Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth

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National, public and private corporations, government and household financial and capital accounts, and household balance sheets.

Reference period
September 2024
  • Next Release 27/03/2025
    Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth, December 2024
  • Next Release 26/06/2025
    Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth, March 2025
  • Next Release 25/09/2025
    Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth, June 2025
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Key statistics

  • Household wealth increased $400.9b (2.4%) to $16,884.9b.
  • Demand for credit was $113.3b.
  • Australia's net borrowing position rose by $2.7b to $20.2b this quarter.
  • Capital investment as a proportion of GDP rose to 24.7%.

Main features

National investment

National investment decreased by $12.7b to $164.2b in the September quarter.

  • General government investment decreased by $8.4b to $25.4b, driven by falls in gross fixed capital formation for both national general government and state and local general government.
  • Non-financial corporations' investment decreased by $4.8b to $80.3b, driven by falls in gross fixed capital formation for both private and public non-financial corporations.
  • Households' investment increased by $0.7b to $54.5b, driven by an increase in gross fixed capital formation.

Financial investment

Australia was a net borrower of $20.2b from rest of world (ROW). The main contributors were a:

  • $47.0b acqusition by ROW of debt securities issued by Australia
  • $22.4b repayment of loans borrowed by ROW
  • $15.5b acqusition by ROW of equity issued by Australia
  • Partly offset by $7.4b placement of deposits by Australia with ROW

ROW acquired bonds and one name paper issued by banks, as banks have shifted their fund raising back to the issuance of debt securities following the end of the Term Funding Facility (TFF) last quarter. The acquisition of equity by ROW reflected a number of mergers and acquisitions occurring during the quarter.


Households $71.9b net lending position was due to a $91.5b acquisition of assets partly offset by a $19.6b incurrence of liabilities. The acquisition of assets was driven by:

  • $60.7b in deposits
  • $28.9b in net equity in superannuation

While liabilities were driven by:

  • $19.3b in loan borrowing

Deposit assets grew strongly this quarter as households received proceeds from tax returns. Growth in deposit assets also reflected higher household gross disposable income following the introduction of stage 3 tax cuts. Contributions into pension funds rose year on year, reflecting legislative changes to compulsory superannuation and strength in employment.

General government

General government’s $37.8b net borrowing position was due to $50.3b incurrence of liabilities partly offset by $12.5b acquisition of assets. Liabilities were driven by:

  • $30.0b in bond issuance
  • $17.4b in loan borrowings

Acquisition of assets was driven by:

  • $11.8b in deposits

The National general government returned to a net borrowing position following two consecutive quarters of being in a net lending position. Bond issuance was elevated this quarter reflecting financing requirements arising from increased government expenditure on social assistance benefits and decreased income tax paid following the introduction of stage 3 tax cuts. State and territory governments continued to borrow funds from their respective central borrowing authorities to finance social benefits to households and investment into health infrastructure. 

Net financial investment (net lending (+) / borrowing (-))

Net financial investment (net lending (+) / borrowing (-))

Combination chart with 5 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $b. Data ranges from -110.8 to 118.6.
End of interactive chart.

Demand for credit

Demand for credit was $113.3b in the September quarter, of which:

  • other private non-financial corporations borrowed $44.7b
  • general government borrowed $44.6b
  • households borrowed $19.2b

Credit market outstanding increased by $233.3b, comprised of demand for credit and revaluation gains of $119.9b. Holding gains on the shares of other private non-financial corporations were $79.5b, in line with equity prices on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Falling bond yields also resulted in holding gains on Commonwealth government bonds of $23.2b.

Other private non-financial corporations

Business credit growth continues to be driven by elevated levels of capital investment although higher interest rates have encouraged some firms to seek alternative financing through increased corporate bond issuance. Falling commodity prices and weaker export revenue in the June quarter was reflected in softer reinvested earnings growth. Business financing activity comprised:

  • loan borrowings of $29.3b
  • equity raising of $12.2b
  • corporate bond issuance of $4.0b

General government

To support public investment, particularly in defence equipment, the Commonwealth government raised its Treasury bond issuance in the September quarter. Measures to ease household cost of living pressures such as the electricity bill relief fund further contributed to funding requirements. State government demand for credit continues to be driven by investment in transport, renewables and major health projects. The government financed its operations through:

  • $30.2b in bonds issued by national general government
  • $17.5b in loan borrowings by state and local general government


Housing credit growth reflected new loan commitments in the September quarter as house prices remain elevated despite high interest rates constraining the borrowing capacity of buyers. Households borrowing comprised:

  • $21.0b in long term loans
  • partly offset by $1.6b repayment of short term loans

Demand for credit by sector

Demand for credit by sector

Bar chart with 4 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $b. Data ranges from -12.5 to 232.5.
End of interactive chart.

"Other" includes private non-financial investment funds and public non-financial corporations.


Household wealth grew 2.4% ($400.9b) to $16,884.9b at the end of the September quarter. The increase in net worth was driven by strength in the share market and housing market.

Non-financial assets

Non-financial assets owned by households increased by 1.4% ($167.3b), driven by: 

  • a $149.3b rise in residential land and dwellings.

House price growth has slowed as the number of properties on the market has increased.

Financial assets

Financial assets of households increased by 3.4% ($258.4b), with a:

  • $137.4b rise in superannuation reserves
  • $62.6b rise in currency and deposits
  • $50.1b rise in shares and other equity

Total superannuation reserves increased by 3.5% this quarter, driven by favourable domestic and international share market performance increasing the value of equities held by superannuation funds.

Total deposits increased by 3.7%. Transferable deposit account balances rose $39.4b. Other deposit accounts (which include term deposit and savings accounts) rose $22.1b.


Household liabilities increased by 0.8% ($24.9b), with a: 

  • $26.3b rise in housing loans
  • $1.7b fall in short term loans

The growth in housing loans was driven by increased demand from both owner occupiers and investors.

Household wealth, contribution to growth, quarterly

Household wealth, contribution to growth, quarterly

Combination chart with 7 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $b. Data ranges from -409.9 to 770.6.
End of interactive chart.

Private non-financial corporations

Other private non-financial corporations demand for credit

Other private non-financial corporations demand for credit of $44.7b, was driven by

  • $29.3b of loan borrowings
  • $12.2b of equity raising; and
  • $4.0b of bond issuance

Other private non-financial corporations' demand for credit

Other private non-financial corporations' demand for credit

Combination chart with 5 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $b. Data ranges from -33.5 to 167.
End of interactive chart.

The debt-to-equity ratio (adjusted for price changes) increased to 0.61. This reflects private non-financial corporations increased preference for debt.

The growth in firm's loan borrowing was driven by loans from ADIs and used to fund their investment.

Firms' equity growth fell, driven by soft reinvested earnings due to lower commodity prices.

Firms issued bonds for the fourth consecutive quarter, sourcing additional funding.

Private non-financial corporations' debt to equity ratio

Private non-financial corporations' debt to equity ratio

Line chart with 2 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Data ranges from 0.43 to 0.81.
End of interactive chart.

Financial corporations

Authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs)

Total financial assets of ADIs increased $77.4b, reflecting:

  • a $81.7b increase in loans, 
  • a $14.8b increase in equities, and
  • a $11.5b increase in deposits.

This was partly offset by:

  • a $23.1b decrease in bonds, and
  • a $6.9b decrease in derivatives.  .

Authorised deposit taking institutions (ADIs) have begun desecuritising residential mortgage backed securities (RMBSs) previously used as collateral to access the Reserve Bank of Australia's Term Funding Facility (TFF). This follows the final maturity of funds drawn under the TFF in June quarter 2024. Desecuritisation is reflected in a $61.6b decrease in ADIs' holding of bonds issued by securitisers. As ADIs' deposit assets have fallen from previously elevated levels, in order to continuing meeting liquidity requirements, ADIs acquired:

  • $19.1b of bonds issued by National General Government; and
  • $3.2b in semi-government bonds.

Change in authorised deposit taking institutions' assets

Change in authorised deposit taking institutions' assets

Combination chart with 8 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $b. Data ranges from -327.2 to 573.8.
End of interactive chart.

Liabilities of ADIs grew $118.7b, with:

  • a $58.5b increase in deposits, and
  • a $44.0b increase in shares and equities.

ADIs also continued to return to regular funding arrangements following the final maturity of the TFF, issuing:

  • $24.0b of bonds issued offshore;
  • $6.8b of one name paper issued offshore;
  • $1.4b of bonds issued in Australia

Issuance of debt securities was partly offset by:

  • $13.8b maturity of one name paper issued in Australia.

Change in authorised deposit taking institutions' liabilities

Change in authorised deposit taking institutions' liabilities

Combination chart with 8 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $b. Data ranges from -169.3 to 482.5.
End of interactive chart.

Pension (superannuation) funds

Total financial assets of pension (superannuation funds) increased by 4.3% ($143.0b), with a:

  • $123.2b increase in equities

Pension funds used households' contributions to superannuation to acquire $17.5b in equities and $11.0b in deposits. Revaluation gains of $105.7b in equities reflect the rise in the value of listed and unlisted shares. Pension funds' investment in deposits  was stronger this quarter off the back of a weaker June quarter 2024.

Pension funds' financial assets

Pension funds' financial assets

Combination chart with 3 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 2 Y axes displaying $b and $b.
End of interactive chart.


General government

General government (national, and state) were net borrowers of $37.8b. This was driven by a:

  • $30.0b of bond issuance
  • $17.4b borrowing of loans

Partly offset by a:

  • $11.8b increase in deposit assets

National general government were net borrowers of $17.5b. The national general government's position was driven by a:

  • $30.2b of bond issuance

Partly offset by a:

  • $7.9b increase in deposit assets

National general government bond issuance was its highest since the September 2020 quarter. National general government expenditure has increased due to increased public investment and social assistance payments to households. Additionally, the introduction of stage 3 tax cuts during the quarter was reflected in reduced taxation receipts.

State and local general government were net borrowers of $20.3b. The state and local general government's position was mainly driven by a:

  • $17.4b borrowing of loans

Loan liabilities of state and local general governments grew for the tenth consecutive quarter. They reached record levels of $453.9b as state governments sourced funding for employee expenses, social benefits to households, and health infrastructure projects.

General government's change in financial position

General government's change in financial position

Combination chart with 6 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $b. Data ranges from -153.29999999999998 to 46.9.
End of interactive chart.

(a) "Other" includes gold and special drawing rights, currency, bills of exchange, derivatives, shares and equity, unfunded superannuation and accounts payable/receivable.

Capital investment

Figures in the capital investment section are in seasonally adjusted current prices.

Net lending (+) / borrowing (-)

Australia's net borrowing position fell by $2.1b to $14.3b this quarter.

This was driven by a:

  • $2.9b decrease in change in inventories
  • $0.8b increase in net savings

and partly offset by a:

  • $3.7b increase in gross fixed capital formation

National net lending (+) / borrowing (-), relative to GDP, seasonally adjusted

National net lending (+) / borrowing (-), relative to GDP, seasonally adjusted

Line chart with 229 data points.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying %. Data ranges from -7.3 to 3.5.
End of interactive chart.

National net borrowing as a proportion of GDP decreased this quarter, driven by a fall in changes in inventories and a rise in net savings:

  • Financial corporations' net lending decreased by $4.0b to $12.8b.
  • Non-financial corporations' net borrowing decreased by $6.1b to $10.0b.
  • General government net borrowing increased by $1.3b to $21.6b.
  • Households' net lending increased by $2.5b to $3.5b.

Notable drivers included the following:

  • Financial corporations' net lending was driven by a decrease in net savings due to a decrease in dividends receivable.
  • Non-financial corporations' net borrowing was driven by a decrease in changes in inventories from private non-financial corporations, including falls in retail trade, mining, and wholesale trade. 
  • General government net borrowing was driven by an increase in gross fixed capital formation due to an increase in national general government, which was driven by a sharp rise in defence weapons platforms investment. 
  • Households' net lending was driven by an increase in net savings due to an increase in gross disposable income, driven by an increase in compensation of employees, as well as a decrease in income tax payable.

Net lending (+) / borrowing (-), by sector, seasonally adjusted

Net lending (+) / borrowing (-), by sector, seasonally adjusted

Line chart with 4 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $b. Data ranges from -95.9 to 71.9.
End of interactive chart.

Capital Investment

National capital investment increased to 24.7% as a proportion of GDP, while increasing 2.3% in current price seasonally adjusted terms. 

Relative to GDP: 

  • Household capital investment remained at 8.0%
  • Non-financial corporations' capital investment remained at 11.9%
  • Financial corporations' capital investment remained at 0.6%
  • General government capital investment increased to 4.1%

In current price seasonally adjusted terms:

  • Non-financial corporations' capital investment increased, driven by an increase in public non-financial corporations
  • General government capital investment increased, driven by an increase in state and local general government

Gross fixed capital formation, by sector, seasonally adjusted

Gross fixed capital formation, by sector, seasonally adjusted

Line chart with 4 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $b. Data ranges from 2.2 to 81.1.
End of interactive chart.

Data downloads

Time series spreadsheets

Data files

Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 5232.0

Revisions and changes

Revisions in this issue

There have been revisions to previously published aggregates due to:

  • Quality assurance reviews affecting the published aggregates after September quarter 2022, in addition to amendments to data collected in the ABS Survey of Financial Information, ABS Survey of International Investment and to data derived from Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) administrative data sets.
  • Incorporation of revisions from the Australian System of National Accounts throughout the time series

AASB 17 accounting standard

The adoption of the AASB 17 accounting standard by the insurance industry has resulted in changes to reported data. Consequently, some of the estimates for life insurance corporations since the September quarter 2023 have been modelled. While these series continue to be published, users are advised to apply caution. The ABS is working with data providers to resolve these issues as quickly as possible. 

ABS Managed Funds publication

Following the conclusion of consultation with users and industry, the ABS has taken the decision to pause the ABS Managed Funds publication following the release of the December quarter 2023 issue. ABS survey data on public offer unit trusts will continue to be used in the compilation of associated sectors in the National Accounts: Finance and Wealth publication (tables 9 and 23). In this publication, adjustments are made to these sectors to account for scope and coverage, based on other counterparty information, though some underlying quality issues remain. Users are advised to apply caution when using these statistics and use the methodology and data quality notes when referencing any data points. For additional information please see the December quarter 2023 Managed Funds publication.