Tourist Accommodation, Australia

Latest releaseData download

This release contains information on the supply of, and demand for, tourist accommodation facilities

Reference period
2015-16 financial year

Main features

Key figures

  September Quarter 2015December Quarter 2015March Quarter 2016June Quarter 2016
Accommodation with 15 or more rooms
 Takings from accommodation ($m)2 567.82 602.12 623.42 633.3
 Room occupancy rate (%)65.666.066.366.6
Seasonally Adjusted    
 Takings from accommodation ($m)2 570.92 606.82 633.92 620.3
 Room occupancy rate (%)65.965.766.366.7
 Takings from accommodation ($m)2 592.12 761.92 673.12 406.8
 Room occupancy rate (%)66.967.366.063.9
 Change from previous quarter
 Takings from accommodation (%)
 Room occupancy rate (% pts)
Seasonally Adjusted    
 Takings from accommodation (%)
 Room occupancy rate (% pts)0.8-
 Takings from accommodation (%)13.3r6.5-3.2-10.0
 Room occupancy rate (% pts)4.5r0.4-1.3-2.1
 Change from previous year
 Takings from accommodation (%)
 Room occupancy rate (% pts)
Seasonally Adjusted    
 Takings from accommodation (%)
 Room occupancy rate (% pts)
 Takings from accommodation (%)6.2r5.6r5.5r5.2r
 Room occupancy rate (% pts)1.5r0.9r0.9r1.6r

r 2014-15 data revised - see Technical Note, Methodology page

Accommodation takings, Australia

Accommodation takings, Australia

Line chart with 3 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $m. Data ranges from 2232.2 to 2634.
End of interactive chart.

 Break in time series between June and September quarters 2014. See Technical Note.

Room occupancy rate, Australia

Room occupancy rate, Australia

Line chart with 2 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying %. Data ranges from 64 to 66.7.
End of interactive chart.

Key points

Trend estimates (change from corresponding quarter of previous year)

  • Takings from accommodation rose by 3.9% in June 2016 to $2,633.3 million. This followed increases of 4.5% in March 2016 and December 2015 and 4.3% in September 2015.
  • Room occupancy rates rose by 1.3 percentage points to 66.6% in June 2016. This followed increases of 1.3 percentage points in March 2016 and December 2015, and 1.1 percentage points in September 2015.

Seasonally adjusted estimates (change from corresponding quarter of previous year)

  • Takings from accommodation rose by 3.9% to $2,620.3 million in June 2016. This followed increases of 4.0% in March 2016, 3.9% in December 2015 and 5.0% in September 2015.
  • Room occupancy rates rose by 1.6 percentage points to 66.7% in June 2016. This followed increases of 1.5 percentage points in March 2016, 0.8 percentage points in December 2015 and 1.4 percentage points in September 2015.

Property management systems (PMS)

  • The use of Property Management Systems (PMS) by accommodation establishments is shown in the table below. Nationally, 84.1% of accommodation establishments who responded to the collection indicated they used a PMS in the operation of their business during 2015-16.
StateAccommodation establishments using a PMS (%) 1
New South Wales82.0
South Australia81.4
Western Australia77.4
Northern Territory85.2
Australia Capital Territory93.9.

1 Proportion of accommodation establishments who responded to the collection.

Impact of duplicate establishments in 2014-15

The Survey of Tourist Accommodation (STA) is a census of all in-scope accommodation establishments with 15 or more rooms. In 2014-15, STA frame maintenance procedures resulted in the identification and subsequent addition of 279 new establishments to the STA beginning with the September quarter 2014.

During processing of 2015-16 STA data, it became clear that 40 accommodation establishments added in 2014-15 were duplicates of establishments already on the frame. As a consequence, the 2014-15 STA data was overstated. Due to offsetting impacts with new establishments and changes to existing establishments since 2014-15, the duplicates have no significant impact on the trend and seasonally adjusted series. As a consequence there is no break in series between 2014-15 and 2015-16 for the seasonally adjusted and trend estimates included in this publication.

However, in comparing estimates in original terms, it is recommended users read the Technical note included in this release for interpreting the movements in the data between 2014-15 and 2015-16.

Where appropriate, the effect of the duplicates is removed from the estimates in the analysis above.

Data downloads - time series spreadsheets

Table 1. Summary of accommodation establishments with 15 or more rooms, Australia

Table 2. Summary of accommodation establishments with 15 or more rooms, New South Wales

Table 3. Summary of accommodation establishments with 15 or more rooms, Victoria

Table 4. Summary of accommodation establishments with 15 or more rooms, Queensland

Table 5. Summary of accommodation establishments with 15 or more rooms, South Australia

Table 6. Summary of accommodation establishments with 15 or more rooms, Western Australia

Data downloads - data cubes

Tourist accommodation - Australia

Tourist accommodation, small area data - NSW

Tourist accommodation, small area data - Vic.

Tourist accommodation, small area data - Qld

Tourist accommodation, small area data - SA

Tourist accommodation, small area data - WA

History of changes

Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 8635.0.