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Focus On The Population
Please note that previously published quarterly estimates for states, territories and Australia dating back to 30 September 2001 will be revised to take into account the new Census based population estimate, and released as final in Australian Demographic Statistics, December quarter 2007 (cat. no. 3101.0) on 5 June 2008. Source: Australian Demographic Statistics, Dec 2006, 2006 Census Edition - Preliminary (cat. no. 3101.0). Finding Census Data Has Never Been Easier... If you haven't experienced the new Census Internet interface yet, here's another good reason to visit today. The Census of Population and Housing provides a 'snapshot' of the Australian population resulting in a wealth of socio-economic and demographic information. Census data has a wide range of applications across the community, business and government sectors, as well as for research. You are now able to sample Census statistics in their new format via the ABS website. This is a valuable opportunity to familiarise yourself with the new simplified interface before the first release of data on 27 June 2007. Visit and follow the Census Data link. You can access 2001 Census data for free via the following online options: Products available now:
Census products to be released later:
For more information on data and product releases Bookmark and follow the Census Data link to check out new Census developments as they happen. Call 1300 135 070 or email and type 'add to Census email' in the subject line to subscribe to our Census email news group. You can opt out at any time.
The ABS is once again offering the Advanced Order Service which allows you to pre-order Census data, tailored to your specific needs. Demand for customised tables is high in the months following the release of census data. First release is scheduled for 27 June 2007, second release expected October 2007. Using the Advanced Order Service reduces waiting time by enabling you to specify your table requirements prior to the data release. This service is perfect for those requiring large and/or complex tables. The service will ensure your customised tables are delivered to you as soon as possible after the official release of the data. Clients taking advantage of this service will have their orders processed on a 'first in, first served' basis. ABS information consultants are available to guide you through the process and provide advice on data issues and pricing of Census tables. For more information on how to take advantage of the Advance Order Service phone 1300 135 070 or click on the 'Advance Order' icon (as displayed above) on the ABS home page located at: Information Consultants will work closely with you to keep you informed of issues that may affect your information needs, and offer alternatives if available. Demographic Change Advisory Council (DCAC) As part of its 2006–07 Budget, the Tasmanian Government established the Demographic Change Advisory Council. The Council brings together all sectors of the community to plan for Tasmania’s demographic opportunities and challenges. The Council comprises: the Treasurer (Chair); Minister for Education; Minister for Health and Human Services; President of the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; President of TasCOSS; President of Unions Tasmania; President of the Local Government Association of Tasmania; and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Tasmania. The Tasmanian Regional Director of the Australian Bureau of Statistics is an observer on the Council. The role of the Council is to:
The Demographic Change Advisory Council has a work program that involves identifying the key issues that the Tasmanian community expects to face in the decades ahead as its population ages, and, later, to assist in developing strategies to address these issues. In March 2007 the Council released a discussion paper. The purpose of the paper is to:
After consulting with the Tasmanian community, the Council will release an issues paper later in the year that will consolidate the information obtained and provide a comprehensive account of the main issues that Tasmania can expect to face arising from population ageing. The Council will then examine the key strategies that could be put in place to take advantage of the opportunities and address the challenges identified in the issues paper. It is expected that the report on possible strategies will be released in December 2007. More reports and information on demographic change can be found on the Council’s website at Further information on the work of the Council can also be obtained by phoning the Executive Officer on 1800 116 735. Tasmanian Community Of Users And Producers Of Statistics (CUPS) A local CUPS has recently been established in Tasmania. The Tasmanian CUPS vision differs slightly from the national one in that it envisages the regular physical gathering of a group of people, supplemented by a virtual interactive community facilitated through the CUPS pages of the National Statistical Service (NSS) website. This specific Tasmanian CUPS vision is appropriate given Tasmania's small population and traditionally strong uptake of community involvement. Information about the Tasmanian CUPS has been sent to a broad range of stakeholders, including Commonwealth and State Government agencies, community organisations, educational institutions, private sector organisations and existing statistically related societies. The distribution list is growing and the Tasmanian ABS Office is asking stakeholders to inform them of events that they are coordinating that may be of interest to the CUPS, so they can be placed on the Tasmanian CUPS Calendar of Events. The aim is for members to take on active involvement and help to drive the CUPS. The Tasmanian ABS Office is also currently working on the Tasmanian CUPS web page, which should be linked from the national CUPS web page soon (available at The first Tasmanian CUPS event, held on the 8th of June, was a seminar about strategies for the online communication of data presented Dr Siu-Ming Tam from the ABS. For more information or to be placed on the Tasmania CUPS distribution list please email New Information For State Government On ABS Website The ABS website now features 'Services for State Government' pages, which bring together a range of information of particular interest to State Government clients. This includes information on advisory groups, information and statistical consultancies, outposted officers, training and more. For further information see the Services for State Government - Tasmania page. The page can be accessed via the 'Services We Provide' link at the top of the ABS home page. Tasmanian Key Indicators, May 2007 The May issue of Tasmanian Key Indicators (TKI) was released on 13 June, 2007. TKI is a new web-based product containing a snapshot of the latest social and economic summary data on Tasmania, including labour force, wages and prices, tourism, finance, consumption and investment, state accounts, population, living arrangements, mortality, education, and health. Data is also available in spreadsheet format. This product is released on a monthly basis. It features links to source publications on the ABS website to enable readers to explore particular topics in more detail. Latest issue of TKI:
Future release dates for TKI are as follows:
Tasmania At A Glance, 2007 Tasmania at a Glance offers a statistical snapshot of Tasmania based around four themes: people, industry, economy and environment. In this year's edition you'll be able to compare data at two points in time, generally 2001 and 2006, and also compare climate and prices between selected locations. For example, you can compare the price of a steak in Hobart, Sydney and Perth. The theme People outlines Tasmania's education, living arrangements, health and wellbeing, labour and wages, employment by industry, and population by region. Industry compares the income generated by industries in Tasmania and Australia and features agriculture, manufacturing, retail, transport, tourism and travel. Economy covers government revenue, imports and exports and prices. Environment describes Tasmania's geography and the weather in Hobart, Launceston, Burnie, Swansea and Strahan. You can order copies of this attractive brochure by email or by phone (03) 6222 5817, or look under the 'Past and Future Releases' tab of the 2007 edition of Tasmania at a Glance (cat. no. 1305.6) to access previous editions back to 1994. ABS Implements An Improved Method For Estimating Net Overseas Migration Over recent years there has been a large increase in the volume of international travellers crossing Australia's borders. With the impact of major world events there has also been increased frequency of travel, and significant volatility in the patterns of international travel. In response to these changes, the ABS has developed improved methods for estimating net overseas migration. Estimates of Net Overseas Migration are compiled to determine how many international travellers are to be accounted for in estimating the Australian population. Only people living in Australia for 12 months or more are added to the population. Residents leaving Australia for 12 months or more are subtracted from the population of Australia. Net overseas migration is a major driver of quarterly population growth in the ABS' estimated resident population statistics for Australia. In Tasmania, net overseas migration accounts for around 1/3 of population change, with natural increase being the major driver for population growth. Net overseas migration accounts for around half of the annual population growth of Australia. The Information Paper: Statistical Implications of Improved Methods for Estimating Net Overseas Migration, Australia 2007 (cat. no. 3107.0.55.005) provides an overview of the improved methods, the first key change being the '12/16 month rule' for determining whether a person is a usual resident of Australia, replacing the need for a person to be continuously resident for a period of 12 out of 12 months. The other key change is the shift from a movements-based approach to a traveller-based approach, through matched administrative data, for estimating Net Overseas Migration. The information paper also contains analysis of the statistical impacts on estimates of net overseas migration for the period from December quarter 2003 to June quarter 2006. It builds on Information Paper: Improved Methods for Estimating Net Overseas Migration, Australia, 2006 (cat. no. 3107.0.55.003), released on 10 February 2006. Estimates calculated using the improved methods will be applied in compiling estimates of the resident population of Australia, the states and territories from September quarter 2006. Estimates for September and December quarters 2006 were released on 5 June 2007 in Australian Demographic Statistics, December Quarter 2006 (cat. no. 3101.0). Composite Estimation For The Labour Force Survey Estimates In May, the ABS released an information paper entitled Forthcoming Changes to Labour Force Statistics (cat no. 6292.0). The information paper provides details of an improved estimation method for the Labour Force Survey introduced in June 2007. The new method, known as composite estimation, is more efficient than the current estimator. That is, the composite estimator achieves a given level of standard error at lower cost than the current estimator. The new estimation method was introduced with the release of May 2007 labour force statistics on 7 June, 2007 in Labour Force, Australia (cat. no. 6202.0). At the same time, the ABS has released revised historical Labour Force Survey statistics based on the new estimation method, back to April 2001. An updated standard error model was also introduced to reflect the composite estimation method. The new Labour Force Survey statistics (beginning with the May 2007 statistics) and the revised historical Labour Force Survey statistics (from April 2007 back to April 2001), will be incorporated into all Labour Force Survey statistical releases. Detailed information on statistical impacts are provided in the information paper. If you have any comments or queries about the proposed change, please contact the ABS on 1300 135 070, or Craig Blair on (02) 6252 6565. New Business Counts Data Cube Release
New data cubes relating the Counts of Australian Businesses publication were released on the 31 May 2006, and contain additional cross classified information not previously available. The additional data cubes include data by industry, state and territory, postcode and employment and turnover size range data. The new and existing data cubes can be found under the 'Details' tab of Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits, Jun 2003 to Jun 2006 (cat. no. 8165.0). 2006 Agricultural Census Releases In 2006, the Australian Bureau of Statistics conducted a census of 185,000 agricultural businesses, the largest ABS collection apart from the 5 yearly Population Census. In 2005-06, Tasmania had 196,000 milk cattle, 7.0% of the Australian milk cattle herd (2.8 million). Tasmania also had 508,000 meat cattle, 2.0% of the Australian meat cattle herd; and 2.9 million sheep and lambs, 3.0% of all sheep and lambs in Australia (91.9 million). These statistics can be found in Principal Agricultural Commodities, Australia, Preliminary (cat. no. 7111.0), which was released 17 May, 2007. It includes state and territory production and area figures for main crops as well as livestock numbers for cattle, sheep, lambs and pigs. Horticulture (vegetables, fruit and nuts) estimates at the Australian and state levels will be released in late June as a supplementary dataset to this publication. Other upcoming releases include:
For further information, please contact the ABS on 1300 135 070 or Daniel Lester in Hobart (03) 6222 5943.
The 2007 Year Book Australia also celebrates 100 years continuous service to the nation by Australian volunteer lifesavers. Lifesavers are honoured by being featured on the cover and by the inclusion of an article contributed by Surf Lifesaving Australia. There is also a feature article on the prominent role Australia and Australians have played in Antarctica. This is to mark the International Polar Year established by the International Council for Science and the World Meteorological Organisation. This article has been prepared jointly by the Australian Government Antarctic Division and Dr Tom Griffiths of the Australian National University. Copies of this limited edition Australian Bureau of Statistics flagship publication cost $97.00. Orders can be made using your credit card on-line or by contacting the ABS on 1300 135 070. Export And Import Data Did you know that in 2006 Tasmania exported 320,085 kg of chocolate to Malaysia and 48,492 litres of mineral water to Singapore? The Information Consultancy Unit in the Hobart office of the ABS can provide customised trade data which can include: Detailed commodities, value, quantity, country of origin/destination, port of loading/destination, method of transport (air, sea or parcel post) and time (month, quarter, year). If you would like find out more about the information consultancy services provided by the Tasmanian Office please contact Scott Calver on (03) 6222 5812 or email General Statistical Enquiries Phone: 1300 135 070 (between 8.30am-5.00pm EST) Email: Fax: 1300 135 211 Post: Client Services, ABS, GPO Box 796, Sydney, 2001 Frequently Asked Question (FAQ): How Is The Consumer Price Index (CPI) Used? The CPI affects almost all Australians because of the many ways in which it is used. While price levels in country regions often differ from those in metropolitan areas (some higher and others lower), the factors influencing price movements generally tend to be similar. Therefore the CPI can be expected to provide a reasonable indication of the changes in prices in Australia as a whole in the longer term. The two most common uses of the CPI are:
This definition is taken from A Guide to the Consumer Price Index: 15th Series (cat. no 6440.0) and Australian Consumer Price Index: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2005 (cat. no. 6461.0). To view current or previous Consumer Price Index releases see Consumer Price Index, Australia, Mar 2007 (cat. no. 6401.0). Selected Recent Releases 8412.0 Mineral and Petroleum Exploration, Australia, Mar 2007 (13/06/2007) Actual and expected expenditure by private organisations exploring for minerals and petroleum. Mineral exploration expenditure is classified by state and commodity, and data are provided on metres drilled. Petroleum exploration expenditure is classified by onshore/offshore, and from the September quarter 1994, by region. 6321.0.55.001 Industrial Disputes, Australia, Mar 2007 (07/06/2007) Number of disputes, employees involved, working days lost and working days lost per 1,000 employees in industrial disputes involving stoppages of work of 10 working days or more, classified by state, industry, cause of dispute, working days lost per employee involved and reason work resumed. 5676.0 Business Indicators, Australia, Mar 2007 (04/06/2007) Contains quarterly estimates of profits, income from the sale of goods and services, wages and salaries, and the book value of inventories. These data are classified by broad industry, and original, seasonally adjusted and trend estimates are included for Australia, in current price terms. Volume measures are published for sales and inventories. State/territory data will also be included for sales, and wages and salaries, in current price terms. 8755.0 Construction Work Done, Australia, Preliminary, Mar 2007 (30/05/2007) Presents preliminary statistics for the value of construction work done in Australia. Separate data is shown for building work done and for engineering work done for both the private and public sectors. The building work done data is further dissected into new residential, alterations and additions to residential and non-residential work. Original, seasonally adjusted and trend estimates for Australia, as well as some original state and territory data, are provided in current prices and chain volume measures terms. This is the major source of data used to compile the national accounts estimates for private gross fixed capital formation on dwellings, and other buildings and structures. 5439.0 International Merchandise Imports, Australia, Apr 2007 (16/05/2007) Presents the total imports (international trade basis) for the reference month and the two previous months. Includes national and state level data. No analysis is provided. 3401.0 Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, Mar 2007 (09/05/2007) Comprises a summary of monthly data by category of movement. For visitors arriving and residents departing short term, the intended length of stay, main purpose of journey, principal destination (departures) or country of usual residence (arrivals) and state and territory in which most time was spent. Includes region of birth for settler arrivals. 5368.0.55.004 International Trade in Services by Country, by State and by Detailed Services Category, Calendar Year 2006 (04/05/2007) The spreadsheets contain trade in services credits and debits data for: country and country groups by calendar years; calendar years by country and country groups; state by calendar years; calendar years by state; and detailed services category by calendar years. Data are available from 2000. 6359.0 Forms of Employment, Australia, Nov 2006 (27/04/2007) Provides information about employed persons (excluding contributing family workers) aged 15 years and over and their employment arrangements in the Australian workforce. Among the topics covered are the different types of employment arrangements including contract work, casual employment and leave entitlements, and employment characteristics, such as hours worked, industry and occupation. Estimates can be cross-classified by demographics such as state, sex, age, marital status and country of birth, as well as labour force characteristics. 4710.0 Housing and Infrastructure in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities, Australia, 2006 (17/04/2007) Provides summary results from the Community Housing and Infrastructure Needs Survey (CHINS) enumerated from March to June, 2006. Information presented includes: details of current housing stock, management practices and financial arrangements of Indigenous organisations that provide housing to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; and details of housing and related infrastructure such as water, electricity, sewerage, drainage and solid waste disposal, as well as other facilities available in discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities such as transport, communication, education, sport and health services. It also includes time series information incorporating selected results from the 1999 and 2001 CHINS as well as maps showing the distribution of Indigenous housing organisations and discrete communities across Australia. 5506.0 Taxation Revenue, Australia, 2005-06 (03/04/2007) This publication presents statistics on taxation revenue collected by the various levels of government in Australia. The taxation revenue statistics presented are based on Government Finance Statistics (GFS) concepts and are compiled on an accrual basis, for the general government sector. Future Statistical Releases Want to keep up with the latest releases of ABS products? Subscribe to our free email notification service. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.