| | Welcome from the Director
Includes: Welcome from the Director of the Rural and Regional Statistics National Centre. |
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| | Explore your Local Government Area with CDATA Online
Includes: An article outlining the topics available in CDATA Online and some of its functions, such as generating graphs and maps using 2006 Census data. |
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| | Statistician's Report on the Census
Includes: An article providing an overview of the Statistician's Report on the Census, highlighting sections of the report that may be of particular interest to Local Government users. |
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| | What's happening in Local Government Finance
Includes: An update on the latest news in Local Government Finance. |
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| | Recent and Future ABS Releases
Includes: A number of recent and future ABS releases, including key findings from the recently released Persons with Main Source of Income from Own Unincorporated Business publication. |
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| | Other News and Contacts
Includes: Information on where to find Help for Local Government on the ABS website, Newsletter and ABS Contact Details, and How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to this Newsletter. |
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