The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) Coder is a Windows-based structured coding system to code occupation information to ANZSCO Version 1.3. It is available on request as a set of downloadable files.
The ANZSCO Coder incorporates a detailed coding index (an extensive list of occupation titles) which enables coding to the occupation (6-digit) level of ANZSCO with a higher degree of accuracy and consistency than is possible when using just the classification structure and definitions.
Using the ANZSCO Coder does not require a detailed knowledge of the ANZSCO structure nor of the composition of the labour force. The ANZSCO Coder assigns codes according to strictly prescribed rules, most of which are incorporated into the Coder.
This ANZSCO Coder is intended only for use in the Australian labour force. It is not intended for use in New Zealand as it may not include occupation titles used in the New Zealand labour force.
The ANZSCO Coder includes an in-built 'Help' facility. To learn to code occupation information properly you should complete the lessons provided in the Help facility.
There are seven lessons covering the main coding procedures. Each lesson contains an explanation of the procedures covered in that lesson. Coding examples and exercises are included in each lesson to reinforce these procedures. Additional coding exercises and the solutions to all coding exercises are also provided.
The Coder will be updated periodically. When an update edition is available, all registered clients will be notified and/or a notification will be placed on the ABS website.
To obtain a copy of the ANZSCO Coder or for further information about the ANZSCO Coder, please call the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or
Please note that users of the Coder are required to sign a licence agreement before receiving the Coder.