The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is Australia's official statistical agency. It is committed to leading a high quality statistical service to assist and encourage informed decision making. A key function of the ABS is to provide statistical leadership in developing and assisting to implement standards used in statistical processes undertaken by official bodies.
Statistical collections are often exposed to the risk that one or more of the components of the process fail to meet the quality standard expected, such that the quality or the integrity of the statistical outputs are affected. In this paper we refer to this kind of risk as "statistical risk". Statistical risk arises for various reasons, some of which may include inadequate inputs, processes not being well defined, changes to existing processes, or human error.
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new approach to managing statistical processes. This framework provides a systematic approach for assessing the quality of the statistics at specific points in the process, such that the overall quality of outputs are fit for their intended purposes. Agencies involved in collecting, processing, analysing or disseminating statistics will be able to apply the framework for mitigation against statistical risks in statistical processes.