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Australian Statistician Brian Pink introduces the Census launch. The national launch of 2006 Census of Population and Housing data occurred on 27 June, 2007 at the DPC in Melbourne. Federal Treasurer Peter Costello attended. After more than six months of processing, Census data was formally released. This is the biggest release of ABS data to the Australian public that has ever occurred. Demographic and socioeconomic information on a community as a whole, or any group within the community or in a particular geographic location (especially small areas) is now available. 2006 Census data on the ABS web site is free, along with all other published ABS material. The ABS website recorded 1,693,476 hits in 3 hours following the launch, at the rate of 9,408 per minute. Treasurer Peter Costello rouses the West Richmond Primary School Choir, who sang Advance Australia Fair beautifully. The audience take in some of Australia's most current demographic statistics. ABS Victoria Regional Director Vince Lazzaro, Federal Treasurer Peter Costello, and Australian Statistician Brian Pink ABS staff extracting data for the media on launch morning. 2006 Census data will be available in two releases. Simpler to process variables (eg age, sex, country of birth, proficiency in English, income, etc; about 75% of all variables) become progressively available on the ABS website from June 27, 2007. More complex variables (eg labour force status, occupation, and method of travel to work) are processed later so as not to hold up release of the bulk of Census data, and are due Oct/Nov 2007. Free products available from the Census home page <> include:
Census publications with ABS web site free download include:
Over the next year, a suite of specialised products will be progressively released to the ABS web site, including:
Further information about 2006 Census products can be found in the ”New Product Briefs” link from the Census home page <>. Sign up to receive Census Update, an electronic newsletter with the latest Census news and information, by emailing <> and typing "add to Census email" in the subject field. You can opt out at any time. If the Census information you require is not available as a standard product, ABS can customise a product to meet your specific policy, planning, research and commercial analysis needs. ABS consultants are experts in producing customised tables, fact sheets and statistical profiles. For further information contact National Information and Referral Service (NIRS) on 1300 135 070 or email <>. Census Coverage Adjustment Victorian Statistics Advisory Forum meeting of 13 June, 2007 The Victorian Statistics Advisory Forum (VSAF) held its second meeting for 2007 on 13 June. Key items for discussion were the recent Australian Statistics Advisory Council (ASAC) meeting in Canberra, and current community indicators work in Victoria. A presentation was also held on how the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) use ABS statistics in economic forecasting. Ms Jane Brockington (Department of Premier and Cabinet) presented a report on the ASAC meeting held in Canberra on 5 June. Ms Brockington attended on behalf of Mr Vin Martin, Victorian Government ASAC representative and Chair of VSAF. Two key items reported by the new Australian Statistician, Mr Brian Pink, were the new ABS organisational structure to take effect from 2 July, and budget constraints in the current operating environment. Other agenda items included an update on household surveys, the future of rural and regional statistics, enhancing small area data in official statistics, uses of taxation data, improving Australia's environment statistics, and population estimates. Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, the Honourable Chris Pearce, MP, attended the ASAC meeting as an invited guest. Mr Pearce emphasised the strong statistical leadership role of ABS, and encouraged ASAC members to offer guidance to ABS on Australia's statistical priorities. Mr Andrew Henderson (Acting Regional Director, ABS Victoria) provided an update on recent ABS activity. He reported on the approaching launch of Census 2006 data on 27 June and noted the release of two related publications on 5 June - Census of Population and Housing - Undercount, 2006(cat. no. 2940.0) and Australian Demographic Statistics, December Quarter 2006(cat. no. 3101.0), which contains Estimated Resident Population rebased to the 2006 Census. Mr Henderson also reported on the Community Indicators Victoria (CIV) survey launch by the Honourable Peter Batchelor, Minister for the Department for Victorian Communities, on 16 July. He also discussed the joint project between ABS and Department of Sustainability and Environment on Environmental Protection Expenditure (EPE). Ms Jeanette Pope from the Department of Victorian Communities presented a summary of community indicators work in Victoria. Ms Pope identified a number of surveys associated with community well-being, including Community Indicators Victoria, Indicators of Community Strength, and the Community Satisfaction Survey; and discussed unique platforms created for disseminating the data, such as iplace and the Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System. Ms Pope acknowledged the limited pool of resources available to fund collection of community indicators data, and suggested that one contemporary challenge is to avoid any duplication across collections. She also emphasised demand for data at neighbourhood level. Ms Mary Cavar (Department of Treasury and Finance) gave a presentation on DTF's use of ABS statistics in economic forecasting. Ms Cavar works in the Macroeconomic Forecasting and Fiscal Strategy Section of DTF, the biggest users of ABS data in DTF. The section prepares approximately 200 briefings per year for the State Treasurer, and is engaged in ongoing monitoring and analysis of economic data. The section's economic forecasts are subject to audit by the Auditor General. Ms Cavar presented an overview of the types of ABS and non-ABS data used in economic forecasting, and spoke about the strengths and weaknesses associated with different data sources. Ms Cavar acknowledged that the section's forecasting ability benefits from the relationship between DTF and ABS, particularly in relation to staying informed about developments in statistics. For further information contact Antonella Caruso on (03) 9615 7860 or email <>. ABS Organisational Restructure The Australian Statistician, Brian Pink, has put in place a new ABS organisational structure, effective 2 July, 2007. There are now three major statistical groups, each headed by a Deputy Statistician. The three groups are: Macroeconomics, Integration and Innovation Statistics; Population, Labour, Industry and Environment Statistics; and Social Statistics. It is envisaged that this structure will support strengthening of the National Statistical Service and continue delivery of a high quality responsive service to ABS clients. Over June and July 2007, Vince Lazzaro is in ABS Central Office working on an implementation plan to support these new arrangements. Andrew Henderson is acting Victorian Office Regional Director. For further information the new structure can be downloaded from the ABS website <>. Victoria's Estimated Resident Population In the year to December 31, 2006, Victoria's Estimated Resident Population (ERP) increased by 1.5% (77,000 persons) to 5,165,400. This compares with a growth rate of 1.4% for Australia. Victoria's annual population growth for 2006 was largely driven by net overseas migration (NOM), which accounted for approximately 55% of growth in the state. Natural increase (births & deaths) contributed 31,900 persons to Victoria's population. Consistent with trends over recent years, Victoria lost population to net interstate migration (NIM), which remained slightly negative for 2006 at -1,000 persons. Victoria (77,000 persons, 1.5%) had the second largest growth for Australian states and territories in 2006, after Queensland (82,400); and experienced the fourth fastest growth after Western Australia (2.1%), Queensland (2.0%) and the Northern Territory (1.8%). An important feature of this release is that population data for the recent intercensal period (Sept qtr 2001 to June qtr 2006) has been updated using information from the 2006 Census of Population and Housing. After each Census, ABS uses new Census counts of persons by place of usual residence to construct a new base population figure for Australia and states/territories as at June 30 of the Census year. This issue also includes the first data based on an improved method for estimating net overseas migration (NOM). Preliminary estimates for September quarter 2006 onwards in this issue are based on the improved method. For more information, consult this newsletter's article 'Improved method for estimating overseas migration'. Australian Demographic Statistics, Dec Qtr 2006(cat. no 3101.0) is a quarterly release, and includes details of the changes discussed here. For further information contact Peter Rochester on (03) 9615 7368 or email <>. Improved Method for Estimating Net Overseas Migration. ABS has developed an improved method for estimating Net Overseas Migration (NOM). Details were released on 25 May 2007, in the information paper Statistical Implications of Improved Methods for Estimating Net Overseas Migration, Australia, 2007(cat. no. 3107.0.55.005). NOM estimates are an essential component of population change, and used for producing Estimated Resident Population (ERP) data. The paper gives an overview of the improved method, quantifies statistical impacts on NOM estimates at state level, and contains an analysis of experimental estimates from December Quarter 2003 to June Quarter 2006. Experimental estimates for 2004-05 financial year show that Victoria's share of national NOM increased from 26.09% (32,292) to 26.49% (37,785). The new NOM methodology will be implemented from September Quarter 2006, and all estimates presented in this paper are experimental. There are two key changes to the NOM methodology. First is the shift from a movements-based approach to a traveller-based approach. Previously, NOM estimates were based on counts of overseas movements that were synthesised and converted to represent individual travellers. Under the new system, all estimation will be based on counts of actual individual travellers and their travel histories. The second major change is introduction of a 12/16 month rule. Previously, in order to be included as a usual resident of Australia, a person was required to be continuously resident for a period of 12 months. With the introduction of the 12/16 month rule, persons are included in the resident population if they are in Australia for a total of 12 months or more over a 16 month period. Statistical Implications of Improved Methods for Estimating Net Overseas Migration, Australia, 2007(cat. no. 3107.0.55.005) builds on a previous release Improved Methods for Estimating Net Overseas Migration, Australia, 2006(cat. no. 3107.0.55.005), released 10 February 2006. For further information contact Peter Rochester on (03) 9615 7368 or email <>. Launch of Community Indicators Victoria A website which reports on the wellbeing of Victorians using an integrated set of community wellbeing indicators is now available, following the 16 July, 2007 launch of Community Indicators Victoria (CIV). The CIV website <> will report up-to-date results at Local Government Area (LGA) level in the context of Victorian Government Regions and Victoria as a whole. Automated Community Wellbeing Reports will be available for each LGA, containing a select number of indicators highlighting important community trends and issues, and users who join as members will also be able to produce customised reports. The website will be a useful resource for a wide range of people, including policy and planning staff in State and local government, mayors and councillors, and local citizens interested in the wellbeing of their community. The indicators refer to a broad range of measures designed to identify trends and outcomes across five domains, in a framework developed by the Victorian Community Indicators Project (VCIP). The five domains are:
The data have been collated from numerous sources, including the 2006 Census of Population and Housing, and existing Victorian Government household surveys and administrative datasets. In addition, a new survey (2007 CIV Survey) was conducted earlier this year to fill some of the gaps left from existing administrative, survey or census data. The survey interviewed 300 adults in each of Victoria’s 79 LGAs. CIV is a collaborative project hosted by the McCaughey Centre: VicHealth Centre for the Promotion of Mental Health and Community Wellbeing, in the School of Population Health at University of Melbourne. The ABS Victorian Office provides support to CIV through the provision of an outposted officer. For more information contact Dr Melanie Davern, Research Fellow – Community Indicators Victoria on (03) 8344 3180 or email <>. Regional workplace numbers and growth The feature article of ‘State and Regional Indicators, Victoria, Mar 2007’ covered ABS analysis of Victorian WorkCover Authority (VWA) data, to provide experimental estimates of Victorian regional workplace numbers and growth. WorkCover data is seen as a reliable source, and is of particular interest due to the lack of readily accessible data sources measuring regional business locations. This article summarises analysis of VWA records, including a brief description of methodology, data validation and main findings. At 30 June 2005, there were 213,690 WorkCover workplaces across Victoria. In Melbourne MSR (major statistical region) there were 154,964 workplaces, or 72.5% of Victorian total workplaces. The experimental estimates include:
For these and other Victorian statistics see State and Regional Indicators, Victoria, Mar 2007 (cat. no. 1367.2). For information on a breakdown of businesses which have commenced or ceased trading see this newsletter's article on cat. no. 8165.0, Counts of Australian Businesses. For further information contact John Rakopoulos on (03) 9615 7590 or email <>. Victorian State Supplementary Survey on Household Preparedness for Emergencies During the State Statistical Forum (SSF) in February 2007, an Emergency Management Information Development Plan was presented and there was discussion about NSW conducting a State Supplementary Survey covering household preparedness for emergencies. Following the SSF, and the March 2007 Victorian Statistics Advisory Forum, Victorian State Government feedback from the Office of Emergency Services (Department of Justice), Department of Sustainability and Environment and Department of Premier and Cabinet highlighted support to undertake an ABS funded survey for Victoria using the same instrument being developed by NSW. The ABS plans to run a Victorian state supplementary survey in 2007, the first since 1999. The sample for Victoria will be around 5,700 households, to be in the field October 2007, with results disseminated in early 2008. For further information contact Janet Lui on (03) 9615 7510 or email <>. 2011 Census consultation process Initial consultation with key users on possible content for the 2011 Census of Population and Housing will commence in August, 2007 in Victoria. ABS is planning to discuss directions for the content and procedures of the 2011 Census with the general public and key users from October 2007, which marks commencement of the public consultation process. An ABS information paper 'Census of Population and Housing, ABS Views on Content and Procedures, 2011' is expected to be released in October 2007, to invite public submissions and outline the consultation process. ABS intends to hold seminars with key users and the public in each capital city during November and December 2007. Topic submissions will be accepted electronically via the ABS web site during October 2007 to March 2008. ABS assessment of key user and public submissions will occur through April 2008. The Australian Statistics Advisory Council (ASAC) will discuss, and ABS formulate, a set of initial recommendations in November 2008. Final ABS recommendations are expected to go to government for consideration in June 2009. For further information, or to have your details added to the notification list for commencement of public consultations, contact Di Chambers on (03) 9615 7056. SELECTED RECENT RELEASES For further information on ABS publications, the first point of contact is ABS's National Information and Referral Service (NIRS). Phone 1300 135 070, or email <>. Publications are available free on the ABS website <>. 3412.0 Migration, Australia, 2005-06. Released 29/03/2007. In 2005–06, Australia's population increased by 134,600 persons due to net overseas migration (NOM), or 51% of total population growth for the year. Over the past two decades, the percentage contribution of NOM to Australia's population growth has fluctuated from a low of 17% in 1992–93 to a high of 56% in 1987–88 and 1988–89. In 2005–06, Skill Stream migrants accounted for 45% of all permanent arrivals to Australia, Family Stream 26%, Humanitarian 9%, and non-program migration (consisting mostly of New Zealand citizens) 19% of all permanent arrivals. Net permanent movement during 2005-06 was the result of 131,600 permanent arrivals and 67,900 permanent departures. Net long-term movement was the result of 326,700 long-term arrivals and 255,900 long-term departures. Persons aged 15–34 years comprised 56% of all persons added to the Australian population through NOM in 2004-05. In 2005-06, New South Wales (42,200 persons) recorded the greatest gain from NOM, followed by Victoria (38,550 persons). In 2005–06, interstate movers (342,500 persons) decreased by 4.6% from the previous year (358,800 persons). Queensland recorded the largest net population gain due to net interstate migration (25,800 persons), New South Wales recorded the largest net loss (–24,000 persons), and Victoria lost 1,900 persons. 3413.0 Migrant Statistics News, Apr 2007. Released 11/04/2007. First Issue. This is the half-yearly newsletter of the National Migrant Statistics Unit. It highlights developments in migrant and ethnicity related statistics, and provides relevant information for researchers, policy makers, service providers and others with an interest in this field. It also has a link to a migrant and ethnicity theme page on the ABS website. 4159.0 General Social Survey: Summary Results, Australia, 2006. Released 22/05/2007. Aspects of life that are important to human well-being are good health, family relationships and engagements with wider social networks, good educational opportunities and outcomes, suitable employment, a decent income, freedom from financial stress, a decent and affordable place to live, feeling safe and secure, and having access to suitable transport. The second General Social Survey (GSS) ranges across these aspects of life to enable analysis of interrelationships in social circumstances and outcomes, including the exploration of multiple advantage and disadvantage. In 2006, the majority of Australians (84% of persons 18 years and over) considered themselves to be in good, very good or excellent health. The most common stressors were serious illness of self or someone close (23% of population), death of someone close (21%), inability to get a job (13%), divorce or separation (11%), mental illness (11%), and alcohol or drug related problems (9%). Most people aged 18 years or over (84%) felt that they could easily get to the places where they needed to go. On housing mobility, 6,574,000 (43%) persons aged 18 years and over moved in the five years prior to survey. Some 69% of respondents reported using a computer at home during the 12 months prior to interview, with 60% accessing the internet at home. Household type, age and sex feature in the analysis; and several tables present state level data. 4307.0.55.001 - Apparent Consumption of Alcohol, Australia, 2005-06. Released 25/06/2007. Estimates the quantity of beer and wine available for consumption for 2003-04 to 2005-06. Pure alcohol available for consumption increased by 1.7% from 159.6 million litres in 2004-05 to 162.2 million litres in 2005-06. Apparent per person consumption of pure alcohol in Australia by persons aged 15+ years increased slightly (0.1%) from 9.83 to 9.84 litres of alcohol between 2004-05 and 2005-06. There was an 9.0% increase in ready to drink spirit products, with a decrease (1.5%) in other spirits. 4390.0 Private Hospitals, Australia, 2005-06. Released 31/05/2007. Presents details from the national census of private hospitals. In 2005-06, Victoria had 83 private acute and psychiatric hospitals, and 63 free-standing day hospital facilities. Victorian private acute and psychiatric hospitals had 592,800 patient separations in the year, a 3.8% annual increase; with an average 3.1 day stay. There were 47 dedicated day surgery units in Victorian private acute and psychiatric hospitals. Patient days increased 1.4% to 1,735,400 in Victoria. Among the states, Victoria (15) had the largest number of private hospitals with accident and emergency services, followed closely by Queensland (11). Victoria averaged 2.7 total staff per occupied bed, compared with 2.5 nationally. Patient revenue accounted for 94% of income generated in Victorian free-standing day hospitals. Their activities included: general surgery, specialist endoscopy, ophthalmic, plastic/cosmetic, and other. 4510.0 Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, 2006, Released 06/06/2007. Presents national crime statistics relating to victims of a selected range of offences that have been recorded by police. These statistics provide indicators of recorded crime victimisation in Australia, and a basis for measuring change over time. In 2006, the Australian victimisation rates for selected personal offence categories were:
Selected household crimes continued a declining trend: motor vehicle theft (365 victims per 100,000 population) had the lowest rate since national reporting began in 1993, and other theft was the lowest since national reporting began in 1995 (2,512 victims per 100,000 population). A table presents Victorian offence data. 4512.0 Corrective Services, Australia, Dec 2006. Released 22/03/2007. This publication presents information on persons in custody and community-based corrections. Victoria had an average 3,997 persons in custody during Dec qtr 2006. The ACT (including ACT prisoners held in NSW prisons) and Victoria had the lowest imprisonment rates (69 and 103 prisoners per 100,000 adults, respectively), compared with an Australian average 163 prisoners per 100,000 adult population. The lowest proportions of unsentenced prisoners were recorded in Western Australia (18%) and Victoria (19%). Victoria had 1,395 persons serving parole orders following a period of imprisonment. 4513.0 Criminal Courts, Australia, 2005-06. Released 28/03/2007. This publication presents national statistics relating to criminal jurisdiction of the Higher (Supreme and Intermediate) and Magistrates' Courts. Children's Criminal Courts data are also provided on an experimental basis. Statistics describe the characteristics of defendants, including information on offences and sentences associated with those defendants. It contains several state level tables. During 2005-06, Victoria had 2,212 defendants adjudicated in the higher courts. More common principal offences included: acts intended to cause injury (20.3%); illicit drug offences (15.7%); sexual assault and related offences (12.4%); and robbery, extortion and related offences (11.9%). Victoria had 83,074 defendants adjudicated in the Magistrates' court. Principal offences included: road traffic and motor vehicle regulatory offences (35.9%), public order offences (16.5%) and theft and related offences (10.9%). 4710.0 Housing and Infrastructure in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities, Australia, 2006. Released 17/04/2007. This publication presents a summary of results from the 2006 Community Housing and Infrastructure Needs Survey (CHINS), with good state level coverage. The 2006 CHINS updates information collected previously in 2001 and 1999. Information includes: details of current housing stock, dwelling management practices and selected income and expenditure arrangements of Indigenous organisations that provide housing to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; details of housing and related infrastructure such as water, electricity, sewerage, drainage, and rubbish collection and disposal, as well as other facilities such as transport, communication, education, sport and health services, available in discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The survey collected information from 496 Indigenous housing organisations nationally, which managed a total of 21,758 permanent dwellings. The total reported usual population of all discrete Indigenous communities in 2006 was 92,960. 4828.0.55.001 Self-assessed Health in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05. Released 28/05/2007. This article presents a brief overview of how Australians assess their own health status. Variables include age, sex, socioeconomic status, health conditions, weight, exercise, alcohol consumption and smoking. The article uses data from the 2004-05 ABS National Health Survey (NHS); and draws on information from the 2006 General Social Survey, 2004-05 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey and 2003 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers. Australia level data. 5249.0 Australian National Accounts: Tourism Satellite Account, 2005-06. Released 11/05/2007. Tourism accounted for $37.6 billion (3.9%) of total Australian GDP in 2005–06, a 5.5% increase on 2004–05. In contrast, total GDP grew by 7.7%. Domestic tourism consumption grew by 5.3%, and expenditure by international visitors 4.6%. There were relatively small increases in the number of domestic (0.1%) and international (1.4%) trips. Tourism industry share of total employment fell slightly in 2005–06 to 4.6%, from 4.7% in 2004–05. While tourism employment increased 1.3% to 464,500 people, there was a larger increase in employment across the total Australian economy (2.6%). Tourism contributed 10.5% to total exports of goods and services. In 2005–06, domestic visitors generated 75.8% of tourism industry GDP, while international visitors generated 24.2%. Industries accounting for the largest share of tourism gross value added were air and water transport (14%); accommodation (13.6%); other retail trade (11.5%); and cafes, restaurants and takeaway food outlets (9.8%). Total tourism consumption increased by 5.1% to $80.7 bil in 2005–06. Australia level data. 5506.0 Taxation Revenue, Australia, 2005-06. Released 03/04/2007. The Commonwealth Government levies and collects all income tax, from individuals as well as enterprises. It also collects a portion of other taxes, including taxes on the provision of goods and services. The revenue base of state governments consists of taxes on: property, employers' payroll, and provision and use of goods and services. The sole source of taxation revenue for local governments is taxes on property. Total taxation revenue collected in Australia rose $19,257 million (6.9%) in 2005-06. Taxes on income increased by $13,222 million, and taxes on provision of goods and services increased $3,133 million. In 2005-06, Victorian state and local government taxation was $2,651 per capita. Western Australia ($3,015) recorded the highest per capita taxation and Tasmania ($1,860) the lowest. Victorian state government levied $10.9 billion in taxes, and Victorian local government $2.5 billion. 5512.0 Government Finance Statistics, Australia, 2005-06. Released 03/04/2007. This publication presents government finance statistics (GFS) at state level on an accrual accounting basis for each jurisdiction for general government, the non-financial public sector and total public sector, as follows: operating statements for 2005-06, cash flow statements for 2005-06, and balance sheets at 30 June 2006. 5518.0.55.001 Government Finance Statistics, Education, Australia, 2005-06. Released 03/04/2007. Statistics on education expenditure by general government sector for 2000-01 to 2005-06. Victoria had $8.6 billion operating expenses on education in 2005-06: primary and secondary education accounted for $6.2 billion and tertiary $1.7 billion ($228 million university, and $1.4 billion technical and further education). 6104.0 Labour Statistics in Brief, Australia, 2007. Released 08/05/2007. Presents a range of summary statistics with emphasis on simple tabular and graphical presentations. Most ABS labour collections are covered, including the Labour Force Survey, range of employer surveys and industrial disputes collection. Australian data are compared with those of the major Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries. 6202.0.30.004 Labour Force Survey and Labour Mobility, Australia: Basic Confidentialised Unit Record File (CURF), Feb 2006. Released 11/05/2007. First Issue. This CURF contains data from both the monthly Labour Force Survey and related Labour Mobility supplementary survey. The Labour Mobility data is in relation to people aged 15 years and over who worked at some time during the year ending Feb 2006. In addition to standard labour force data items, Labour Mobility data provides details of changes in jobs between employers/businesses for up to three jobs and, for those people with their employer/business for the last 12 months, the changes in their job including promotion, transfer, changes in occupation and usual hours worked. Estimates can be cross-classified by demographics such as state, sex, age, marital status and country of birth, as well as labour force characteristics. This CURF is available on CD-ROM and users are able to tabulate, manipulate and analyse data to their specification. 6342.0 Working Time Arrangements, Australia, Nov 2006. Released 29/05/2007. In November 2006, there were 8.6 million employees aged 15 years and over in Australia. Of these, 92% (8 million) were employees (excluding owner managers of incorporated enterprises), of whom: 60% did not have any say in their start and finish times, 72% could choose when their holidays were taken, 38% were able to work extra hours in order to take time off, 37% usually worked extra hours or overtime, 17% usually worked shift work, 23% had earnings which varied from one pay period to the next, and 36% had hours that varied weekly or were usually required to be on call or standby. National level data. 7111.0 Principal Agricultural Commodities, Australia, Preliminary, 2005-06. Released 17/05/2007. In western Victoria and southern Queensland, early rain was more than offset by the dry rest of 2005–06 year. Victoria produced 331,000 tonnes of oats for grain in 2005–06. Preliminary estimates indicate the number of sheep and lambs in Victoria was 18.2 million head at 30 June, 2006. Victoria continued to dominate the dairy industry with a herd of 1.7 million. Victorian respondents indicated that numbers were affected by a slow recovery from drought combined with low milk prices. 7501.0 Value of Principal Agricultural Commodities Produced, Australia, Preliminary, 2005-06. Released 25/06/2007. In 2005-06, the preliminary estimate of gross value of agricultural commodities produced for Australia was $37.3 billion. Nationally, the largest sectors were slaughtering and other disposals of cattle and calves ($7.7 billion), wheat for grain ($5.1 billion) and whole milk ($3.3 billion). The gross value of all crops was $19.6 billion. The highest contributors were wheat for grain ($5.1 billion), barley, hay and grapes (each worth $1.4 billion) and sugar cane ($1.1 billion). The value of grape production decreased by 10% to $1.4 billion as production fell by 2% and the average price declined by 8% due to excess supply of wine grapes. 8153.0 Internet Activity, Australia, Mar 2007. Released 01/06/2007. At end March quarter 2007, there were 6.43 million active Internet subscribers in Australia; comprised of 761,000 business and government subscribers, and 5.67 million household subscribers. There were 4.34 million non-dial-up subscribers, compared with 2.09 million dial-up subscribers. Connections with download speeds of 1.5Mbps or greater increased by 43% in March 2007 to 1.56 million, compared to 1.09 million subscribers at end Sept 2006. Data covers only large and very large ISPs (eg >10,000 active subscribers). ABS expects to use 2006 Census data to report on Internet access by households and individuals, with a regional and socio-demographic perspective, due for release around Nov 2007. 8165.0 Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits, June 2003 to June 2006. Released 26/02/2007. This publication presents counts of businesses sourced from ABS's Business Register, and includes a breakdown of businesses which have commenced or ceased trading. Related datacubes (released 31/05/07) contain additional cross classified information, including: industry, state/territory, postcode, employment and turnover size. There were 1,963,907 actively trading businesses in Australia at June 2006. Property and business services had the greatest number of businesses (492,453; or 25% of total), followed by construction (16%), retail trade (11%) and agriculture, forestry and fishing (11%). There were 807,581 (41.1%) employing businesses and 1,156,326 (58.9%) non-employing businesses. Some 65.0% of businesses operating in June 2003 were still operating in June 2006. Contains state level data, and 2 datacubes at postcode level. See also cat. no. 8164.0 article in the information paper section. INFORMATION PAPERS, RESEARCH PAPERS AND CLASSIFICATIONS 1351.0.55.018 Research Paper: Methodology of Evaluating the Quality of Probabilistic Linking, Apr 2007. Released 05/04/2007. First Issue. ABS will begin formation of a Statistical Longitudinal Census Data Set (SLCD) by choosing a 5% sample of people from the 2006 population census to be linked probabilistically with subsequent censuses. A long-term aim is to use longitudinal demographic data to shed light on a variety of issues which cannot be addressed using cross-sectional data. The SLCD may be further enhanced by probabilistically linking it with births, deaths, immigration settlements or disease registers. This paper describes recent developments in data linking at ABS, outlines the methodology and quality measures considered, and summarises preliminary results using Census Dress Rehearsal data. 1352.0.55.081 Research Paper: Searching for Coherence between Spatial and Temporal Measures of Price Change (Methodology Advisory Committee), Nov 2006. Released 11/04/2007. First Issue. Estimates of purchasing power parity (PPP) provide the key to making meaningful comparisons of prices and incomes between countries. It has been common practice for international statistical agencies in the PPP programme to synthesise annual estimates by interpolating and projecting PPP benchmark data, using estimates of annual price change and real growth from the time-series system of national accounts. These projections are sometimes found to be misleading. Conceptually, inconsistencies are expected to arise between spatial and temporal indexes. However, it is imperative to also understand the role of factors such as inconsistent data and measurement errors. 1352.0.55.082 Research Paper: Measuring Option Values and the Economic Benefits of Completing Secondary Education (Methodology Advisory Committee), Nov 2006. Released 24/05/2007. First Issue. This study attempts to calculate the option values generated by completing secondary education, which are the opportunities for obtaining more advanced human capital skills through undertaking tertiary study programs. It uses a lifetime labour income approach, which measures economic benefits of completing secondary education by additions to lifetime labour incomes due to additional schooling activities. 1406.0.55.004 Managing ABS Confidential Unit Record Files (CURFs): A Step by Step Guide, 2007. Released 15/05/2007. Provides users of ABS microdata with an overview of the process of applying for CURFs, and managing CURF access and data. 2940. Information Paper: Measuring Net Undercount in the 2006 Population Census, 2007. Released 05/06/2007. In such a large and complex exercise as the Population Census, it is inevitable that some people will be missed and some included more than once. This paper provides information on the 2006 Census Post Enumeration Survey, and the methodology used to estimate net undercount. 3317.0.55.001 Information Paper: External Causes of Death, Data Quality, 2005. Released 11/04/2007. First Issue. This paper documents and explains the way in which ABS cause of death statistics (particularly external causes of death) are produced, provides advice to data users about current quality issues concerning external causes of death, and assists in interpreting the data. Data on external causes of death are used for injury surveillance, and to support the development of policy for disease and injury prevention. 8164.0 Discussion paper: The first iteration of the Business Longitudinal Database, 2004-05. Released 10/05/2007. First Issue. Provides an overview of Business Longitudinal Database (BLD) data and examples of its analytical potential. The BLD comprises characteristics and financial data sourced from the first Business Characteristics Survey (BCS), Australian Tax Office administrative data (including BAS and BIT data), as well as data on exports and imports from Australian Customs Service. Whilst the publication contains some initial data from the BLD, its primary purpose is to encourage feedback from BLD users as to the adequacy of topics and financial variables contained in BLD, and the methodology by which productivity is measured. Revision of Australian Standard Research Classification (ASRC 1998). ABS is currently undertaking a review of the ASRC after 10 years. ABS uses the research classification to collect and publish nationwide R&D statistics; and a range of other organisations use it for analytical, comparative, and policy development. The revised classification, tentatively named Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) 2008, is expected to be published in March 2008. Contact David Brett on Canberra (02) 6252 5619. OTHER SELECTED RELEASES 1338.1 New South Wales in Focus, 2007. Released 17/05/2007 1352.0.55.083 Research Paper: Measuring and Correcting for Information Loss in Confidentialised Census Counts (Methodology Advisory Committee), Nov 2006. Released 21/06/2007 1383.0.55.001 Measures of Australia's Progress: Summary Indicators, 2007 (Edition 1). Released 26/04/2007 2914.0 2006 Census of Population and Housing - Fact Sheets, 2006. Released 02/04/2007 4159.0.30.001 General Social Survey: Basic Confidentialised Unit Record File, 2006. Released 12/06/2007 4172.0 Arts and Culture in Australia: A Statistical Overview, 2007. Released 18/06/2007 4710.0.55.001 Community Housing and Infrastructure Needs Survey, Australia, Data Dictionary, 2006. Released 31/05/2007. First Issue 4722.0.55.001 The health and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women: A snapshot, 2004-05. Released 14/05/2007. First Issue 4722.0.55.002 Older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: A snapshot, 2004-05. Released 29/05/2007. First Issue 4722.0.55.003 Law and justice statistics - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: a snapshot, 2006. Released 14/05/2007. First Issue 6202.0.30.001 - Labour Force Survey and Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership, Australia: Basic Confidentialised Unit Record File, Aug 2006. Released 01/06/2007 6292.0 Information Paper: Forthcoming Changes to Labour Force Statistics, 2007. Released 21/05/2007 6359.0 Forms of Employment, Australia, Nov 2006. Released 27/04/2007 6537.0 Government Benefits, Taxes and Household Income, Australia, 2003-04. Released 13/06/2007. Main Economic Indicators (MEIs) Also released during the past quarter were a number of monthly and quarterly MEIs which can be accessed from the ABS website home page <>. Examples of MEIs include: housing finance, building approvals, labour force, consumer price index, sales of new motor vehicles, and retail trade. Free ABS publications online. All ABS electronic publications from 1998 onwards are available free from <>. ABS STATISTICAL TRAINING ABS Victorian Office Training Program Basic Statistical Analysis - 5 & 6 September $750.00 This computer based course develops practical skills in summarising and displaying survey data in graphical and tabular form. It provides the tools for finding simple relationships in survey data and testing for statistically significant differences in past and current survey results. Turning Data Into Information (TDII) - 14 & 15 August $750.00 This course develops skills in interpreting, displaying and communicating data clearly and effectively. Analytical thinking skills are developed to enable the transformation of data into meaningful written information. Making Quality Informed Decisions - 16 October $450.00 This course introduces the concept of 'wholistic quality' through the use of data quality framework for a statistical collection. The framework ensures that users of statistics are able to assess whether the statistics are fit for their intended use. This course aims to provide a framework to evaluate the quality of available data sources and use this knowledge in the decision-making process. Basic Survey Design - 21 & 22 November $750.00 This course aims to provide a broad overview of all facets of survey development. Topics include developing survey objectives, advantages and disadvantages of various collection methodologies, questionnaire design, data processing, reporting of results and management of the design process. For further information go to the ABS website <>. Select 'Services We Provide' then 'ABS Training' or contact Maxine McDermott on (03) 9615 7080 or email <>. POINTS OF CONTACT Victorian Statistics Advisory Forum (VSAF) VSAF is a major forum for statistical liaison between Victorian Government Agencies and ABS. The following group of departmental representatives meet 3 times each year. VSAF Chair Copies of Statistics Victoria are available free for electronic dissemination. There are two ways to access an electronic copy of the newsletter: 1. Subscribe to this newsletter by contacting Alan Page on (03) 9615 7899 or email <>. ABS encourages further dissemination of this newsletter through email, or by its placement on your organisation's intranet. 2. Go to the ABS website <>. Select 'News & Media' then 'ABS Newsletters' and then 'Statistics Victoria'. You can access current and previous copies of Statistics Victoria, as well as many other ABS newsletters. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.