For the 2011 National ECEC Collection, an aggregate data collection methodology supports the collection of information on child and teacher data at the service provider level. For this collection, aggregate data can only be presented in terms of episodes of preschool program delivery. An episode is the count of the occurrence for a specific characteristic. For the National ECEC Collection, an episode refers to a preschool program provided to a child. When one child attends two different preschool programs, the child is attending two episodes of preschool.
Due to the nature of aggregate data, a combination of multiple aggregate data elements is requested for the 2011 National ECEC Collection. The complete aggregate data request can be found within Chapter 1, Collection Specifications. The descriptions within each data element also acknowledge the disaggregations and cross classifications required at a broader level.
Further information on the 2011 ECEC Aggregate NMDS is available on the AIHW website: