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In this issue: Exploring Medicare data as a source for intrastate migration statistics One ongoing Victorian Government statistical priority relates to the improved accuracy of population estimates at state and sub-state level. As part of 2003/04 and 2004-05 State Statistical Service Projects, ABS is analysing Health Insurance Commission Medicare data as a potential source for producing intrastate migration figures, to help understand drivers for regional growth in Victoria. The first report was released to Victorian State Government in September 2004, and presented first phase analysis of Medicare data at Statistical Division (SD) level. The project initially compared Medicare enrolment data to Estimated Resident Population (ERP) in order to assess Victorian population coverage. While Medicare produced Victorian population counts that were 2-3% higher than ERP, analysis by age revealed an under-coverage in Medicare for 0-4, 15-19 and 20-24 year olds. Medicare movements were then compared to 2001 Population Census movements, with results showing large differences in number of movements but similar patterns in proportion of movements by SD and age grouping. The key difference was that Medicare data produced a lower proportion of movement for 15-34 year olds. The project's next phase will build on this preliminary work, and examine whether adjustments made to Medicare data for producing interstate movements should be used for producing intrastate movement figures. The data also needs to be analysed below SD level. Contact Nancy Savic on Melbourne (03) 9615 7626 or email <>. Last VSAC meeting for 2004 to be final! The Victorian Statistical Advisory Committee (VSAC) concluded 2004 with a productive meeting on Tuesday, 7th December 2004. As with other recent meetings, all but one state government department were represented and there was valuable cross-agency discussion of things statistical. The VSAC chair, Mr Vin Martin (DTF), provided an informative session on the recently held Australian Statistics Advisory Council (ASAC) meeting. ASAC is a formally constituted council whose statutory charter is to advise the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer (The Hon Chris Pearce, MP) and the Australian Statistician (Dennis Trewin). Mr Martin, who represents the Victorian Government on the Council, noted that the Statistician's report focussed on three key areas: studies regarding new house prices indices (a key focus of current ABS work program); population estimates review conducted by Doug Norris, of Statistics Canada; and 2006 Census developments. Other issues included the ABS operations review conducted by Allens Consulting. Mr Lazzaro, ABS Regional Director, then led a discussion with VSAC on Victorian State Statistical Priorities (SSP). It was acknowledged by VSAC members that the SSP 2005 paper presented was an accurate and comprehensive list of priorities, with several priorities of particular interest to VSAC members. These included: population estimates; journey to work data; environmental issues; water; housing and homelessness; and the social impact of ageing. This discussion was followed with a presentation by Ms Jeanette Pope (Department for Victorian Communities) on Indicators of Community Strength. The presentation included outlines of the key indicators of community strength, data from DVC's 'Indicators of Community Strength' report (2004), a list of indicators alongside their various themes, and potential outcomes of this work. The presentation lead to discussion around the table concerning how community indicators relate to similar work being undertaken in other departments. VSAC concluded with discussion on findings from the Review of Operations of the Victorian Statistics Advisory Committee. The Review was independently undertaken by Mr Brown-Greaves (Occupational Services Australia) and among other things found that:
Mr Burford (DPC) thanked Mr Brown-Greaves for undertaking the VSAC review, and then led a discussion on review recommendations. Although some were amended to ensure clarity, all recommendations were endorsed by VSAC members including a change of name to Victorian Statistics Advisory Forum (VSAF). For more information please contact your department representative - see list on last page. Victorian Community Indicators Project. Further work on promotion and measurement of community well-being at local government level is underway in Victoria, with the launching of a new project, expected to run for about eighteen months. The work is an initiative of Vic Health, with partners the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) and Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA). The project supports local governments to facilitate community engagement, set priorities, plan, monitor and report on a core set of community well-being indicators. Experience to date in a range of localised projects which seek to understand, measure and advance community well-being will be strongly drawn upon, as will work by the Department for Victorian Communities (DVC) in developing Measures of Community Strength over the past year or so. The project team heading the work is chaired by Professor John Wiseman (Professor of Public Policy, Victoria University), and comprises Professor Mike Salvaris (Victoria University), Ms Anne Langworthy (Director, Centre for Regional Development, Swinburne University), Professor Hayden Raysmith (Faculty of the Built Environment, RMIT), Warwick Heine (formerly a Local Government CEO) and Neil McLean (Economic, Social, and State Statistics Unit; ABS Victoria). ABS was very pleased to be invited to fully participate in the project. This opportunity lets ABS provide the best possible data service, more fully understand contemporary needs for community well-being statistics, and provide greater coordination of data concepts and standards within this growing area of statistics. The project will be consulting and providing briefings throughout Local Government, as well as involving key State Government agencies and the general community. A wider advisory group of key stakeholders has also been established. Contact Neil McLean on Melbourne (03) 9615 7463 or email <>. 2006 Census of Population & Housing - User ConsultationABS Victoria held 2006 Census Output Strategy client meetings on 23rd and 24th November 2004, which were attended by 60 key Victorian clients from state and local government, market research organisations, and private industry. Michael Beahan, Director, Census Output is seeking feedback on ABS's proposed Census output strategy via the questionnaire in Information Paper: 2006 Census of Population and Housing, ABS Views on Census Output Strategy (cat. no. 2009.0). Michael also encourages clients interested in being kept up to date to send an email to <>. Clients will then receive Census updates by email, and invitations to future ABS consultation sessions. There are two key changes ABS is proposing in releasing 2006 Census data. The first is the move away from CD-ROM based products. This is because each time there is an error, a replacement CD-ROM has to be sent out to many clients. By having the functionality for CDATA and SEIFA on the ABS Website, any errors can be updated overnight and clients will be guaranteed correct data the following day. A Web based dissemination approach will also provide better access to ABS data for schools and libraries without the need to purchase or install CD-ROM products. ABS will continue providing Census Basics in 2006, for ABS clients who require the Basic Community Profile to add to their own GIS. ABS is also proposing, in the move away from CD-ROM based products, not to develop a full GIS version of CDATA 2006. ABS will be encouraging GIS companies, acting as ABS licensed intermediaries, to deliver a full GIS style CDATA product for 2006 Census data. The other key change for 2006 Census is that all data dissemination will be based on place of usual residence, not place of enumeration as in 2001. More details about 2006 census content, collection operations, privacy protection, confidentially, processing and evaluation activity will be contained in 2006 Census of Population and Housing: Nature and Content (cat. no. 2008.0) to be released in February 2005. The Victorian ABS office will host a second round of 2006 Census User Consultation meetings in 2005. ABS is also seeking early client feedback on the proposed 2006 Community Profiles, including: basic, time series, expanded, working population, indigenous and usual resident series. Clients are welcome to provide comments against the points below:
Written feedback can be sent to Heather Burns by email: <>. Differential pricing of ABS publications. During 2004, both hardcopy and electronic versions of ABS publications carried the same price. As of 1 January 2005, electronic versions of all new publications will be priced approximately 28% lower than the equivalent hard copy publications. The ABS does not apply pricing changes retrospectively so all ABS Publications released before 2005 will retain the same charge applied to hardcopy and electronic versions. SELECTED RECENT RELEASES Victorian publications 1367.2 State and Regional Indicators, Victoria, Sept 2004. Released 11/11/2004. State and Regional Indicators, Victoria (SRIV) is a quarterly publication that contains recently released statistical information about the whole of Victoria. Data is sourced from ABS and non-ABS collections. It provides measures according to a triple bottom line of economic, social and environment elements; and enables comparison over time and between regions. Core data such as estimated resident population, state final demand, labour force, price indexes, building approvals, air quality, and water storage volume are complemented by periodic annual data including the condition of main roads, recorded crime offences, life expectancy at birth, government owned housing stock and others. In June quarter 2004, the value of total engineering construction work done in Victoria was $1,365.3 million, the highest quarterly value since the series began in 1986. This issue also contains a feature on the status of Indigenous people in Victoria based on 2002 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey findings. At 30 June 2001, the experimental estimate of resident Indigenous population of Victoria was 27,846 persons, or 0.6% of total Victorian population. Contact Neil McLean on Melbourne (03) 9615 7463 or email <>. National publications with Victorian data 1329.0.55.001 Vineyards Estimates, Australia, Preliminary, 2003-04. Released 15/10/2004. This release contains preliminary estimates for major items only from the vineyards collection. Preliminary estimates show total Australian production of grapes increased by 34% for the 2004 harvest to a record 2.0 million tonnes. This compares with the 2003 harvest of 1.5 million tonnes. The largest producing state, South Australia, recorded an increase in production of 44% to 889,000 tonnes. The next largest producing states also recorded significant increases: Victorian production increased by 33% to 540,000 tonnes; and New South Wales production increased by 19% to 460,000 tonnes. Contact Jenny Spencer on Hobart (03) 6222 5974 or email <>. 1371.0 Book Retailers, Australia, 2002-03. Released 21/09/2004. This publication presents results from the 2002-03 Book Retailers Survey, which collected information from businesses in four retail industries: Newspaper, book and stationery retailing (where all employing businesses were in scope); Department stores; Supermarket and grocery stores; and Retailing n.e.c. (where only businesses employing 200 or more people were in scope). Sales of books by these businesses is estimated to cover 97% of book sales by employing businesses to final consumers in Australia. The publication provides details on the number and value of books purchased and sold in Australia, as well as information on book related operations of the four industries named above. Information is provided on the detailed operations of Australian bookshops, including employment, expenses and income. In Victoria, there were 186 head offices, employment numbered 2,276 persons, and $52.6m in wages and salaries were paid. The 264 Victorian retail locations earned $370.8m income. Contact Tammie Davis on Adelaide (08) 8237 7329 or email <>. 3105.0.65.001 Australian Historical Population Statistics. Released 01/10/2004. An electronic product containing a wide range of demographic data in spreadsheet format, going back where possible, to the beginning of European settlement (1788) in Australia. Statistics are included on population size and growth, population distribution, population age-sex structure, births, deaths, migration, marriages and divorces. Explanatory notes, a glossary and introductory text are included. Good coverage at state level. Contact Cassandra Eaves on Canberra (02) 6252 6384 or email < >. 3238.0 Experimental Estimates and Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 1991 to 2009. New issue, released 27/09/2004 This publication contains experimental estimates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) population based on the 2001 Census of Population and Housing, plus experimental projections for 2002 to 2009. Data is referenced to 30 June 2001, for the 36 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission regions. There is also an electronic data cube available: 3238.0.55.002 Experimental Projections of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, ATSIC regions, 2001-09. Contact Mohammed Shahidullah on Canberra (02) 6252 5129 or email <>. 3301.0 Births, Australia, 2003. Released 25/11/2004. In 2003, there were 251,200 births registered in Australia; an increase of 200 births on 2002, and the highest since 1997. Australia's total fertility rate (TFR) in 2003 was 1.75 babies per woman, slightly below the 1.76 in 2002. Over the past six years, the TFR has been relatively stable, varying between 1.73 and 1.76 since 1998. For the fourth consecutive year, women aged 30–34 years experienced the highest fertility of all age groups, with a rate of 113 babies per 1,000 women. Women aged 25-29 years experienced the second highest fertility in 2003 (103 babies per 1,000 women). Western Australia recorded the largest increase in births in 2003 (up 700 over 2002 registrations) followed by Queensland (up 600); while there were fewer births in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. During 2003, there were 11,700 births registered in Australia (5% of all births) where at least one parent was identified as Indigenous. Indigenous women have a higher TFR (2.15 babies per woman in 2003) than all women (1.75 babies). Contact Joanna Forster-Jones on Canberra (02) 6252 5117 or email <>. 3306.0.55.001 Marriages, Australia, 2003. Electronic delivery. Released 08/12/2004 This publication presents national and state level data on registered marriages by age, previous martial status, country of birth, category of celebrant and cohabitation prior to marriage. Crude and age-specific marriage rates are also provided. This product replaces Marriages and Divorces, Australia (cat. no 3310.0). Information on divorces from 2002 onwards is available in the electronic product, Divorces, Australia (cat. no. 3307.0.55.001). In 2003, there were 106,400 marriages registered in Australia, an increase of 960 on 2002, and continuing the increase since the low of 103,130 in 2001. Over half of Australian marriages were presided over by civil celebrants, confirming a trend of steady growth in civil ceremonies from 39% of all marriages in 1983 to 57% in 2003. Contact Carole Nomarhas on Canberra (02) 6252 5873 or email <>. 4430.0 Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Summary of Findings, 2003. Released 15/09/2004. This publication presents results from the Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC) conducted throughout Australia from June to November 2003. Data covers three main areas: people with a disability (including disability status, main condition, assistance needed/received, use of aids, use of public transport and employment restrictions); older persons (including assistance needed/received, culture leisure participation, disability status and income); and people who provide assistance to others because of their disability (including carer status, relationship to main recipient, time spent caring for main recipient, need for and receipt of respite care, reasons for caring). Some data is provided by state/territory and age group. The Victorian data cube (Excel format) includes 16 tables on disability, 6 on older persons, and 5 on carers; released 12/11/04. This publication presents some comparisons with the 1998 SDAC. The 2003 SDAC was largely a repeat of the 1998 survey, with some content additions in cognitive and emotional support, computer and Internet use. Comparison with previous disability surveys is also possible. Further tables from the 2003 SDAC will be released via the ABS web site. In the 2003 SDAC, one in five people in Australia (3,958,300 or 20.0%) had a reported disability. This rate was much the same for males (19.8%) and females (20.1%). Disability was defined as any limitation, restriction or impairment, which has lasted or is likely to last, for at least six months and restricts everyday activities. The rate of profound or severe core-activity limitation showed little change between 1998 (6.4%) and 2003 (6.3%). South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland had the highest disability rates (23%), while the Australian Capital Territory had the lowest (16%). Content is generally at Australia level, with a couple of state data tables. Contact Ken Black on Canberra (02) 6252 7430 or email <>. 4430.0.55.001 Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Disability and Long Term Health Conditions, 2003. New issue. Data cube, released 29/10/2004. This Excel format data cube has 11 tables, generally at the Australia level. One table covers state of residence by long term health conditions and whether respondent has a disability. Contact Ken Black on Canberra (02) 6252 7430 or email <>. 4442.0 Family Characteristics, Australia, June 2003. Released 22/9/04. The 2003 Family Characteristics Survey (FCS) was conducted throughout Australia as part of the (ABS) Monthly Labour Force Survey. The 2003 FCS is the fourth survey on family composition, the first being conducted in 1982. This survey collected details on household and family composition including demographic, labour force, family type, and visiting arrangements for children with parents living elsewhere. A particular focus was families with children aged 0–17 years; and characteristics of children such as age, sex and step relationships. The additional information collected for these families included information about family structure, social marital status of parents, parental income and contact arrangements for children with non-resident parents. Comparison with data obtained from the 1992 Family and 1997 Family Characteristics surveys shows change in number and proportion of various family types over the last decade. Data cubes (Cat no 4442.0, Excel format) in the form of state tables exist, with the Victorian set containing 13 tables. Contact Joye McLaughlin on Canberra (02) 6252 6682 or email <>. 4517.0 Prisoners in Australia 2004. Released 23/12/04 This publication presents information from the National Prisoner Census about persons held in Australian prisons on the night of 30 June 2004. The National Prisoner Census covers all prisoners in legal custody of adult corrective services, including periodic detainees in New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory; but excluding persons held in juvenile institutions, psychiatric custody and police custody. These statistics provide a profile of the demographic characteristics, legal status and sentence details of Australian prisoners. In the past 10 years, the prisoner population in Australia increased by more than 40%, from 16,944 in 1994 to 24,171 in 2004, exceeding the 15% growth in Australian adult population in the same period. The female prisoner population increased by over 100%, compared to a 40% increase in the male prisoner population. Overall, the adult imprisonment rate increased from 127 to 157 prisoners per 100,000 adult population. The median aggregate sentence length was 3.2 years and median expected time to serve was 2 years. State and territory data is also available. Contact Nick Skondreas on Melbourne (03) 9615-7381 or email <>. 4602.0 Environmental Issues: People's Views and Practices, March 2004. Released 24/11/2004. This publication is the tenth of its type and presents information on environmental behaviour and practices of Australian households and individuals in March 2004. Data is derived from a Monthly Population Survey supplement. This edition focuses on "Water use and conservation" and covers a range of issues including water sources, water supply, rainwater tanks and water saving measures used in households. Other areas include: concern about environmental problems and environmental involvement; use of environmentally-friendly products, fertilisers and pesticides; use of World Heritage Areas, National and State Parks. Contains state level data. Contact Bob Harrison on Canberra (02) 6252 7369 or email <>. 5204.0 Australian System of National Accounts, 2003-04. Released 10/11/2004. Detailed presentation of annual national accounts data. It includes: main aggregates and productivity measures; sectoral accounts for households, financial and non-financial corporations, general government and rest of world; estimates of product, operating surplus, compensation of employees and other aggregates dissected by industry; tables of capital formation and capital stock; national balance sheets; flow of funds tables. Includes both current price and chain volume measures. For state details see Cat. no. 5220.0. Contact Michael Anderson on Canberra (02) 6252 6713 or email <>. 5220.0 Australian National Accounts: State Accounts, 2003-04. Released 18/11/2004. This publication contains state and territory estimates of gross domestic product (referred to as gross state product (GSP)) and its components, in current price and chain volume terms, for the years 1995-96 to 2003-04. Volume growth in state final demand was positive in all states during 2003-04 with the strongest growth in Western Australia at 8.0%. Growth is being driven by both total final consumption expenditure and particularly strong growth in total gross fixed capital formation. The weakest growth was 3.6% in Victoria, which was below the national domestic final demand growth rate of 5.3%. Household final consumption expenditure volume growth was strongest in Queensland (8.8%), Tasmania (8.1%), Western Australia (6.8%) and the Northern Territory (6.2%). Weaker growth was experienced in New South Wales (4.5%), Victoria (4.5%), the Australian Capital Territory (4.5%) and South Australia (4.4%). Contact Daniel Smith on Canberra (02) 6252 5892 or email 5678.0 Venture Capital, Australia, 2003-04. Released 26/11/2004. Venture capital is high risk capital directed towards new or young businesses with prospects of rapid growth and high rates of return. Venture capital is an investment not only of money but also skills and time. This publication presents information on both financial and non-financial contributions to venture capital investment. Results of the fifth Venture Capital Survey show a strong growth in funds committed to venture capital investment vehicles during 2003-04. As at 30 June 2004, investors had $9.0b committed to venture capital investment vehicles, an increase of 19% on the $7.5b committed as at 30 June 2003. Most venture capital funds continued to be invested in investee companies with head offices in NSW and Victoria (each state with 33% of national investment at June 2004), with $2.1b invested in these two states in 524 investment deals. Contact Darren Page on Canberra (02) 6252 6731 or email <>. 6413.0.55.001 Experimental Price Indexes for Financial Services, Sept 2004. Released 29/10/2004. This publication provides the first update of experimental price indexes for financial services which were published in Information Paper: Experimental Price Indexes for Financial Services, 1998 to 2003 (cat. no. 6413.0). Three quarters have been added: March, June and September Quarters 2004. The index rose 1.7% between the September quarters of 2003 and 2004. Tables cover capital cities. Contact Keith Woolford on Canberra 02 6252 6673 or email <>. 6523.0 Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2002-03. Released 03/12/2004. Details are presented on the income and characteristics of households and persons resident in private dwellings in Australia. Data are compiled from the 2002–03 Survey of Income and Housing. These statistics are compared with results from each of the previous survey cycles from 1994-95. It contains one extensive table with a capital city, balance of state and total state split for each state. Contact Jan Gatenby on Canberra (02) 6252 6174 or email <>. 7503.0 Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced, Australia, 2002-03. Released 03/09/2004. This publication contains information on value of agricultural commodities produced by states/territories and Australia for year ended 30 June 2003. Severe drought in Australia during 2002-03 resulted in significant falls in production of most agricultural commodities, and the gross value of agricultural commodities decreased by 18% to $32.6b. Decreases were recorded for gross value of crops, livestock slaughterings and other disposals, and livestock products. In 2002-03, the most valuable agricultural commodities were cattle and calf slaughterings and other disposals (down 10% to $6.4b), wool (up 22% to $3.3b), milk (down 25% to $2.8b), wheat (down 58% to $2.7b), sheep and lamb slaughterings and other disposals (down 4% to $2.0b). In 2002–03, New South Wales ($8.0b) had the highest value of agricultural production of all states, followed by Victoria ($7.5b), Queensland ($7.3b), Western Australia ($4.6b), South Australia ($4.1b), Tasmania ($878m), the Northern Territory ($291m) and the Australian Capital Territory ($19.0m). Contact Geoff Ellerton on Hobart (03) 6222 5856 or email <>. 7111.0 Principal Agricultural Commodities, Australia, Preliminary 2003-04. Released 30/11/2004. The 2004 Agricultural Survey provides preliminary estimates of principal agricultural commodities and livestock numbers for the 2003-04 season, with comparative data for earlier years. More comprehensive and updated estimates for 2003-04 will be published in June 2005 in Agricultural Commodities, Australia (cat. no. 7121.0). In 2003-04, recovery from drought was the most important factor affecting Australian agricultural production. Harvests for many principal crops rose beyond levels recorded in normal years. Sheep numbers increased slightly from the previous year, but were still lower than earlier years. Preliminary estimates showed increases in area for wheat, barley, sorghum and oats for grain. Decreases in area were recorded for lupins, canola, cotton lint and sugar cane for crushing. In Australia at 30 June 2004, preliminary estimates indicated 3.0 million head of milk cattle, little changed from the previous year, with Victoria's 1.9 million herd continuing to dominate. Decreases in dairy herd numbers were recorded in all states except Victoria and Queensland. The number of meat cattle in Australia rose slightly to 24.1 million head, with the largest rise in Queensland (up 6% or 637,000). Contact Gordon Cameron on Hobart (03) 6222 5939 or email <>. 8104.0 Research and Experimental Development, Businesses, Australia, 2002-03. Released 06/09/2004 In 2002–03, business expenditure on research and development (R&D) in Australia was estimated to be $5,979 million at current prices, 3.6% higher than recorded in 2001–02. This is the highest level recorded and the third successive year of increase, following the declines from 1995-96 to 1998-99. Businesses in agriculture, forestry and fishing were excluded. R&D expenditure increased for manufacturing (11.9%), scientific research (9.1%), and finance and insurance (5.9%). Decreases were noted in wholesale and retail trade (-4.1%), mining (-3.0%), property and business services (-2.2%). Human resources devoted to R&D totalled 32,982 person years, 5.9% higher than in 2001-02. Includes one table with state data. Contact Derek Byars on Canberra (02) 6252 5627 or email <>. 8109.0 Research and Experimental Development, Government and Private Non-Profit Organisations, Australia, 2002-03. Released 08/09/2004. During 2002-03, government organisation expenditure on R&D in Australia was estimated to be $2,482m at current prices. This represented a 5.4% increase over the two years since 2000-01. In volume terms, with the effect of changes in prices, wages and salaries removed, R&D expenditure decreased by 0.2% compared with 2000-01. During 2002-03, Australian private non-profit organisation expenditure on R&D was estimated to be $360m at current prices. This represented a 24.4% increase over the two years since 2000-01. In volume terms, R&D expenditure increased by 17.2% compared with 2000-01. Includes one table with state data. Contact Derek Byars on Canberra (02) 6252 5627 or email <>. 8112.0 Research and Experimental Development, All Sector Summary, Australia, 2002-03. Released 13/09/2004. This publication presents summary statistics of expenditure and human resources devoted to R&D carried out in Australia by organisations within the business, government and private non-profit sectors during 2002-03, and the higher education sector during the 2002 calendar year. In 2002-03, gross expenditure on R&D in Australia was estimated to be $12,250m at current prices, 17.6% higher than recorded in 2000-01. With the exception of state/territory government, which remained steady, all sectors showed an increase in R&D expenditure compared with 2000-01. In 2002-03, the leading states for gross R&D expenditure were New South Wales (30.6%, $3,745m) and Victoria (29.0%, $3,547m). In 2002-03, the higher education sector accounted for 78.6% ($975m) of expenditure on pure basic research and 42.2% ($803m) of expenditure on strategic basic research. The business sector accounted for 35.2% ($1,540m) of expenditure on applied research and 85.5% ($4,040m) of expenditure on experimental development activity. Contact Derek Byars on Canberra (02) 6252 5627 or email <>. 8146.0 Household Use of Information Technology, Australia, 2002-03. Released 22/09/2004. This publication presents results from the 2002 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey; 2003 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers; and 2003 Survey of Children's Participation in Cultural and Leisure Activities. It presents information about access to computers and Internet in private households, and considers: persons with a disability aged 15 years or over; people aged 60 years or over; Indigenous persons aged 15 years or over, and children aged 5 to 14 years. Contains state level data. Contact Phil Nolen on Canberra (02) 6252 5096 or email <>. 8150.0 Use of Information Technology on Farms, Australia, 2002-03. Released 06/09/2004. This publication relates to farms in scope of the 2002-03 Agricultural Survey, which consisted of a sample of approximately 28,000 farms (21% of all farms). For 2002-03, 54% (or 71,936) of 132,983 Australian farms with an estimated value of agricultural operations of $5,000 or more used a computer as part of their business operations, an increase of 1 percentage point on 2001-02. During 2002-03, an estimated 46% (or 60,459) of farms in Australia used the Internet as part of their business operations, an increase of 3 percentage points on 2001-02. Western Australia reported the highest proportion of farms using a computer for business operations (67%) and using the Internet for business operations (59%). Victoria reported both the lowest proportion of farms using a computer (49%) and lowest proportion using the Internet (40%). Across non-capital city Statistical Divisions throughout Australia, the proportion of farms using a computer ranged from 37% to 80% and using the Internet from 30% to 73%. Contact Phil Nolen on Canberra (02) 6252 5096 or email <>. 8221.0 Manufacturing Industry, Australia, 2001-02 and 2002-03. Released 17/12/04. Presents Manufacturing Survey final results. Shows details of employment, wages and salaries, turnover, and industry value added (IVA) classified by industry class. Also includes industry subdivision data classified by employment size, state/territory, and data related to exporting activity, components of IVA, acquisition and disposal of assets and selected labour costs. Most estimates include non-employing businesses and use a combination of data from the Manufacturing Survey and business income tax data provided to the Australian Taxation Office. The 2001-02 data was produced from a census which occurs 5 yearly, and is therefore more comprehensive. Victorian specific data in spreadsheet format will be available in April 2005 in (cat. no. 8221.2.55.001) Contact John Ridley on Sydney (02) 9268-4541 or email 8226.0 Electricity, Gas, Water and Sewerage Operations, Australia, 2001-02 & 2002-03. Released 25/11/2004 This publication presents first release estimates for electricity supply; gas supply; and water supply, and sewerage and drainage service industries from the Economic Activity Survey. Employment estimates (and related ratios) have not been included, due to methodological problems deriving them from the taxation data used. In 2002-03, sales and service income in the electricity supply industry increased nationally by $4.0b (14%) to $31.4b; although much of the increase was due to statistical effects of continued restructuring, rather than real growth in production and prices. In the gas supply industry, sales and service income increased nationally by $386m (6.7%) to $6.1b. The water supply, sewerage and drainage service industry's sales and service income increased by 15% to $8.3b. Some state level data is presented. Contact John Ridley on Sydney (02) 9268 4541 or email <>. 8415.0 Mining Operations, Australia, 2001-02 and 2002-03. Released 04/11/2004. This publication presents first release mining industry estimates from the Economic Activity Survey compiled using new statistical infrastructure. The changes make better use of available taxation system data to improve the efficiency, coverage and sample design of this survey. Employment estimates have not been included, due to methodological problems deriving them from taxation system data. Data covers financial operations, industry performance measures, and mineral production. In 2002-03, sales and service income for total Australian mining was $63.5b, an increase of $3.9b (6.5%) over 2001-02. From 2001-02 to 2002-03, Victoria recorded the largest absolute decrease of any state/territory in sales and service income, falling $1.1b (18%) to $4.9b. Total net capital expenditure for Australian mining was $8.6b, up by $3.6b (72%) on 2001-02. In 2002-03, the recorded value of Australian mineral production was $51.7b. Coal, oil and gas ($29.7b) was the most significant mineral category, the largest components being bituminous black coal ($11.3b) and crude oil ($7.9b). Metallic minerals ($19.0b) was the second largest category, followed by other non-metallic minerals ($1.6b) and construction materials ($1.3b). Contact John Ridley on Sydney (02) 9268 4541 or email <>. 8501.0.55.003 Contribution of Gambling to Retail Estimates, Sept qtr 2004. New issue, released 10/11/2004. This quarterly article supplements information presented in Retail Trade, Australia (cat. no. 8501.0), presenting information about net proceeds received from licensed gambling activities in pubs, taverns, bars and clubs. In Australia from Sept qtr 2002 to Sept qtr 2004, total retail series (turnover) grew by 13.6%, hotels and licensed clubs (turnover) grew by 5.7%, while gambling (net proceeds) grew by 4.9%. In Sept qtr 2004, gambling accounted for 37.5% of Australian hotel and licensed club turnover, and 3.2% of total retail turnover. Some state level data is presented. The ABS produces more comprehensive data on gambling via its service industries program. Detailed surveys of the pubs, taverns and bars industry, clubs industry and casino industry are usually conducted every three years. For more information about the service industries program contact Gabrielle Robbie on (02) 6252 6133. Contact Graham Phillips on Canberra (02) 6252 5625 or email <>. 8697.0 Performing Arts, Australia, 2002-03 Released 03/09/2004. This ABS survey of organisations involved in selected performing arts services was conducted in respect of 2002-03. This is the third time ABS has conducted the music and theatre production component of the Performing Arts Survey, and second time for the performing arts festival component. Survey scope for music and theatre production included employing organisations in Australia that generated their income predominantly from live theatrical or musical presentations (including concerts, opera, ballet or drama). In Australia at end June 2003, there were 865 music and theatre production organisations operating, comprising 657 for profit and 208 not for profit organisations. They employed 7,842 persons and had 2,548 volunteers assisting with music and theatre productions. During 2002-03, these organisations generated $622.1m in income and incurred $575.6m expenses. Operating profit/surplus before tax was $46.5m which represented an operating profit margin of 10.7%. In Victoria during 2002-03, there were 166 for profit and 44 not for profit music and theatre production organisations; with total employment of 1,973 persons earning $58.8 million in wages and salaries. Total income was $237.6 million, with 3,238,000 paid attendances. One table with state level data occurs. Contact Marie Apostolou on Melbourne (03) 9615 7465 or email <>. 8772.0 Private Sector Construction Industry, Australia, 2002-03. Released 17/12/2004. This publication examines private sector construction, and includes data on income and expenditure, employment, key characteristics by state, performance ratios, and selected information broken down by business size. The estimates in this publication are derived using a combination of data directly collected by the ABS and business income tax data provided to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). At end June 2003, there were 339,982 construction businesses operating in Australia with employment of 716,200 persons. During 2002-03, the $140 billion income generated by private sector Australian construction businesses was equivalent to 5% of Australia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Victoria's construction businesses accounted for 25% of this activity. Nationally, trade service construction businesses accounted for 43% of total income from trade services, building and construction ($126b). Non-residential and non-building construction businesses accounted for 31%, and residential construction building businesses 26%. Construction businesses were predominantly small businesses, with most (65%) earning less than $100,000 in income. These small businesses accounted for almost one-third (32%) of total construction industry employment. The main source of income generated by these businesses was contracting ($83b) and subcontracting ($43b) from trade services, building and construction. Trade service businesses dominated income earned from subcontracting work (84%), while non-residential and non-building businesses accounted for a large proportion of income from contracting work (43%).
Contact Geoff Frost on Melbourne (03) 9615 7787 or email <>. 9208.0 Survey of Motor Vehicle Use, Australia, 01 Nov 2002 to 31 Oct 2003. Released 21/10/2004. The 2003 Survey of Motor Vehicle Use comprises statistics on passenger vehicle, motor cycle, truck and bus use for characteristics such as distance travelled, fuel consumption and area of operation. Contains considerable state level data. See also (cat. no. 9210.0.55.001) review below. Contact Kris Misztal on Brisbane (07) 3222 6180 or email <>. 9210.0.55.001 Survey of Motor Vehicle Use: Data Cubes, Australia, 1 Nov 2002 to 31 Oct 2003. Released 28/10/2004. This EXCEL workbook (data cube) contains 26 tables, with 17 delimited by state/territory, for the 12 months ending 31 Oct 2003. The tables contain statistics on passenger vehicle, motor cycle, truck and bus use for characteristics such as distance travelled, fuel consumption, year of manufacture and area of operation. The data were collected in four quarterly sample surveys conducted by ABS from 1 Nov 2002 to 31 Oct 2003. Other variables include: type of vehicle, area of operation, type of fuel, gross vehicle/combination mass, total tonnes carried, commodity carried, rigid trucks, articulated trucks, trailer configuration, age and sex of driver. Contact Kris Misztal on Brisbane (07) 3222 6180 or email <>. 9309.0 Motor Vehicle Census, Australia, 31 Mar 04. Released 17/11/2004. An annual census. The publication covers state/territory, number of vehicles on register by type of vehicle, year of manufacture, make, gross vehicle mass and fuel type. In Australia at 31 March 2004, there were 13.5 million motor vehicles (including motorcycles) registered. This represents an increase of 10.3% since the 1999 Motor Vehicle Census, when there were 12.3 million vehicles registered; giving 2.0% average annual growth over the five year period. The passenger vehicle fleet grew from 9.7 million in 1999 to 10.6 million in 2004, an increase of 9.7%. Motorcycles had the largest growth (18.7%) over the five year period, followed by non-freight carrying trucks, including campervans (16.2%), light commercial vehicles (13.4%), and buses (8.2%). Articulated trucks rose by 4.7% to 66,300, while rigid trucks increased by 3.1% to 357,617. Accompanying data cube (9309.0) released 26/11/04. Contact Kris Misztal on Brisbane (07) 3222 6180 or email <>. Other national publications 4172.0 Arts and Culture in Australia: A Statistical Overview, 2004. Released 25/11/2004 This publication presents a statistical overview of culture and arts in Australia. It brings together a range of data from both ABS and non-ABS sources about cultural activities and cultural industries. Data is presented, wherever possible, to align with the Australian Culture and Leisure Classifications, 2001 (cat. no. 4902.0). It presents cultural data on both a topic basis (e.g. participation in cultural activities, employment in cultural industries) and a sector basis (e.g. libraries and archives, performing arts). Australia level only. Contact Chris Giddings on Adelaide (08) 8237 7326 or email <>. 4307.0.55.001 Apparent Consumption of Alcohol, Australia, 2002-03. New issue, released 22/09/2004 This publication estimates the quantity of beer, wine and spirits available for consumption for the years 1996-97 to 2002-03. It also includes an estimate of the apparent consumption of these products by persons aged 15 years and over. The quantity of pure alcohol available for consumption increased 9.6% from 141.6 million litres in 1996-97 to 155.2 million litres in 2002-03. The apparent per person consumption of pure alcohol by persons 15 years and over rose from 9.77 litres in 1996-97 to 9.84 litres in 2002-03, a 1% increase. This was due to an increase in the consumption of wine and spirits (10% and 9% respectively). Apparent consumption per person of alcohol in beer decreased by 7%. Australia level only. Contact Karen Connaughton on Canberra (02) 6252 5337 or email <>. 4823.0.55.001 Musculoskeletal Conditions in Australia: A Snapshot, 2001. New issue, released 21/09/2004. This publication provides a brief overview of prevalence, risk factors and quality of life for persons with musculoskeletal disorders in Australia. Unless otherwise stated, this publication presents information sourced from the 2001 ABS National Health Survey (NHS). The publication also draws on data from the ABS Causes of Death collection; 2003 ABS Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers; other ABS and non-ABS sources. In 2001, 32% (6 million) of the Australian population living in private dwellings reported having a long-term musculoskeletal system/connective tissue condition where the condition lasted, or was expected to last, six months or more. Musculoskeletal conditions are defined as conditions of the bones, muscles and their attachments, and include joint problems such as arthritis. Although there are more than 100 musculoskeletal conditions the most common are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and back pain (AIHW 2004). Contact Jane Griffin-Warwicke on Canberra (02) 6252 6535 or email <>. 4824.0.55.001 Mental Health In Australia: A Snapshot, 2001. Electronic delivery, new issue, released 12/10/04. A brief overview of the prevalence, level of psychological distress (as measured by K10 scale), disability and hospitalisations relating to mental health in Australia. Data is provided from the 2001 National Health Survey; 2003 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers; other ABS and non-ABS sources. In 2001, females (10.6% of females) were more likely than males (8.5%) to report a long-term (6+ months) mental or behavioural problem, with mood and anxiety problems most common. After adjusting for the different age structures of populations, mental or behavioural problems were most prevalent among those who were separated (14% of males, 20% of females) or divorced (13% of males, 18% of females), with lower rates for married persons (7% of males, 10% of females). Organic mental health problems (including cerebral disease, brain injury, and dementia) were most prevalent among those 75 years and over (affecting 1.2% of those 75+ in private dwellings). Adults aged 18 years and over living in the most socio-economically disadvantaged areas were more likely to report a very high level of psychological distress (7.0%) than those living in the least socio-economically disadvantaged areas (2.1%). The prevalence of mental or behavioural problems among Australian-born (9.8%) was similar to that for overseas-born (9.0%). Of those with mental or behavioural problems, males (9.3%) were more likely than females (4.4%) to be high risk drinkers. While mental health-related separations accounted for 4.5% of all hospital separations in 2001-02, they accounted for 12% of total days spent by patients in hospitals (AIHW 2004). Contact Saul Flaxman on Canberra (02) 6252 5782 or email <>. 4825.0.55.001 Injury in Australia: A Snapshot, 2001. Released 23/11/2004. This publication explores injury prevalence during four weeks prior to interview for the 2001 National Health Survey (NHS). The survey collected information on type of injury, damage caused by injury, activity and location at time of injury, part of body affected and action taken. Risk factors, disabilities as a result of injury, hospitalisation, health system costs and mortality information are also discussed. Unless otherwise stated, information is sourced from the 2001 ABS NHS. The article also draws on data from the 1998 and 2003 ABS Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers; ABS Causes of Death collection; other ABS and non-ABS sources. The 2001 NHS found that 12% of Australians (2.3 million persons) living in private dwellings had sustained an injury during the previous four weeks. Males reported a higher prevalence of recent injury (13%) compared to females (11%). Those most likely to sustain an injury within the previous four weeks were 5-14 year olds (males 21%, females 16%). The most common events which led to an injury were falls of one metre or less (30% of all events) and collisions (19%). The most common form of injury was an open wound (44% of all persons with recent injuries). Contact Jane Griffin-Warwicke on Canberra (02) 6252 6535 or email <>. 4827.0.55.001 The Health of Older People, Australia, 2001. New issue, released 10/11/2004. This report examines older persons (65 years and over) across: demographics, health status, disability, and health service use. The data used are mainly derived from the 2001 National Health Survey (NHS), which surveyed persons in private dwellings only; and 2003 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers. The NHS's scope excluded persons in aged care accommodation, including nursing homes. At June 2003, the number of older persons in Australia was 2.5 million people, or around 13% of total population. A considerably smaller proportion of Australia's Indigenous population (3%) were aged 65 years and over (ABS 1998). In 2001, the most common long-term health conditions affecting older persons included diseases of the eye, particularly long-sightedness (hyperopia 46%, and 34% with presbyopia), and short-sightedness (31%). Older persons reported having osteoarthritis at a higher rate (29%) than those aged 15-64 years (6%). The reported prevalence of hypertensive disease (40% for older persons, 8% for persons aged 15-64 years), and total and partial deafness (33% for older persons, 9% for 15-64 year olds) also increased with age. In contrast, asthma was reported at a slightly lower rate for older persons (9%) than persons aged 15-64 years (12%). Although associated with ageing, the incidence of all cancers in older people was relatively low at 5% (compared to around 1% for persons aged 15-64 years). Publication contains national level data only. Contact Josie Barac on Canberra (02) 6252 6415 or email <>. 4828.0.55.001 Characteristics of People Reporting Good or Better Health, 2001. Released 08/09/2004 This publication presents 1995 and 2001 ABS National Health Survey data relating to self-assessed health of persons aged 15 years and over. Unless otherwise specified, statistics presented are age standardised. Other data examined include indicators of social capital from the ABS General Social Survey 2002. Behaviour, characteristics and long-term conditions of those who reported good or better health are also analysed. This publication considers how people view their own health in relation to other health status indicators and health risk factors. Characteristics include: age, sex, socioeconomic status, education level, health-related behaviour, prevalence of long-term medical conditions, and health-related actions taken. In addition, some indicators of participation in the community are also examined in relation to self-assessed health status. National level data only. Contact Dean Martin on Canberra (02) 6252 7995 or email <>. Mature age persons (age 45-64 years) are a key population group in terms of policy development associated with population ageing. This series draws on ABS and non-ABS data sources to analyse their characteristics. Topics will be released in (seven) monthly issues covering: population and cultural diversity in the October 2004 issue (released 12/10/2004), labour force in November (04/11/2004), health in December (23/11/2004), housing in January 2005, living arrangements in February, education and training in March, and community life in April. Data is mainly at national level, with some at more detailed geographic level. Australia's population is ageing as a result of sustained low levels of fertility and, to a lesser extent, increasing life expectancy. The proportion of mature age persons (45-64 years) has fluctuated from 17% in 1921 to 24% in 2003, and is projected to reach 26% in 2021. At 30 June 2003, there were 4.7 million persons aged 45-64 years, comprising 24% of Australia's population. The Australian labour force is also ageing. In 1983, there were 2.9 million 45-64 year olds in the population, with 1.6 million in the labour force (23% of total labour force). In 2003, people aged 45-64 numbered 4.7 million, with 3.3 million in the labour force (32% of total labour force). This increase in participation has been driven largely by the increased labour force participation of women, reflecting a range of social changes. In 1983, the participation rate for women 45–64 years was 35%, well below the 60% rate in 2003. In 2001, persons reporting good to excellent health decreased with age: from 91% of 15-24 year olds to 61% of those 75 years and over. Some 19% of 45-54 year olds and 28% of 55-64 year olds felt their health was poor to fair. For all age groups, eye diseases were the most common long term condition. Amongst mature agers, 87% of 45-54 year olds reported having an eye condition, increasing to 96% of 55-64 year olds. Some 49% of mature agers reported chronic musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, back pain and disc disorders. Other long term conditions include: asthma, cancer, diabetes, rheumatic heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Contact Maryann Wood on Brisbane (07) 3222 6206 or email <>. 5495.0 Australian Outward Foreign Affiliates Trade, 2002-03. Experimental results. New issue, released 26/10/2004. This publication presents final results from the Survey of Outward Foreign Affiliates Trade, which was conducted by ABS for the first time in 2002-03. The survey collected information on number, industry, sales, purchases, employment, wages and salaries of foreign affiliates of Australian resident enterprises. Information was also collected on type of goods and services traded, modes of supply, and country of trading partner for exports and imports of goods and services by foreign affiliates. This information has been linked to information on the Australian parent to provide a comprehensive study of the activities of Australian multinational enterprises (MNEs). Findings for 2002-03 included:
Contact Glenn L'Huillier on Canberra (02) 6252 6924 or email <>. 8126.0 Information and Communication Technology, Australia, 2002-03. Released 07/09/2004. The ABS Survey of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industries was conducted in respect of 2002-03. At end June 2003, there were 235,696 persons employed in ICT specialist businesses, of whom 107,686 (46%) were classed as ICT employees. The computer consultancy industry accounted for 69% of total ICT employees. Telecommunication services had the lowest proportion of ICT employees (15%) and computer services the highest (74%). There were 25,516 businesses classified to the ICT industry, of which 23,950 (94%) were considered to be ICT specialist businesses: 18,524 (77%) in computer consultancy services, 1,831 (8%) in computer wholesaling, and 956 (4%) in telecommunication services. The remaining 2,639 (11%) were spread across other surveyed industries. In 2002-03, total income for ICT specialists in manufacturing was $2,642.2 m, in wholesale trade $28,463.2 m, and in telecommunication services $31,795.8 m. Contact Lesley Scott on Perth (08) 9360 5228 or email <>. CLASSIFICATION AND FRAMEWORK ISSUES 1216.0 Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) - Electronic Publication, July 2004. Released 28/09/2004. The ASGC is a hierarchical classification system of geographical areas and consists of a number of interrelated structures. It provides a common framework of statistical geography and enables the production of statistics which are comparable. The product ASGC 2004 Electronic Structures (cat. no. 1216.0.15.001) contains four comma delimited files showing the levels and hierarchy of current ASGC structures: the local government area structure, main structure, statistical district structure and statistical region structure. The smallest level of geography for this edition is the statistical local area (SLA). OTHER SELECTED PUBLICATIONS 1001.0 Australian Bureau of Statistics - Annual Report, 2003-04. Released 07/10/04. 1002.0 Australian Statistics Advisory Council -- Annual Report, 2002-03. Released 18/11/04. 3106.0.55.003 Demography Working Paper 2004/3 - Calculating Experimental Life Tables for Use in Population Estimates and Projections of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. New issue, released 24/09/04 3201.0 Population by Age and Sex, Australian States and Territories, June 2004. Released 17/12/04 3302.0 Deaths, Australia, 2003. Released 15/12/04. 3303.0.55.001 Causes of Death, Australia: Summary Tables, 2003. Released, 15/12/04 3309.0.55.001 Suicides: Recent Trends, Australia, 1999 to 2003. Released 15/12/04 4390.0.40.001 Private Health Establishments: Acute and Psychiatric Hospitals Data Report on Hardcopy, 2002-03. Released 22/11/04. 4390.0.40.002 Private Health Establishments: Free Standing Day Hospital Facilities Data Report on Hardcopy, 2002-03. Released 22/11/04. 4512.0 Corrective Services, Australia, September Quarter 2004. Released 1/12/04. 4513.0 Criminal Courts, Australia, 2003-04. Release 11/2/05. 4523.0 Sexual Assault in Australia: A Statistical Overview, 2004. New issue, released 07/09/04. 4822.0.55.001 Cancer in Australia: A Snapshot, 2001. Released 01/09/04. 5501.0.55.001 Government Financial Estimates, Australia, 2003-04. Electronic Delivery. Released 30/10/04. 5673.0.55.003 Regional Wage and Salary Earner Statistics, Australia, 2001-02. Data Cubes. New issue, released 12/11/04. 6523.0.55.001 Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2002-03. Detailed tables, electronic delivery, released 3/12/04. 8772.0 Private Sector Construction Industry, Australia, 2002-03. Released 17/12/2004 8908.0 AIHW Medical Labour Force, 2002. Produced by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Free access to ABS publications. People working in Victorian government agencies and local government offices should be able to access ABS publications at no cost from their desktop PCs using the ABS@ facility. AIHW publications may not be available through ABS@. ABS@ has:
In local government, the council's extranet coordinator must register a person as a user. In state government agencies, access to ABS@ is through the Victorian state government intranet (or Lotus Notes in some Departments), on the index page using the research and information button; with no registration required. For further information contact Heather Burns, Manager, ABS Information Consultancy Section on Melbourne (03) 9615 7976 or email <>. Email is the preferred mode of contact. ABS STATISTICAL TRAINING January to April 2005
National Accounts Component Accounts: Day 2 presents the structure of key accounts making up the SNA, their linkages, and reconciliation of the three independent measures of GDP through Supply and Use Tables. Also covered is an overview of State Accounts and data feeding into these accounts.
Please note : Attendance at Day 1 training is a prerequisite to attend Day 2. Course Length: 2 Days Course Dates: 17th - 18th March, 2005 Course fee: $600.00 (lunch included). Day 1 only is $300. For further information or to register, please contact Heather Burns on Melbourne (03) 9615 7976 or email <>. POINTS OF CONTACT Victorian Statistics Advisory Forum (VSAF) VSAF is a major forum for statistical liaison between Victorian Government Agencies and ABS. VSAF was formerly known as the Victorian Statistics Advisory Committee(VSAC). The following group of departmental representatives meet 3 times each year. Department of Treasury and Finance Dial-a-Statistic Copies of Statistics Victoria are available free for electronic dissemination. There are two ways to access an electronic copy of the newsletter: 1. Elect to receive your copy of this newsletter in PDF format by contacting Alan Page on (03) 9615-7899 or email <>. The ABS encourages further dissemination of this newsletter through email, or by its placement on your organisation's intranet. 2. Go to the ABS web site at <http.//>. Choose 'News & Media' from the menu bar, then go to 'Newsletters'. You can access current and previous copies of Statistics Victoria, as well as many other ABS newsletters. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.