A Data Cube containing Types of Employment can be found in the July 2006 issue from the Details tab and under Past & Future Releases tab above.
A Data Cube containing Measures of Labour Underutilisation can be found in this April 2007 issue from the Details tab.
The ABS Labour Theme Page, available on the ABS web site, provides a guide to the range of ABS statistics on the labour market, as well as links to the latest data released. To find the Theme Page, go to <https://www.abs.gov.au> [Themes - People - Labour].
The Monthly Population Survey comprises the Labour Force Survey and a range of supplementary surveys, which provide detailed information on a range of topics. Results from surveys on labour-related topics recently released include: Child Employment, Australia (cat. no. 6211.0), Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership, Australia (cat. no. 6310.0), Persons Not in the Labour Force, Australia (cat. no. 6220.0) and Underemployed Workers, Australia (cat. no. 6265.0). See the recent releases in this issue for more details.
The annual measures of labour underutilisation have now been updated for 2006. The data for the annual headcount measures are presented in tables 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 of this publication. The experimental volume measures are presented in the spotlight section of this publication. A spreadsheet containing the headcount measures is available from the ABS web site. To find the spreadsheet go to the ABS web site <https://www.abs.gov.au>, click on 'Access to all ABS products and statistics' and search by catalogue number. The spreadsheet can be found under the 'Details' tab in this April 2007 issue of Australian Labour Market Statistics (cat. no. 6105.0).
The Trade Union Membership spreadsheet containing historical trade union membership data has been updated with 2006 data. To find the spreadsheet, go to the ABS web site <https://www.abs.gov.au>, click on 'Access to all ABS products and statistics' and search by catalogue number. The spreadsheet can be found under the 'Details' tab for catalogue number 6310.0, Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership, Australia.
ABS has recently released a range of spreadsheets for the Labour Force Survey, the Persons Not in the Labour Force Survey, and the Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership Survey. These spreadsheets are available free from the ABS web site.
The new Labour Force Survey spreadsheets contain historical data from 1966 to 1984 and provide a range of information including: labour force status by sex and marital status; participation rates by age and marital status; and the occupation and industry of employed people. To find the spreadsheets, go to the ABS web site <https://www.abs.gov.au>, click on 'Access to all ABS products and statistics' and search by catalogue number. The spreadsheets can be found under the 'Details' tab for catalogue number 6204.0.55.001, Labour Force Historical Timeseries, Australia.
The new Persons Not in the Labour Force Survey spreadsheets contain data from 1994 to 2006 and will be updated each year. The spreadsheets provide a range of information on the characteristics of people not in the labour force such as their main activity while not in the labour force and the main reason they are not looking for work. To find the spreadsheets, go to the ABS web site, click on 'Access to all ABS products and statistics' and search by catalogue number. The spreadsheets can be found under the 'Details' tab for catalogue number 6220.0, Persons Not in the Labour Force, Australia.
The new Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership spreadsheets contain time series data of employee earnings from 1990 to 2006 and will be updated each year. The spreadsheets provide employee earnings cross-classified by a number of variables, including: sex, age, industry, occupation, full-time/part-time status and sector. To find the spreadsheets, go to the ABS web site, click on 'Access to all ABS products and statistics' and search by catalogue number. The spreadsheets can be found under the 'Details' tab for catalogue number 6310.0, Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership, Australia.
Final results from the 2006 Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours (EEH) were released on 28 February in the publication Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia (cat. no. 6306.0). This survey collected information from a sample of employers about the earnings, hours paid for, methods of setting pay, and other selected characteristics of their employees.
Data from this survey on the methods used to set employees' pay is included in the spotlight section of this publication.
In 2006 the ABS released the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (cat. no. 1220.0) and Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification, 2006 (cat. no. 1292.0). These products replaced the previous occupation and industry classifications. The ABS has been coding industry and occupation data from the Labour Force Survey to both the old and new classifications since August 2006, and will continue doing so until 2009. The ABS released six data cubes containing data based on the new classifications in March 2007. The data cubes currently contain data for August 2006, November 2006 and February 2007 and will be updated each quarter as additional data become available. To find the data cubes go to the ABS web site
<https://www.abs.gov.au>, click on 'Access to all ABS products and statistics' and search by catalogue number. The spreadsheets can be found under the 'Details' tab for catalogue number 6291.0.55.003, Labour Force, Australia, Detailed, Quarterly.
By subscribing to this free service, you will be kept informed via email of the latest releases of ABS products. To subscribe, follow the link from the ABS home page <https://www.abs.gov.au>, provide your email address, and select your topics of interest.
Recent and upcoming statistical releases |
|  |
Release date/title of publication | Reference period | Catalogue number |  |
|  |
March 2007 |  |  |  |
 | Australian Economic Indicators | April 2007 | 1350.0 |  |
 | Industrial Disputes, Australia | December quarter 2006 | 6321.0.55.001 |  |
 | Job Vacancies, Australia | February 2007 | 6354.0 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia | February 2007 | 6202.0 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia, Spreadsheets | February 2007 | 6202.0.55.001 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia - Detailed Delivery, Monthly | February 2007 | 6291.0.55.001 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia - Detailed Delivery, Quarterly | February 2007 | 6291.0.55.003 |  |
 | Labour Force Historical Timeseries, Australia | 1966-84 | 6204.0.55.001 |  |
 | Persons Not in the Labour Force, Australia | September 2006 | 6220.0 |  |
 | Regional Wage & Salary Earner Statistics, Australia | 2003-04 | 5673.0.55.001 |  |
 | Regional Wage & Salary Earner Statistics, Australia - Data Cubes | 2003-04 | 5673.0.55.003 |  |
 | Wage & Salary Earners, Public Sector, Australia | December quarter 2006 | 6248.0.55.001 |  |
April 2007 |  |  |  |
 | Australian Economic Indicators | May 2007 | 1350.0 |  |
 | Australian Labour Market Statistics | April 2007 | 6105.0 |  |
 | Characteristics of Small Business, Australia | 2005 | 8127.0 |  |
 | Employee Earnings, Benefits & Trade Union Membership, Australia | August 2006 | 6310.0 |  |
 | Forms of Employment, Australia | November 2006 | 6359.0 |  |
 | General Social Survey: Basic Confidentialised Unit Record File | 2006 | 4159.0.30.001 |  |
 | General Social Survey: Basic & Expanded Confidentialised Unit Record File, Technical Manual | 2006 | 4159.0.30.003 |  |
 | General Social Survey: Expanded Confidentialised Unit Record File | 2006 | 4159.0.30.002 |  |
 | General Social Survey: Summary Results, Australia | 2006 | 4159.0 |  |
 | General Social Survey: User Guide, Australia | 2006 | 4159.0.55.002 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia | March 2007 | 6202.0 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia, Spreadsheets | March 2007 | 6202.0.55.001 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia - Detailed Delivery, Monthly | March 2007 | 6291.0.55.001 |  |
 | Labour Force Survey & Labour Mobility, Australia: Basic Confidentialised Unit Record File | February 2006 | 6202.0.30.004 |  |
 | Labour Force Survey & Labour Mobility, Australia: Basic Confidentialised Unit Record File, Technical Manual | February 2006 | 6202.0.30.005 |  |
 | Labour Statistics: Concepts, Sources & Methods (Update) | April 2007 | 6102.0.55.001 |  |
 | Measures of Australia's Progress: At A Glance | 2007 | 1383.0.55.002 |  |
 | Measures of Australia's Progress: Summary Indicators | 2007 | 1383.0.55.001 |  |
May 2007 |  |  |  |
 | Australian Economic Indicators | June 2007 | 1350.0 |  |
 | Average Weekly Earnings, Australia | February 2007 | 6302.0 |  |
 | Household Expenditure Survey, Australia: Confidentialised Unit Record File | 1998-99 | 6544.0.30.001 |  |
 | Household Expenditure Survey, Australia: Confidentialised Unit Record File, Technical Manual | 1998-99 | 6544.0 |  |
 | Household Expenditure Survey & Survey of Income & Housing - Confidentialised Unit Record Files (Second edition) | 2003-04 | 6540.0 |  |
 | Household Expenditure Survey & Survey of Income & Housing - Confidentialised Unit Record Files, Technical Paper (Second edition) | 2003-04 | 6540.0.00.001 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia | April 2007 | 6202.0 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia, Spreadsheets | April 2007 | 6202.0.55.001 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia - Detailed Delivery, Monthly | April 2007 | 6291.0.55.001 |  |
 | Labour Force Survey & Employee Earnings, Benefits & Trade Union Membership, Australia: Basic Confidentialised Unit Record File | August 2006 | 6202.0.30.001 |  |
 | Labour Force Survey & Employee Earnings, Benefits & Trade Union Membership, Australia: Basic & Expanded CURF, Technical Manual | August 2006 | 6202.0.30.002 |  |
 | Labour Force Survey & Employee Earnings, Benefits & Trade Union Membership, Australia: Expanded Confidentialised Unit Record File | August 2006 | 6202.0.30.003 |  |
 | Labour Price Index, Australia | March 2007 | 6345.0 |  |
 | Labour Statistics in Brief, Australia | 2007 | 6104.0 |  |
 | Preferred Working Hours of Wage & Salary Earners, Australia | October 2006 | 6365.3 |  |
 | Voluntary Work, Australia | 2006 | 4441.0 |  |
 | Working Time Arrangements, Australia | November 2006 | 6342.0 |  |
June 2007 |  |  |  |
 | Australian Economic Indicators | July 2007 | 1350.0 |  |
 | Industrial Disputes, Australia | March quarter 2007 | 6321.0.55.001 |  |
 | Household Income & Income Distribution, Australia | 2005-06 | 6523.0 |  |
 | Household Income & Income Distribution, Australia - Detailed Tables | 2005-06 | 6523.0.55.001 |  |
 | Job Vacancies, Australia | May 2007 | 6354.0 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia | May 2007 | 6202.0 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia, Spreadsheets | May 2007 | 6202.0.55.001 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia - Detailed Delivery, Monthly | May 2007 | 6291.0.55.001 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia - Detailed Delivery, Quarterly | May 2007 | 6291.0.55.003 |  |
 | Wage & Salary Earners, Public Sector, Australia | March quarter 2007 | 6248.0.55.001 |  |
July 2007 |  |  |  |
 | Australian Economic Indicators | Aug 2007 | 1350.0 |  |
 | Australian Labour Market Statistics | July 2007 | 6105.0 |  |
 | Australian Social Trends | 2007 | 4102.0 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia | June 2007 | 6202.0 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia, Spreadsheets | June 2007 | 6202.0.55.001 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia - Detailed Delivery, Monthly | June 2007 | 6291.0.55.001 |  |
 | Labour Force, Australia: Labour Force Status & Other Characteristics of Families - Electronic Delivery | June 2007 | 6224.0.55.001 |  |
 | Labour Force Experience, Australia | February 2007 | 6206.0 |  |
 | Survey of Income & Housing - Confidentialised Unit Record File | 2005-06 | 6541.0.30.001 |  |
 | Survey of Income & Housing - Confidentialised Unit Record File, Technical Manual | 2005-06 | 6541.0 |  |
|  |
ISSUE (QUARTER) | Release Date |
July 2007 | 6 July 2007 |
October 2007 | 5 October 2007 |
January 2008 | 4 January 2008 |
The statistics shown are the latest available at 22 March 2007. Data sources for the tables in this publication are listed in Appendix 1.
The spreadsheets and data cubes referenced in this publication are available on the ABS web site at <https://www.abs.gov.au> [Access to all ABS products & statistics - By Catalogue Number - 6. Labour Statistics and Prices].
For information about other Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) statistics and services, please refer to the back of this publication.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or call (02) 6252 7636.
 |  |  |  |  |  | % change from |  |
Measure | Series type | Period | Current
figure | Previous quarter(a) | Previous year(b) |  |
|  |
Employed |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Persons | '000 | Trend | Feb 2007 | 10 350.4 | 0.5 | 2.9 |  |
 | Full-time | '000 | Trend | Feb 2007 | 7 398.9 | 0.6 | 3.0 |  |
 | Part-time | '000 | Trend | Feb 2007 | 2 951.5 | 0.3 | 2.4 |  |
 | Part-time employment as a proportion of total employment | % | Trend | Feb 2007 | 28.5 | (c)-0.1 | (c)-0.1 |  |
Unemployed |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Persons | '000 | Trend | Feb 2007 | 495.9 | -1.0 | -9.2 |  |
 | Looking for full-time work | '000 | Trend | Feb 2007 | 350.8 | -1.8 | -8.7 |  |
 | Looking for part-time work | '000 | Trend | Feb 2007 | 145.0 | 0.8 | -10.5 |  |
Unemployment rate |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Persons | % | Trend | Feb 2007 | 4.6 | (c)-0.1 | (c)-0.6 |  |
Long-term unemployment |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Persons | '000 | Trend | Feb 2007 | 83.1 | -1.9 | -16.7 |  |
 | As a proportion of total unemployment | % | Trend | Feb 2007 | 16.8 | (c)-0.2 | (c)-1.5 |  |
Annual labour underutilisation rates(d) |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Long-term unemployment rate | % | Original | Sep 2006 | 0.8 | na | (c)-0.1 |  |
 | Unemployment rate | % | Original | Sep 2006 | 4.8 | na | (c)-0.4 |  |
 | Underemployment rate | % | Original | Sep 2006 | 5.0 | na | (c)-0.3 |  |
 | Labour force underutilisation rate | % | Original | Sep 2006 | 9.8 | na | (c)-0.7 |  |
 | Extended labour force underutilisation rate | % | Original | Sep 2006 | 10.6 | na | (c)-0.9 |  |
Children living without an employed parent(e) | % | Original | Jun 2006 | 14.4 | na | (c)-0.5 |  |
Labour force participation rate |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Persons aged 15-64 years | % | Original | Feb 2007 | 76.4 | (c)0.9 | (c)0.4 |  |
 | Total | % | Trend | Feb 2007 | 64.8 | (c)0.0 | (c)0.4 |  |
Actual hours worked |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Aggregate weekly hours | mill. hours | Original | Feb 2007 | 360.3 | 1.9 | 3.1 |  |
 | Average weekly hours - Persons | hours | Original | Feb 2007 | 34.9 | 1.4 | 0.2 |  |
 | Average weekly hours - Full-time | hours | Original | Feb 2007 | 41.7 | 0.8 | 0.0 |  |
 | Average weekly hours - Part-time | hours | Original | Feb 2007 | 17.0 | 1.2 | 0.9 |  |
Part-time workers |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Proportion who preferred to work more hours | % | Original | Feb 2007 | 24.7 | (c)1.5 | (c)-0.7 |  |
Wage price index |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Total hourly rates of pay excluding bonuses | index no. | Trend | Jun qtr 2006 | 109.7 | 1.0 | 4.1 |  |
Average weekly earnings |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Full-time adult ordinary time earnings | $ | Trend | Nov 2006 | 1 058.90 | 0.7 | 3.0 |  |
 | All employees total earnings | $ | Trend | Nov 2006 | 846.70 | 0.9 | 4.4 |  |
Compensation of employees |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Household income account | $m | Trend | Dec qtr 2006 | 122 154 | 1.9 | 7.3 |  |
 | Average earnings (National Accounts basis nominal) per week | $ | Trend | Dec qtr 2006 | 1 035 | 1.1 | 4.0 |  |
Industrial disputes |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Working days lost | '000 | Original | Dec qtr 2006 | 54.2 | 168.4 | -33.1 |  |
 | Working days lost per 1,000 employees | number | Original | Dec qtr 2006 | 6.0 | 164.5 | -34.9 |  |
Job vacancies |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Australia | '000 | Trend | Feb 2007 | 161.8 | 1.1 | 12.8 |  |
|  |
na not available |
(a) Same period previous quarter (monthly data is presented for the middle month of each quarter). |
(b) Same period previous year. |
(c) Change is in percentage points. |
(d) See table 4.1 or the Glossary for further explanation of labour underutilisation rates. |
(e) As a proportion of all children aged under 15 years. See the Explanatory Notes for information on family data. |
Full-time and total employment
Males and females

Proportion of total employment, Males
Proportion of total employment, Females

Males and females

Proportion of total unemployment

Labour underutilisation rates - 1996-2006

Full-time adult ordinary time earnings, Quarterly change
All employees total earnings, Level

Working days lost, Quarter ending

Job vacancies, by Sector