| | Feature Articles
NEW THIS MONTH - Trends in Federal Voter Turnout and Informal Voting in South Australia
Voter turnout in the 2010 federal election in SA lower than four previous elections, with proportionally fewer South Australians who were enrolled to vote, choosing to vote. |
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| | Demography
Includes: Estimated resident population, Components of population change
The Statistical Division of Outer Adelaide records the states largest rate of ERP growth (2.0%) in the year to 30 June 2010. |
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| | Labour Force
Includes: Contents, Employed persons, Unemployment, Participation rate
SA's trend participation rate for males up slightly to 69.9% while the rate for females remained unchanged at 57.6% in April 2011. |
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| | Incomes
Includes: Average weekly earnings
In February 2011, females working full-time in SA earn on average, 15.1% less than their male counterparts. |
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| | State Accounts
Includes: State accounts, Household final consumption expenditure (HFCE)
SA's State Final Demand increased 0.6% between the September and December quarters 2010. |
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| | Consumption
Includes: Retail trade, New motor vehicle sales
SA's retail turnover estimate rose 0.3% in March 2011. |
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| | Investment
Includes: Private new capital expenditure, Mineral and petroleum exploration expenditure
SA's chain volume estimate of private new capital expenditure rose 6.4% in March quarter 2011. |
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| | Construction
Includes: Building approvals, Construction work done
SA dwelling unit approvals estimate in March 2011 rose (1.8%) for the first time in 12 months. |
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| | Price Indexes
Includes: Contents, Consumer price index, Wage price index, House price index
Education was the largest contributor to Adelaide's March 2011 consumer price index rise. |
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| | Housing Finance
Includes: Housing finance commitments
SA's average home loan value for first home buyers 4.3% higher than for non-first home buyers in March 2011. |
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| | International Merchandise Trade
Includes: Exports and Imports
Wheat and Copper account for more than a quarter of SA's total exports in March 2011. |
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| | Water
Includes: Rainfall, Reservoir levels
Adelaide's reservoir levels for the end of April 2011 remain considerably higher than at the same time in recent years. |
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