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BIRTHS AND CONFINEMENTS In 2002 there were 60,400 confinements resulting in 61,500 live births registered to mothers usually resident in Victoria. Registrations of births were 5% higher than in 2001 (58,600 births) and are the highest number recorded in Victoria since 1995. The total fertility rate, that is the average number of babies that a woman could expect to give birth to in her lifetime if she experienced current age-specific fertility rates, was 1.679 babies per woman in 2002. This is a 4% increase from the rate in 2001 and is in line with the increase in the number of births registered in 2002. TOTAL FERTILITY RATES BIRTHS AND CONFINEMENTS(a), Victoria
DEATHS In 2002, there were 33,800 registered deaths of persons usually resident in Victoria. The standardised death rate (see Glossary) was 6.6 deaths per 1,000 population, which was slightly lower than the national rate of 6.7 deaths per 1,000 population. In 2002, the upward trend in life expectancy continued for females and males in Victoria. Females born in 2002 could expect to live an average of 82.8 years compared to 80.8 years for those born in 1992, and males could expect to live an average of 77.8 years compared to 74.8 years in 1992. LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH, Victoria
DEATHS(a), Victoria
MIGRATION In assessing the contribution migration makes to the population of each state and territory, both net interstate migration and net overseas migration are included in the total net migration. In 2002, Victoria recorded the second highest net migration gain of all the States and Territories (28,400 persons). Net overseas migration contributed 26,500 persons to the growth in Victoria's population. Net overseas migration fluctuates from year to year and since 1999 it has contributed more to Victoria's population growth than natural increase. Up until 1997, in contrast to overseas migration, net interstate migration generally meant population loss. Since then, there has been a net interstate migration gain each year, although the gain in 2002 (1,900 persons) was less than in 2001 (5,500 persons). By comparison, in 1992 there was a loss from net interstate migration of 21,000 persons. INTERSTATE MIGRATION, Victoria
MARRIAGES In 2002, there were 25,000 marriages registered in Victoria. These represent a crude marriage rate of 5.2 marriages per 1,000 persons residing in Victoria, slightly lower than the national rate of 5.4 marriages per 1,000 population. Between 1992 and 2002, the number of marriages registered in Victoria declined by 12%. The decline was not uniform over this period, decreasing each year from 1993 to 1997, then increasing in both 1998 and 1999, then decreasing each year from 2000 to 2002. There has been a continual increase in median ages at marriage for brides and bridegrooms in Victoria. The median ages for brides were 26.3 years in 1992 and 29.1 years in 2002, while for bridegrooms the corresponding figures were 28.6 years and 30.9 years respectively. CRUDE MARRIAGE RATE(a)
(a) Per 1,000 population. MARRIAGES, Victoria
DIVORCES In 2001, there were 13,700 divorces granted in Victoria. These represent a crude divorce rate of 2.9 divorces per 1,000 population, the same as the national rate. The 13,700 divorces granted in 2001 are a 30% increase over the 10,500 granted in 1992. The increase in the number of divorces granted in 2001 may in part be due to the take-up of divorces through the Federal Magistrates Service. In September 2000, the Federal Magistrates Service was established to provide a simpler and accessible service for litigants and to ease the workload of both the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Court of Australia. Median duration of marriage (see Glossary) was 11.9 years in 2001 compared to 10.4 years in 1992. This increase may be partly due to the associated increase in the median interval between marriage and separation. MEDIAN DURATION OF MARRIAGE
DIVORCES, Victoria
RELATED LINKS 3101.0 Australian Demographic Statistics 3201.0 Population by Age and Sex, State and Territories 3218.0 Regional Population Growth, Australia and New Zealand 3222.0 Population Projections, Australia 3230.0 Experimental Estimates of the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Population 3231.0 Experimental Projections of the Indigenous Population 3236.0 Household and Family Projections, Australia 3301.0 Births, Australia 3302.0 Deaths, Australia 3303.0 Causes of Death, Australia 3412.0 Migration, Australia 3105.0.65.001 Australian Historical Population Statistics Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.