This Special Data Series publication presents details on Private Acute and Psychiatric Hospitals from the 2002-2003 national census of private hospitals.
The 2002-2003 national census of private hospitals used two forms to collect data: PHE1 for private acute and psychiatric hospitals and PHE2 for free-standing day hospital facilities. A copy of the relevant collection form can be provided on request. The form contains definitions which may help you with the interpretation of the data in the tables.
Please note that in each table title, a reference to the relevant question number on the collection form is shown in brackets.
State level data has been provided, where possible, for New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory.
In most tables, data has been rounded. This rounding can cause totals to be different to the combined values of the data shown in the tables.
The associated publications, Private Hospitals, Australia, 2002-2003 (cat. no. 4390.0), released 21 September 2004 ($23.00) and Private Health Establishments, Free-standing Day Hospital Facilities Data Report 2002-2003 (cat. no. 4390.0.40.002), released 22 November 2004 ($200.00) can be obtained by contacting any ABS office.
Please contact Andrew Cumpsty (1800 806 415) if you would like to find out more about the tables provided herewith or the associated publications.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Andrew Cumpsty on Brisbane (07) 3222 6374.