1344.8.55.002 - ABStract, Statistics News, Australian Capital Territory, Jun 2000
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 02/11/2000
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Dalma Jacobs Regional Director ACT Office, Australian Bureau of Statistics RECENT MAJOR RELEASES (excluding monthly and quarterly releases) This listing is a selection of ABS products released over recent months. For comprehensive release details, please refer to the Release Advice (Cat. 1105.0) issued each Tuesday and Friday, and the monthly Publications and Products Released in [Month] (Cat. 1102.0). Both are available from the ACT Bookshop, or can be subscribed to and details are also available on the web site: www.abs.gov.au/News/Release Advices. General
Census of Population and Housing
Demography and Social Statistics
Economic Statistics
Labour Statistics
Business and Industry
NEWS AND REVIEWS Some ABS web site developments
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2001 Census of Population and Housing: Census Collection District Design The ABS continues to be involved in the process of designing the geographic areas for the forthcoming 2001 Census of Population and Housing, which entails evaluating and where appropriate re-designing existing Census Collection Districts or creating new ones. Census Collection districts are the smallest geographic area defined in the Australian Standard Geographic Classification (ASGC) and are for use in the Census as the smallest unit for collection, processing and output of data. This design task also takes into consideration other ASGC geographical areas such as Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) and changes to Local Government Areas (LGAs) that may have occurred since the 1996 Census. The ACT Office is currently involved in this task and is responsible not only for the design of the ACT but also for the Monaro Electoral Division which includes the LGAs/SLAs of Queanbeyan, Yarrowlumla, Tallaganda, Bega Valley, Bombala, Cooma and Snowy River shires. To date this office has completed designing the Canberra Electoral Division (mainly Tuggeranong, Weston Creek, parts of Woden and the southern and westerly rural areas of ACT) and the Monaro Electoral Division and is currently working on the Fraser Electoral Division (Woden, North & South Canberra, Belconnen and Gungahlin-Hall areas) which will include some changes to the growth regions in the newer suburbs at Gungahlin and in the suburb of Dunlop and looking at urban infill with the increase of units in suburbs in inner North & South Canberra and around Bruce and Lyneham. For further information contact Bill Syms on 02 6207 0285 or bill.syms@abs.gov.au Indigenous identification in administrative collections project The ABS and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) have jointly funded a project to improve indigenous identification in administrative collections. The National Centre for Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander Statistics (NCATSIS) is located in Darwin and coordinates work in each of the States and Territories. In the ACT the improvement of indigenous identification program has focused on improving the recording of indigenous identification for registered deaths. The project was scoped to improving indigenous deaths recording by undertaking a data quality audit of the notification of deaths information held by the ACT Registry for the 1998 calendar year. Information provided by the ACT Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages is the primary source of such data. In an ideal situation, Indigenous births and deaths reported to the ABS by the ACT Registry should match ABS estimates. There appeared to be under-reporting of these events. The purpose of the exercise was to ascertain the extent and causes of under-reporting and the overall efficacy of the processes used in collecting and collating statistics which include Indigenous status. The audit found that the introduction of a field for keying in information on Indigenous identification in August 1998 should result in a significant improvement in indigenous identification for registered deaths in the ACT. As a consequence, there should be a significant improvement in the inclusion of indigenous identification for ACT registered deaths in the 1999 year. An audit of the registered deaths for the 1999 year to measure the improvement was recommended. 'Understanding Demographic Data' seminar Following popular demand, another 'Understanding Demographic Data' seminar was conducted on 30 March 2000 at Rydges, Canberra. Chris Mason and Sue Taylor of Demography, ABS, presented this seminar which aims to provide an understanding of the demographic data framework and the processes which shape the population and included practical exercises in the analysis of this data. Feedback from previous participants prove that the seminar is well worth attending. Course notes and a copy of the quarterly publication Australian Demographic Statistics (3101.0) are provided. Details of future seminars will be announced in future issues of ABStract. 1999 Functional Classification of Buildings As a result of a wide ranging review of its Building Statistics program, the ABS has recently redeveloped its core classificatory basis - the Functional Classification of Building (FCB). The 1999 FCB review focussed on the retention and improvement of distinctions within the classification, whilst taking into account new and emerging trends in the building industry. As far as possible, a major consideration has been to ensure comparability of data before and after any changes to the previous classification (1986) as a result of this review. The FCB classifies buildings according to the stated predominant function or purpose of the building and is used by the economic collections of the ABS. This classification is applied to new buildings data as supplied monthly to the ABS through building approval administrative by-product. The scope of the data classified using this classification therefore is all new buildings in receipt of a building approval and subsequent building activity. Data is compiled using this classification in a range of ABS publications including:
Data will be captured using the new classification from July 2000. The classification used in the publications mentioned above will remain unchanged for some while to ensure the impacts of the new classification can be fully assessed, however data on the new basis may be available from the ABS. A description of the classification is located on the ABS' Statistical Concept Library, 2000, CD ROM (Cat. 1361.0.30.001) for sale from the ACT Bookshop and on the web site (www.abs.gov.au). For more information contact Loucas Harous on 08 8237 7585 or loucas.harous@abs.gov.au CPI and the GST The ABS will not be compiling a 'GST-free' CPI. As the CPI measures changes in prices actually paid by Australian households, prices used in the CPI have historically included commodity taxes such as excise duty, wholesale sales tax and stamp duty. Following the introduction of the GST, which replaces most of these existing indirect taxes, the CPI will continue to reflect changes in final transaction prices actually paid by households. This means that the CPI will be inclusive of the GST. Not only will the approach be consistent with the current treatment to include indirect taxes in the CPI but it will be consistent with the compilation of CPIs in other countries where a GST, or similar tax applies. Further information is available in Information Paper: ABS Statistics and the New Tax System, 2000 (Cat. 1358.0) and Information Paper: Price Indexes and the New Tax System, 2000, (Cat. 6425.0) or contact Keith Woolford on 02 6252 6673 or keith.woolford@abs.gov.au Quarterly Economic Activity Statistics The ABS is currently developing a more coordinated approach to the collection of quarterly data of economic activity statistics. The surveys mainly affected by this are:
While some components of these surveys will remain separate, the result will be a single survey called the Quarterly Economic Activity Survey (QEAS). The changes will deliver significant benefits to users of economic statistics and businesses which provide the ABS with economic data as they will:
QEAS will include the following items by State/Territory: Sales of goods and services (initially for manufacturers and wholesalers sales and then for selected service industries); wages and salaries; and new capital expenditure. While the QEAS will collect national company profits data, collection of similar data at the State/Territory levels is not proposed, because of the difficulty in obtaining State/Territory dissection of sufficient quality and reliability. For more information contact Bernard Williams on 02 6252 5304 or bernard.williams@abs.gov.au Tax Reform and Regional Statistics Currently the ABS is investigating using wage and salary earners; partnerships and trust income data from the Australian Taxation Office to derive measures of earned income which are useful indicators of regional economic activity. ATO data is annual so provides intercensal information enabling the building of time series and the data provides other useful variables such as occupation which is currently not obtainable for small area levels other than from the Census. The 1998 pilot project was successful however validation has pointed to some known weaknesses with the ATO dataset, but data is considered to be of sufficient quality for release at SLA level. More information is available in Information Paper: The Use of Individual Taxpayer Data for ABS Regional Statistics - Wage and Salary, Indicators for Small Areas, 1995-96 & 1996-97 (Cat. 5673.0) to be released in June 2000 and be available for sale from the ACT Bookshop. ACT in Focus 2000 The 2000 edition of the Australian Capital Territory in Focus (Cat. 1307.8) is expected to be released in July. This annual publication is a statistical summary of what has been happening in and around the Nation's Capital. Being the ACT's equivalent of the Year Book Australia, it is a major resource tool for ACT businesses, government and the community. This year's edition will provide a wealth of informative and comprehensive insight on the ACT, covering a range of topics such as the economy, people, government, education, health, housing, tourism and transportation. Like last year's edition, an expanded chapter dealing with the Australian Capital Region will be included. Copies of ACT in Focus 2000 will be available from the ACT ABS Bookshop, Level 5, QBE Insurance Building, 33 Ainslie Ave, Canberra City, or by calling 02 6207 0326. ACT Business Indicators The monthly publication ACT Business Indicators (Cat. 1303.8) continues in each issue, to feature articles of particular interest to the ACT, often in comparison with national data. The April 2000 release contains the feature article 'Emergency Services and Public Transport Usage in the ACT' and reveals that 31% of an estimated 271,500 persons in the ACT aged 5 years and over used some form of public transport in the four weeks prior to survey. Information about Mode of transport; Frequency of ACTION usage; Labour force status of ACTION clients; Intentions to use ACTION and Household use of the emergency services phone number are also included. May 2000 issue features Employee Surveys, Benefits and Trade Union Membership. Business Indicators, ACT (1303.8) is released in the third week of each month. Issues can be purchased from the ACT Bookshop @ $15.50. To subscribe contact Subscription Services: fax: 03 9615 7848, ph: 1300 366 323 or email subscriptions@abs.gov.au NEW RELEASES Regional Statistics, Australian Capital Territory, 2000 (1362.8) A comprehensive annual summary of key statistics for the ACT and surrounds by Statistical Local Area (SLA). Forms of Employment, Australia. August 1998 (6359.0) This first issue of the publication provides information on the nature and extent of various forms of employment in the Australian labour market. Data are presented on identified sub-groups by selected job characteristics, selected socio-economic characteristics and dependency upon client or employer. Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership, Australia, August 1999 (6310.0) Contains information from 3 survey topics: (1) Weekly earnings data shows the distribution of weekly earnings of all wage and salary earners classified by full-time/part-time status, permanent or casual employee, sector, hours worked and hours paid. (2) Core employment benefits data which includes information relating to sick leave, annual leave, long-service leave and superannuation coverage. And (3) information about the level of trade union membership. For each topic estimates can be cross-classified by demographics such as State, sex, age, marital status, birthplace, and by labour force characteristics. From the August 1998 issue, the publication title has been changed to reflect the permanent inclusion of data relating to employment benefits and trade union membership. Migration, Australia, 1998-99 (3412.0) Provides information on international and internal migration by State and Territory. Permanent and long-term movement by State and Territory of usual residence, country of birth, occupation and sex are included. The estimated resident population by age, sex and birthplace are also detailed. Information Paper, Accruals-Based Government Finance Statistics, 2000 (5517.0) This first issue of the publication aims to aid users of government finance statistics (GFS) to understand the changed nature and presentation of the information in the first accrual-based GFS released in Government Financial Estimates 1999-00 (5501.0) in April, 2000. The paper describes the conceptual changes and revised table formats which will be introduced when the recording basis of GFS is changed from the predominantly cash to an accrual basis. Government Financial Estimates, Australia, 1999-00 (5501.0) Government Finance Statistics (GFS) are compiled for the general government and the consolidated public sector for each jurisdiction in accordance with international statistical standards. The publication contains operating statements featuring the GFS Net Operating Balance and GFS Net Lending/Borrowing measures, balance sheets showing the GFS Net Worth and Cash flow statements with supplementary data on the Surplus/Deficit measure. This publication is the first to be produced on an accrual accounting basis with the accruals series commencing with 1998-99. Data available are: (1) Operating Statements containing data for the latest year and budget estimates for the forward year; (2) Balance Sheets containing data for all items for 1998-99 only, with a subset of financial assets and liabilities available for the previous four years. No forward estimates are available; and (3) Cash flow statements containing data for the last five years and budget estimates for the forward year. Taxation Revenue, Australia, 1998-99 (5506.0) The 1998-99 issue is the first to be produced on an accrual accounting basis. It provides details of taxation revenue of Commonwealth and State and local authorities in Australia, classified by type of tax and compiled in accordance with international statistical standards. Finance, Australia, 1999 (5611.0) This first issue of the publication includes statistics on the finance sector enterprises; the finance industry and its role and contribution to the economy in terms of financial intermediation, use of the labour force, labour costs, and contribution to GDP; some globalisation indicators; and data about the financial markets. The publication also includes statistics on interest rates, exchange rates and Australian Stock Exchange indexes and selected international comparisons. Work in Selected Culture/Leisure Activities, Australia, 1998-99 (6281.0) The publication contains data on the number of people working in selected culture/leisure, classified by type of activity, including details on the characteristics of people involved, the nature of that work, whether paid or unpaid, and details of other jobs held. Occasional Paper: Labour Market Outcomes of Low Paid Adult Workers, 1997 (6293.00.005) Details the incidence of low pay, earnings mobility and transition patterns of low paid adult wage and salary earners. This first issue of the paper examines how recent joblessness impacts on the subsequent labour market transitions of these people. Directory of Tourism Statistics, 2000 (1130.0) A comprehensive sourcebook for tourism statistics in the public and private sectors. For each identified collection, the directory provides information on the method of collection, data details, geographic coverage, frequency of publication and other information to help the reader identify the type of statistics available and how to access them. EXPECTED MAJOR RELEASES (excluding monthly and quarterly releases) This listing shows those ABS publications expected to be released over the coming quarter, the expected month of release is shown in brackets. General
Demography and Social Statistics
Economic Statistics
Labour Statistics
Business and Industry
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