From 2015–16 to 2021–22, film and video production businesses' total income increased by 98.7% ($2,272.8m) to $4,575.3m, total expenses increased by 131.1% ($2,781.2m) to $4,902.0m and industry value added increased by 61.7% ($614.5m) to $1,610.8m.
Operating profit before tax was −$285.6m in 2021–22. Fluctuations in operating profit before tax are influenced by the discrete project-based nature of major productions and the Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) captured in the survey. Whilst an SPV incurs expenses, in many cases the income from these productions is received in a different financial year or by a different legal entity which may be overseas and is therefore not captured by this survey.
Summary of operations, Film and video production businesses
2015-16 | 2021-22 | ||
Businesses at end June (a) | no. | 2,819 | 4,506 |
Employment at end June (b) | no. | 14,638 | 26,808 |
Total income | $m | 2,302.5 | 4,575.3 |
Total expenses | $m | 2,120.8 | 4,902.0 |
Operating profit before tax (c) | $m | ^198.5 | **-285.6 |
Operating profit margin (c) | % | ^8.8 | **-6.4 |
Industry value added (c) | $m | 996.3 | ^1,610.8 |
^ estimate has a relative standard error of 10% to less than 25% and should be used with caution
** estimate has a relative standard error of greater than 50% and is considered too unreliable for general use
a. See the Scope and Coverage sections of the Methodology for details of the model used to represent these businesses.
b. Includes working proprietors and partners of unincorporated businesses.
c. See Accuracy in the Quality declaration section of the Methodology.
The largest source of income was production income from television programs, which contributed 33.8% of total income in 2021–22. Television program income increased by 101.8% ($779.2m) to $1,544.7m in 2021–22. Income from television drama programs was the major driver of this increase, in line with television drama production costs which are discussed in Film, television and video production activity.
Film and video production generated $837.6m in income in 2021–22, comprising 18.3% of total income.
Total production services income increased by 112.6% ($409.5m) to $773.2m in 2021–22. The largest increase was from other production services which increased by 627.2% ($348.7m) to $404.3m in 2021–22. Other production services became the largest component of production services income in 2021–22, contributing 52.3% up from a 15.3% contribution in 2015–16.
Total post-production, digital and visual effects services income increased by 231.8% ($271.7m) to $388.9m in 2021–22, reflecting a trend of production businesses bringing simpler work in-house. Visual effects services generated $115.0m of income in 2021–22, contributing 29.6% of total post-production, digital and visual effects services income.
Total expenses increased to $4,902.0m in 2021–22 from $2,120.8m in 2015–16. The main drivers were a 143.2% ($1,045.2m) increase in total labour costs and a 235.8% ($1,014.7m) increase in other expenses.
In contrast, royalties expenses decreased by 49.2% (−$17.7m) to $18.3m in 2021–22.
At the end of June 2022, total employment was 26,808 people, an increase of 12,170 people (83.1%) since the end of June 2016. This total comprised 62.1% males and 37.9% females.
By occupation, on-set crew (8,450 people) had the largest number of people and contributed 31.5% of total employment at the end of June 2022.
Queensland had a notable increase in employment of 2,885 people (226.8%) from the end of June 2016 to the end of June 2022. Increases in employment and other activity in Queensland were driven by an influx of international films to the state.
Employment data is output in male and female categories only. For more information, see Gender and sex categories in employment data in Changes in methodology.