
CPIConsumer Price Index
COAGCouncil of Australian Governments
COTACouncil of the Ageing
CRACommonwealth Rent Assistance
CSTDACommonwealth State/ Territory Disability Agreement
DDADisability Discrimination Act 1992
EEBTUMEmployee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership Survey
EEHSurvey of Employee Earnings and Hours
ERPEstimated resident population
FACSDepartment of Family and Community Services
FTEFull-time equivalent
GDPGross Domestic Product
GFSGovernment Finance Statistics
GSSGeneral Social Survey
GSTGoods and Service Tax
HECSHigher Education Contribution Scheme
HESHousehold Expenditure Survey
ICD–10International Classification of Diseases – 10th revision
ICD–9International Classification of Diseases – 9th revision
ICFInternational Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
ISCEDInternational Standard Classification of Education
LFSLabour Force Survey
MAPMeasures of Australia’s Progress
MCEETYAMinisterial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs
MODLMigration Occupations in Demand List
NATSISNational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Survey 1995
NATSISSNational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey 2002
NHSNational Health Survey
OECDOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PISAProgramme for International Student Assessment
PPPPurchasing Power Parities
SACCStandard Australian Classification of Countries
SARSpecial Administrative Region of China
SBSSpecial Broadcasting Service
SDStatistical Division
SDACSurvey of Disability, Ageing and Carers
SEIFASocio-Economic Indexes for Areas
SIHSurvey of Income and Housing
SLA Statistical Local Area
SSDStatistical Subdivision
TAFETechnical and Further Education
TIMSSTrends in Mathematics and Science Study
TFRTotal fertility rate
UKUnited Kingdom
UNICEFUnited Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
USAUnited States of America
USSRUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics
VETVocational Education and Training
WHOWorld Health Organisation


The following symbols and usages mean:

billion1,000 million
n.a.not available
n.e.c.not elsewhere classified
n.f.d.not further defined
n.p.not published
n.y.a.not yet available
ppreliminary — figures or series subject to revision
rfigures or series revised since previous edition
'000mthousand million
$mmillion dollars
$bbillion dollars
$USAmerican dollar
%per cent
*subject to high sampling variability
**data suppressed due to unacceptably high sampling variability
..not applicable
nil or rounded to zero (including null cells)


    Figures have been rounded. Therefore discrepancies may occur between the sums of the component items and totals.

    Unless otherwise stated in table and graph footnotes, 'not known' variable categories (e.g. 'not stated', 'inadequately described' and 'not recorded') have been excluded from all numerators and denominators prior to the calculation of percentages and other rates. However, numerical population totals for variables containing 'not known' categories include these categories in the total.

    Each chapter contains a national summary table which provides, where possible, ten years of data for a particular indicator. These time series are designed to give a long-term overview and readers should be cautious when interpreting small year to year variations, as some may not be statistically significant.

    Unless otherwise stated, all data from the Census of Population and Housing are based on the location of people on census night, i.e. their place of enumeration.

    Unless otherwise stated, all data from the Census of Population and Housing exclude overseas visitors.

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