CensusAtSchool, 2010

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27 July, 2010
Embargoed: 11.30 am (AEST)

Pizza, pasta and pop music: A snapshot of Australian Students: ABS

Pizza and pasta are the favourite take-away choice for Australian students who completed the Australian Bureau of Statistics CensusAtSchool for 2010.

Over 22,000 students from Years four to 12 voluntarily submitted their data this year, with the aim to spark students' interest in statistics and to improve their statistical literacy. Results are designed for education purposes only.

Interesting results from the 2010 CensusAtSchool data include:

· Over 21% of girls most enjoy participating in netball as a sport or activity while 18% of boys prefer AFL.

· Students in years 5 - 12 spend more hours per week hanging out with friends than using the computer/Internet

· The number of students with access to the Internet via broadband connection, has continued to increase in all states and territories. Queensland students had the highest rate of access to the Internet via broadband (80%)

· 40% of girls listen to pop as their favourite music whilst rap is the most popular choice for boys with 21%

· The car is the most common method of travel to school in every state and territory except Tasmania.

Students and teachers can access the data from the online Random Sampler to make comparisons between students like themselves and students in different year levels and parts of Australia.

Comparisons can also be made with international students from some countries

"I have had experience using CensusAtSchool with several classes” said Jean Arnott, Specialist Teacher Consultant. “All students enjoyed collecting and entering their data into the questionnaire as well as discussing unexpected outcomes, and suggesting reasons for them."

The CensusAtSchool project is a free online questionnaire and analysis resource for students in Years four to 12 at all Australian schools.

The questionnaire phase is available annually during Terms 1 and 2 and the data is released early in Term 3 of each year.

For further information on the CensusAtSchool project including data for 2010, please visit the ABS website at www.abs.gov.au/censusatschool.