Data on the country a person was born in are used to produce estimated resident population by country of birth. The small area data on country of birth are useful for developing and monitoring programs for migrants.
A question on a person’s country of birth has been included in every Australian Census. Before the 1981 Census, with the exception of the 1921 Census, respondents were asked to provide details of the state or territory of birth if born in Australia, or country of birth if born overseas. In 1921 and in Censuses since 1981, state or territory details have not been required.
The inclusion of the country of birth topic in the Census enables the ABS to maintain the accuracy of the estimated resident population by birthplace series.
Data on country of birth are critical in targeting settlement assistance to migrants. They are used for:
- the examination of the need for, and the utilisation of, health, education and other social services for migrant groups
- labour force training and recruitment
- the formulation and monitoring of many other government policies and programs related to migrants.
These needs cannot be met by data of an acceptable quality from sample surveys nor from overseas arrivals and departures statistics. The value of the data is greatly enhanced when cross-classified with data on period of residence in Australia, which allows recent migrants to be distinguished from those who arrived some time ago.
A question on country of birth is included in every ABS population survey, although detailed birthplace information is not available from these surveys because of high sampling error on estimates for small geographic areas and for many small birthplace groups.
Regular statistics on overseas arrivals and departures classified by country of birth are available from passenger cards required to be completed by each person entering or leaving Australia.

The response categories for this question are designed to reflect those countries which were reported most often in the previous Census.