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In this issue Leadership handover in ABS Victoria Statistical Coordination Branch After nearly six years in Statistical Coordination Branch, Joseph Salvatore is off to lead the Business Register Unit in ABS's Melbourne office. He has enjoyed working with state government colleagues, and been consistently impressed with the professionalism and knowledge displayed by Victorian State Government officials. From January 2007, Marie Apostolou will act in the Director's role. Marie has an academic background in economics, business law and statistics at Melbourne and LaTrobe Universities. Her honours thesis addressed modelling long-term unemployment. She worked for CSIRO and DEETYA, before joining ABS in 1994. She has worked in ABS's Information Consultancy, Business Register Unit, Service Industries Surveys and other areas. Marie is very much looking forward to heading up Statistical Coordination. She becomes one of the key faces with whom Victoria government agencies, especially, will become very familiar. In the immediate period, she is keen to meet people and build on past work done by Joseph and others in developing strong and collaborative relationships with Victorian agencies. She looks forward to meeting many key users in agencies over the months ahead. Marie Apostolou can be contacted on Melbourne (03) 9615 7500 or email <>. Victorian Statistics Advisory Forum meeting of 6 December 2006 The Victorian Statistics Advisory Forum (VSAF) held its final meeting for 2006 on 5 December. Key items for discussion included a Victorian Government Population Projections paper and the 2007 Victorian State Statistical Priorities paper. The second half of the meeting covered two presentations: a progress report on Growing Victoria Together (GVT) indicators and iPlace (a support tool for Place Based Management). Mr Vin Martin, Chair of VSAF and Victorian Government representative on the Australian Statistics Advisory Council (ASAC) provided members with an overview of issues discussed at the last ASAC meeting (28 November). Issues included concern over the dwindling focus in universities on statistical training, development of a Standard Business Reporting system to enable businesses to meet a range of government reporting requirements, and an overview of ABS's forward work program. Mr Vince Lazzaro, Regional Director of ABS's Victorian Office, provided an update on recent ABS activity. He noted the processing of the 2006 Census of Population and Housing was proceeding according to schedule, with first release data due July 2007. Mr Joseph Salvatore, Director of ABS Victoria's Statistical Coordination branch, then led a discussion of 2007 State Statistical Priorities. This concluded with an agreement by members to establish a working group which will discuss and further evaluate Victoria's new and emerging priorities, prior to the February State Statistical Forum. Mr John Hanna and Mr Jeremy Reynolds (DSE) reported back to members on the VSAF working group report on Population Projections. The working group was established in recognition of the increasing demand for population projections, and the need to ensure that there is a single, authorised set of population projections that are able to meet diverse departmental requirements. The second half of the meeting included two presentations: Ms Sabdha Charlton (Implementation Unit, DPC) reported on progress against the Growing Victoria Together indicators. Ms Hylkia DeGreve (DPC) then followed with a demonstration of the iPlace website, which aims to be a support tool for place based management. For further information on VSAF contact Antonella Caruso, Assistant Director, Statistical Coordination Branch on Melbourne (03) 9615-7860 or email <>. Proven value of ABS outpostings The need for statistical data and expertise continues to grow as more emphasis is placed on evidence based policy development and evaluation. The outposted officer is one of the best ways ABS has to provide statistical support to State agencies and other organisations. This service is tailored to the agency 's particular needs. Outpostings have been part of ABS Victoria's data and service provision role to State agencies for several decades. At present, there are ABS Victorian outposted officers located in Departments of Premier and Cabinet (DPC), Treasury and Finance (DTF), Sustainability and Environment (DSE) and Primary Industries (DPI). There are also outposted officers to the Commonwealth's Productivity Commission (Melbourne head office); McCaughey Centre, University of Melbourne (assisting with Victorian Community Indicators); and negotiations with the Department for Victorian Communities (DVC) are under way. Outpostings are shaped to meet particular host agency needs. An ABS outposting may assist with a particular statistical project or issue, and occur for a short period of 3-6 months. The officer's work could involve assisting with specific survey and questionnaire design, or locating ABS data and related sources. Many outpostings have diverse and longer-term purposes, and may provide a conduit for varied data requests. Outpostings over the years have assisted ABS to better understand the needs and strategic environment of State agencies. This has brought positive results to how ABS's national work program caters for State government needs. Outpostings have helped bring ABS Victoria closer to many State agencies. In an era when ABS is placing greater emphasis on acquiring and confidentialising administrative data for statistical outputs, outpostings can assist in harnessing a wider range of sub-State level data. Diverse services flow from ABS outpostings. Christine Kilmartin is a senior policy officer at DSE, where an ABS outposting is presently located. She has wide experience of using ABS and other data in policy development, and actively ensuring that the statistical needs of State agencies are met. She notes that, "A well-oiled ABS outposting adds considerable value to the way in which departments can arrive at an evidence base for their policy and program development. It also helps a department interpret data correctly, find that elusive statistic, link its own people together in thematic discussion, analyse complex trends ....and be responsive to those rushed demands from on high. In addition, it provides a feedback into ABS about the day-to-day workings of departments and new knowledge horizons emerging from paper-heavy desks". Christine provides some valuable thoughts on how the ABS outposting system might be further developed. She says, "The difficulty of having an ABS outposted officer is that they soon become known - and stretched. There may be no way around that, but a succession system which helps train the next generation of ABS outposted officers, by allowing them to work alongside those who now perform this several-handed task majestically, will go some way to making sure that departmental needs are well met by this excellent ABS service. There is no getting away from the fact that job specifications for ABS outpostings need to include words such as versatile, able to talk with people, experienced in a wide range of ABS areas and operations, and just plain hard-working". Vin Martin is chairperson of the Victorian Statistics Advisory Forum, which comprises senior representatives of all Victorian Government departments. Vin has noted, "Outposted officers are the public face of ABS in Victorian Government departments. Outposted officers add considerable value in proactively anticipating data needs of departments, providing unique on-the-job training to support the proper use and interpretation of statistics by departmental analysts, and contributing innovative advice on the best ways to present information". For further information about ABS outpostings contact Marie Apostolou, Director, Statistical Coordination Branch, (03) 9615 7500; <>. Service Industry Survey development commences April 2007 ABS is planning to conduct surveys on pubs, taverns and bars; clubs (hospitality); public libraries; museums; and legal practices in respect of 2007-08 financial year. The Service Industry National Statistics Centre (SI-NSC) will commence consultation with relevant stakeholders in April 2007. The aim of stakeholder consultation is to develop a common understanding between ABS and key clients of each survey's purpose, and survey requirements relative to this purpose (priority). That is, identify and prioritise the content, accuracy, and scope; and explore significant issues that could impact on survey development, implementation or output. To identify relevant stakeholders for consultation in the broad development phase, the SI-NSC will contact those organisations that made relevant submissions to the 2005 Service Industry Survey Forward Work Program review. If you did not make a review submission, but would still like to be included in development of any of these surveys or want further information, please contact Gabrielle Robbie, Acting Director, SI-NSC in Canberra on (02) 6252 6133 or email <>. National Data Network update: Child and Youth portal The National Data Network (NDN) is being developed by ABS on behalf of a consortium of agencies to provide trusted infrastructure for sharing data and associated tools and services, relevant to policy and research across sectors and jurisdictions. The NDN is a federated system of data access which does not involve any change of custodianship of data holdings. The NDN is currently in demonstration phase with a small number of participating agencies. As part of NDN development, a number of pilot projects are being initiated to demonstrate network functionality. The development of a Children and Youth portal is the first pilot project underway. The portal will provide:
Children and Youth portal development will occur in three phases. Phase 1 will establish the infrastructure, phase 2 will focus on acquiring a range of data relevant to Children and Youth, and phase 3 will release the portal for custodian and user communities. Further details on project phases will be released regularly through the NDN newsletter and web site <>. Agencies interested in participating can contact Lorraine Cornehls on Canberra (02) 6252 6079 or email <>. For further information about NDN please contact the NDN Business Office at <>. State and Regional Indicators, Victoria A quarterly publication that contains recently released statistical information about the whole of Victoria. Data is sourced from ABS and non-ABS collections; and provides economic, social and environment measures. Data is presented for varying levels of geography, including: Victoria; Melbourne and Balance of Victoria; and down to Local Government Area for some series. The publication's aim is to enable comparison over time and between regions. Core data, such as estimated resident population, state final demand, labour force statistics, price indexes, building approvals, air quality, and water storage volume is complemented by periodic annual data; including the condition of main roads, recorded crime offences, life expectancy at birth, government owned housing stock and other datasets. 'Trends in Fertility' was the feature article in September quarter's 2006 SRIV (released 26 Oct, 2006). In 2004, the total fertility rate for Balance of Victoria was 1.9 babies per woman, while Melbourne had 1.6 babies per woman. For these and other Victorian statistics see ‘State and Regional Indicators, Victoria’ (cat. no. 1367.2). Contact Christine Sergi on Melbourne (03) 9615 7695 or email <>. Selected recent releases 1379.0.55.001 National Regional Profile, 2000-2004. Released 20/11/2006.
Contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or email <>. 3301.0 Births, Australia, 2005. Released 17/10/2006.
3302.0 Deaths, Australia, 2005. Released 30/11/2006.
3307.0.55.001 Divorces, Australia, 2005. Released 02/11/2006.
4610.0.55.003 Water Access Entitlements, Allocations and Trading, 2004-05. Released 13/10/2006. First Issue.
4819.0.55.001 Asthma in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05. Released 13/10/2006. Presents a brief overview of the prevalence, health status, and other characteristics of people with asthma. In 2004-05, there were approximately 2 million (10%) people in Australia who reported asthma as a current long term condition. Asthma prevalence peaked at a much earlier age for males (10-14 years) than for females (20-24 years). Of children aged 0-14 years, boys were more likely to have asthma than girls (13% compared with 10%). After 15 years of age, females were more likely than males to report having asthma (12% of females compared with 8% of males). Some 55% of people with asthma used pharmaceutical medications to prevent and/or relieve their asthma symptoms. Contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or email <>. 4825.0.55.001 Injury in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05. Released 13/10/2006.
5368.0.55.006 Number and Characteristics of Australian Exporters, 2005-06. Released 24/10/2006. First Issue. There were 42,194 Australian exporters in 2005-06: 40,849 exporters of merchandise goods, and 2,513 exporters of services. An estimated 46% of export service businesses also exported merchandise goods. There were 216 goods exporters with aggregate exports of $100m or more, and although less than 1% of the total goods exporter population, they contributed 77% by value to total goods exports. In contrast, 67% of goods exporters contributed less than 1% by value to total goods exports. The highest number of goods exporters were in wholesale trade 11,834 (29%) and manufacturing 10,358 (25%). The average value of exports per business was $3.7m. Mining had the highest average value of aggregate exports ($123.9m per exporter), followed by manufacturing ($4.5m), finance and insurance ($2.9m) and wholesale trade ($2.5m). The lowest average value occurred in health and community services, and cultural and recreational services, with approximately $0.2m per business. The total value of Australian goods exports was $152.4b, and total service exports $41.9b, totalling $194.3b. In 2005-06, 31% of Australia's total goods exports came from Western Australia, followed by Queensland (23%), New South Wales (18%) and Victoria (12%). Western Australia ($26.9b) and Queensland ($20.5b) had combined mining exports of $47.3b, representing 79% of total mining industry exports. New South Wales ($11.9b) and Victoria ($9.9b) contributed 47% to total manufactured good export value. Some 9,984 goods exporters reported Victoria as their main location, and exported $18.9 bil worth of goods.
Contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or email <>. 6209.0 Labour Mobility, Feb 2006. Reissued 12/12/2006.
Contact Gabrielle Robbie on Canberra (02) 6252 6133 or email <>. 9309.0 Motor Vehicle Census, Australia, 31 Mar 2006. Released 29/11/2006. There were 14.4 million motor vehicles, including motorcycles, registered in Australia at 31 March, 2006. This is an increase of 12.0% since the 2002 Motor Vehicle Census (MVC), when there were 12.8 million vehicles. Average annual growth over these four years was 2.9%. The passenger vehicle fleet has grown from 10.1 million in 2002 to 11.2 million in 2006, an increase of 10.8%. Motorcycles (24.8%) and campervans (18.1%) showed the largest growth over the four years. Light commercial vehicles rose by 16.2%, rigid trucks 12.3% and articulated trucks 12.2%. Buses (7.4%) had the smallest growth. Victoria had 3.7 million registered vehicles (26.1% of total Australia). In 2006, there were 699 motor vehicles per 1,000 resident population in Australia, compared with 654 vehicles in 2002, an increase of 45 vehicles per 1,000 residents. The average age of vehicles registered in Australia in 2006 was 10.1 years. Some 11.2 million Australian vehicles (78.1% of total vehicle fleet) used unleaded petrol, 1.5 million (10.6%) diesel fuel, and 1.3 million (9.0%) leaded petrol. Motorcycles accounted for 3.2% of all vehicles, up slightly from 2.9% in 2002. Contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or email <>. Information papers, research papers and classifications 2901.0 ABS Census Dictionary. Released 27/11/2006. The reissue of ABS's Census Dictionary (2901.0) provides a strong resource to Victorian policy analysts and researchers seeking to work out their Census 2006 data requirements. The five-yearly Census of Population and Housing offers an excellent, detailed picture of the Australian community in all its diversity. A new part of the Census Dictionary concerns managing census quality. Topics covered in this section include respondent error, processing error, undercount, quality assurance of Census products, and where to find data quality information. The What's New for 2006 section advises on new topics, classifications and changed or deleted variables. The 2006 Census Classifications section describes standard output variables for which data can be produced, and is an essential resource for users who wish to specify tables customised to their specific needs, or to derive their own data from the Census web site. The dictionary finishes off with a comprehensive glossary of terms and a full copy 2006 Census household form. The dictionary can be easily accessed and downloaded free from the ABS website ( It will provide Victorian government users with a comprehensive guide to making full and accurate use of 2006 Census data, as well as Census time series data over a longer stretch. Contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or email <>. 3127.0.55.001 Information Paper: Evaluation of Administrative Data Sources for Use in Quarterly Estimation of Interstate Migration, 2006 to 2011. Released 16/10/2006. First Issue. This report has seven sections covering potential data sources: Medicare Australia data; taxation data; Australia Post data; school enrolment data; driver licence data; Australian electoral roll data; and electricity connections data. This report concluded that Medicare Australia data remains the best source for use in quarterly interstate migration estimates. Contact Georgia Mitchell on Canberra (02) 6252 7185 or email <>. 5204.0.55.003 Information Paper: Implementing New Estimates of Hours Worked into the Australian National Accounts, 2006. Released 01/11/2006.
1001.0 Australian Bureau of Statistics - Annual Report, 2005-06. Released 11/10/2006 1200.0.55.001 Disability Variables, 2006. Released 03/10/2006 2033.2.55.001 Census of Population and Housing: Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA), Victoria - Data Cube Only, 2001. Released 05/10/2006 3201.0 Population by Age and Sex, Australian States and Territories, Jun 2006. Released 13/12/2006 3302.0.55.001 Life Tables, Victoria, 2003 to 2005. Released 30/11/2006 3301.0 Births, Australia, 2005. Released 17/10/2006 3306.0.55.001 Marriages, Australia, 2005. Released 13/12/2006 4156.0 Sport and Recreation: A Statistical Overview, Australia, 2006 Edition 2. Released 10/11/2006 4183.0 Cultural Funding by Government, Australia, 2004-05 (Reissue). Released 26/10/2006 4512.0 Corrective Services, Australia, Sep 2006. Released 01/12/2006 4602.0 Environmental Issues: People's Views and Practices, Mar 2006. Released 21/11/2006 4834.0.55.001 Changes in Health: A snapshot, 2004-05. Released 13/12/2006 4835.0.55.001 Physical Activity in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05. Released 21/12/2006 4901.0 Children's Participation in Cultural and Leisure Activities, Australia, Apr 2006. Released 15/12/2006 4906.0.55.002 Personal Safety Survey, Australia, Expanded Confidentialised Unit Record File, Technical Manual, 2005. Released 05/12/2006 4913.0.55.001 Pregnancy and Employment Transitions, Australia, Expanded Confidentialised Unit Record File, Nov 2005. Released 06/11/2006 5202.0 Spotlight on National Accounts, 2006. Released 15/11/2006 5206.0 Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, Sep 2006. Released 06/12/2006 5220.0 Australian National Accounts: State Accounts, 2005-06. Reissue. Released 13/11/2006 5501.0.55.001 Government Financial Estimates, Australia, 2006-07. Reissue. Released 08/11/2006 6227.0 Education and Work, Australia, May 2006. Released 13/12/2006 6324.0 Work-Related Injuries, Australia, 2005-06. Released 20/12/2006 8109.0 Research and Experimental Development, Government and Private Non-Profit Organisations, Australia, 2004-05. Released 06/10/2006 8112.0 Research and Experimental Development, All Sector Summary, Australia, 2004-05. Released 11/10/2006 8226.0 Electricity, Gas, Water and Sewerage Operations, Australia, 2004-05. Released 13/10/2006 Main Economic Indicators (MEIs). Also released during the past quarter were a number of monthly and quarterly MEIs which can be accessed from the ABS website home page <>. Examples of MEIs include: housing finance, labour force, consumer price index and retail trade. Free ABS publications online. All ABS electronic publications from 1998 onwards are available free from <>. ABS statistical training and information seminars ABS Victorian Office Training Program - January to December, 2007 Venue : 485 LaTrobe Street, Melbourne Course costs: 1 Day $450.00, 2 Days $750.00 Basic Statistical Analysis 3 & 4 April and 5 & 6 September This computer based course develops practical skills in summarising and displaying survey data in graphical and tabular form. It provides the tools for finding simple relationships in survey data and testing for statistically significant differences in past and current survey results. Turning Data Into Information (TDII) April 18 & 19 and August 14 & 15 This course develops skills in interpreting, displaying and communicating data clearly and effectively. Analytical thinking skills are developed to enable the transformation of data into meaningful written information. Making Quality Informed Decisions 17 May & 16 October This course introduces the concept of 'wholistic quality' through the use of data quality framework for a statistical collection. The framework ensures that users of statistics are able to assess whether the statistics are fit for their intended use. This course aims to provide a framework to evaluate the quality of available data sources and use this knowledge in the decision-making process. Basic Survey Design 26 & 27 June and 21 & 22 November This course aims to provide a broad overview of all facets of survey development. Topics include developing survey objectives, advantages and disadvantages of various collection methodologies, questionnaire design, data processing, reporting of results and management of the design process. For further information go to the ABS website <>. Select 'Services We Provide' then 'ABS Training' or contact Maxine McDermott on (03) 9615 7080 or email <>. Census Information Sessions In Regional Victoria During first half of 2007, ABS Victoria will be conducting free information sessions in regional centres and metropolitan Melbourne, to raise awareness about how ABS can assist regional organisations and individuals with their information needs. Whilst forthcoming 2006 Census output will be a major focus, sessions will be presented in the wider context of ABS's role and what's relevant to regional users. This includes statistical training, school services. website information and regional profiles. Regional centres to be visited include: Ballarat (16/5), Bendigo (23/5), Churchill (near Morwell, 19/4), Geelong (3/4), Horsham (22-23/2), Mildura (29/5), Shepparton (31/5), Warrnambool (24/4), Wodonga (1/6). Metropolitan Melbourne sessions will include Frankston (28/3), Lilydale (29/3), Pakenham (20/3), Whittlesea (26/3) and Werribee (19/3). For full details concerning actual venues and dates, please go to <>, then Census Reference and Information, then 2006 Census, then Information sessions. Or contact Heather Burns on Melbourne (03) 9615 7535 or email <>, or Robert Letheby on (03) 9615 7423 or email <>. POINTS OF CONTACT Victorian Statistics Advisory Forum (VSAF) VSAF is a major forum for statistical liaison between Victorian Government Agencies and ABS. The following group of departmental representatives meet 3 times each year. VSAF Chair To subscribe to this newsletter contact Alan Page on (03) 9615 7899 or email <>. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.