 | In this Issue
Updates: Labour Force, Wages and Prices, Finance, Consumption and Investment. |
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 | Labour Force
Includes: Number of Employed, Number of Full time Employed, Participation Rate, Number of Unemployed, Unemployment Rate |
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 | Wages and Prices
Includes: CPI All Groups, Price Index of Materials Used in House Building, Established House Price Index, Wage Price Index, Average Weekly Earnings, Median Household Income |
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 | Tourism
Includes: Number of Hotels, Motels and Serviced Apartments, Takings From Accommodation: Hotels, Motels and Serviced Apartments |
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 | Finance
Includes: Housing Finance for Owner Occupation, Private Capital Expenditure |
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 | Consumption and Investment
Includes: Sales of New Motor Vehicles, Retail Turnover at Current Prices, Number of Dwelling Units Approved, Number of Dwelling Units Commenced |
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 | State Accounts
Includes: State Final Demand, International Trade - Tasmania, Gross State Product |
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 | Population
Includes: Estimated Resident Population, Net Interstate Migration, Net Overseas Migration, Population Growth Rate, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population, Population Born Overseas, Population by Age, Median Age of Population, Fertility Rate, Life Expectancy at Birth |
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 | Living Arrangements
Includes: Crude Marriage Rate, Crude Divorce Rate, Number of Households, Lone Person Households, Number of Families, Couple-Only Families, One Parent Families |
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 | Mortality
Includes: Standardised Death Rate, Infant Mortality Rate |
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 | Education
Includes: Year 10-12 Apparent Retention Rate, Proportion of Year 5 Students Reaching National Benchmarks for Reading, Writing and Numeracy |
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 | Health
Includes: Current Smokers, Overweight/Obese BMI, Sedentary/low levels of exercise, Risky/High Risk Alcohol Consumption |