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Consumer Price Index: 17th series weighting pattern

Provides the 17th series CPI weights, points contributions and average weekly household expenditures and weighted average for eight capital cities


Main features

This data cube, which can be found in the Data downloads section, is a spreadsheet that contains the detailed household expenditure weighting pattern that is used in the 17th series Australian Consumer Price Index (CPI). These weights will be used to calculate the CPI from December quarter 2017.

The CPI is an important economic indicator. It provides a general measure of changes in prices of consumer goods and services acquired by Australian households. Since 1960, the ABS has maintained a program of periodic reviews of the CPI to ensure that it continues to meet community needs. The 17th series CPI will be introduced in respect of the December quarter 2017 and will be linked to the 16th series at the September quarter 2017. For more information regarding the 17th series CPI, please refer to Information Paper: Introduction of the 17th Series Australian Consumer Price Index, 2017 (cat. no. 6470.0.55.001).

The 17th series CPI will contain a new household expenditure weighting pattern (using 2015-16 Household Expenditure Survey (HES) data and data from other sources). This data cube contains detailed weighting information by group, sub–group and expenditure class for the 17th series CPI including:

  • household expenditure weights by capital city and for the weighted average of eight capital cities;
  • percentage contributions of each city to the weighted average of eight capital cities;
  • points contribution to All groups CPI by capital city and for the weighted average of eight capital cities; and
  • average weekly household expenditure (in September quarter 2017 prices) by capital city and for the weighted average of eight capital cities (which are used to produce the weighting pattern).

Explanatory notes

This data cube provides six tables containing the 17th series Australian Consumer Price Index (CPI) weights and average weekly household expenditure. The 17th series weights were derived from the 2015-16 Household Expenditure Survey (HES) and other data sources. An explanation regarding the data in each table is set out below. Any discrepancies between totals and sums of components in this publication are due to rounding.

Table 1.

CPI weights, September quarter 2017, Weighted average of eight capital cities, shows the percentage contribution of each CPI group, sub–group and expenditure class to the All groups CPI for the weighted average of eight capital cities. Each column will add to 100%. Each component series will add to the next level. For example, the weights for expenditure classes 'Bread', 'Cakes and biscuits', 'Breakfast cereals’ and ‘Other cereal products' will add to the sub–group 'Bread and cereal products' which, along with the other sub–groups, will add to the group 'Food and non–alcoholic beverages'. 

Table 2.

CPI weights, September quarter 2017, Eight capital cities and Weighted average of eight capital cities, is similar to Table 1 but shows the weights for each capital city as well as the weighted average of eight capital cities. The final column, weighted average of eight capital cities, in this table is consistent with Table 1.

Table 3.

CPI weights, September quarter 2017, Capital city percentage contribution to the Weighted average of eight capital cities, shows the percentage contribution of each city to the weighted average of eight capital cities by group, sub–group and expenditure class. In this table, each row will add to 100%. For the expenditure class 'Beef and veal', Sydney (29.05%) and Melbourne (28.38%) contribute the most to the weighted average of eight capital cities for this expenditure class. Darwin (1.02%) has the smallest contribution.

Table 4.

Points contribution to All groups CPI, September quarter 2017, Eight capital cities and Weighted average of eight capital cities, shows the index points contribution of each CPI group, sub–group and expenditure class to the All groups CPI for the eight capital cities and the weighted average of eight capital cities. Each column will add to the September quarter 2017 All groups CPI index number. This table shows the same information as Table 2 but is expressed in a different way. For example, the points contribution of 'Garments for women' in Brisbane (1.57) to the All groups CPI index number, Brisbane (111.4) is 1.57/111.4=1.41%. This is equivalent to the percentage contribution of 'Garments for women' in Brisbane to the All groups CPI in Table 2.

Table 5.

CPI average weekly household expenditure, September quarter 2017, Eight capital cities and Weighted average of eight capital cities ($), shows the average weekly household expenditure (in September quarter 2017 prices) by capital city and the weighted average of eight capital cities by group, sub–group and expenditure class. This data was used to construct the 17th series CPI weights. For example, the average weekly expenditure for 'Vegetables' in Melbourne is $21.26 out of the total average weekly expenditure for Melbourne of $1,610.86. This proportion, $21.26/$1,610.86 = 1.32%, is the same as the percentage contribution of ‘Vegetables’ to the All groups CPI for Melbourne, found in Table 2.

Table 6.

Comparison between the 16th and 17th series CPI weights, Weighted average of eight capital cities, shows the comparison between the 16th series CPI weights in the June quarter 2011 and the 17th series CPI weights in the September quarter 2017 for each group, sub–group and expenditure class at the weighted average of eight capital cities. Each column will add to 100%. Please note the 17th series includes a number of updates which should be considered when comparing the 17th series weights to the 16th series weights. These include an updated geographical coverage and changes to data sources and methodologies in deriving the weights.

More information on the 17th series weights can be found in Information Paper: Introduction of the 17th Series Australian Consumer Price Index, 2017 (cat. no. 6470.0.55.001).

Please note the weights and average weekly household expenditure represents the average across all households, not an ‘average’ or ‘typical’ household.


For more information regarding the 17th series CPI, please contact the Consumer Price Index Section, on 02 6252 6654.

Data downloads

Consumer price index - 17th series weighting pattern 

Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 6473.0.

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