A comprehensive general reference work which includes basic statistics and different feature articles each year. Data are presented in tables and related explanatory text, some of which are illustrated by maps and graphs. The statistical coverage includes subjects such as population; labour, income and welfare; housing; health; education; crime and justice; culture and recreation; environment; agriculture; forestry and fishing; mining; energy; manufacturing; construction; service industries; tourism; transport; communications; science and technology; the financial system; government finance; prices; national and international accounts; as well as chapters on Australia's geography and climate, government, international relations and defence.
This product has been available on CD-ROM for IBM PCs (1301.0.30.001) annually since 1995. The CD-ROM product includes several features designed to enhance its usability for research and analysis. These features include electronic searching, bookmarking and annotation. In addition, selected material can be readily copied into other documents as required. The CD-ROM also includes pictorial material not included in the printed book.
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 | The Year Book Australia 2005 provides a comprehensive and definitive source of information about Australia. Over 900 pages long, the Year Book spans topics which cover Australia's economic position and social conditions, as well as articles about our community and environment.
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To celebrate 100 years of official statistics, both the hard copy Year Book and its CD-ROM companion are presented as a special offer in one package, making it great value for money.
The CD-ROM is the ideal resource for the business computer network... and it compliments the hard cover version by giving you rapid access to every subject. A simple interface and a full electronic index make it a convenient source of the up to date information that every business needs from time to time.
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Special articles featured in the 2005 Year Book include:
- Temperature measurement and the Stevenson screen
- Drawing House of Representatives electorate boundaries
- Sustainable microfinance in Vietnam
- Population figures for state grants – an historical perspective
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians – projections 2001 to 2009
- Same-sex couple families
- The population census – a brief history
- Selected findings from the 2002 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey
- Labour force experience
- Working arrangements
- Young people in employment
- Mature age workers
- History of the monthly Labour Force Survey
- Cancer trends
- Living with asthma
- Paying for university education
- Women in prison
- 100 years of change in Australian industry
- Australia's beef cattle industry
- A snapshot of the largest energy users
- Australia's automotive industry
- Australian home size is growing
- Rugby World Cup 2003 – the short-term impact on the Australian economy
- Completion of the Adelaide to Darwin railway line
- Use of urban public transport in Australia
- Road fatalities and fatality rates – 1925 to 2003
- The use made of ABS statistics by the Commonwealth Grants Commission
- History of retail/consumer prices indexes in Australia
- Price impacts on the living costs of selected Australian household types
- Impact of the farm season on Australian production in 2002–03 and 2003–04
- Is life in Australia getting better? Beyond GDP: Measures of economic, social and environmental progress
- Australian outward foreign affiliates trade