1301.6.55.001 - Statistical News Tasmania (Newsletter), Nov 2006  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 12/12/2006   
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New Tasmanian Regional Director - Lisa Wardlaw-Kelly
New Tasmanian Statistical Advisory Committee (TSAC) Chair - Cheryl Garrett
Tasmanian Demographic Change Advisory Council (DCAC)
Census Data 2006
National Regional Profile - New Release, New Features
Tasmanian Key Indicators (TKI) Coming Soon
Australian Statistician Dennis Trewin Retires
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
Local Government and ABS Newsletter
National Statistical Service (NSS) Newsletter
ABS Services Available at the Hobart Office
General Enquiries
Update on the Agricultural Census
Environment Statistics Program
2005-06 Preliminary Vineyards Estimates Released
Selected Recent Releases
Future Releases


If you wish to provide feedback or subscribe to this newsletter please contact Sasha Horsell on (03) 6222 5965 or email sasha.horsell@abs.gov.au. We also encourage you to place this newsletter on your organisation's intranet.


To access previous editions of the newsletter from the web site go to:
https://www.abs.gov.au and head to News and Media - ABS Newsletters. Alternatively, to access our newsletter from our Tasmanian Theme page, go to: https://www.abs.gov.au, then head to Themes, select Regional, select Tasmania, then go to the Noticeboard and look under the heading Newsletters.


Following the retirement of Dick Crockett, Lisa Wardlaw-Kelly was appointed as the new Regional Director of the ABS in Tasmania.

Lisa joined the APS as a graduate in 1994 and has worked in a variety of program and management roles predominantly within the health portfolio in Canberra. Since 2004, as State Manager of the Department of Health and Ageing, Lisa has overseen the delivery of a range of Australian Government programs in Tasmania, including Aged and Community Care Programs, the Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (Tasmania) and Population Health, Rural Health and Primary Care Programs.

We interviewed Lisa to find out about her work in the ABS so far, what experience and skills she brings to her role, and what her thoughts are on client and statistical services in Tasmania both now and for the future...
  • What work have you been involved in during your time at the ABS so far?
After only one week in the job, I participated as an observer on the Tasmanian Demographic Change Advisory Council Chaired by Treasurer Michael Aird. This important initiative will research and analyse information relating to demographic change in Tasmania over the medium and long term. It complements other state bodies such as Tasmania Together, the Positive Ageing Consultative Committee and the Tasmanian Employment Advisory Group.
  • What work are you looking forward to?
A number of exciting projects are underway or planned. The ABS will continue to be involved in important state projects through its outposted ABS officers. This year will include a new project looking at data collected through Tasports, as well as continued involvement with Tasmania Together. I am also looking forward to other work with key stakeholders on social capital, innovation and primary health service planning.
  • Do you have a particular focus/ approach you would like Tasmania Client Services to adopt?
I would like to continue focussing on our communication with clients, in particular, by working closely with the State Government to determine the top statistical priorities for the state. I want the ABS in Tasmania to be outward-looking and connected with the current issues impacting on our clients. For example, I would like the ABS to be more exposed to policy discussions at an early stage so that we maintain a contemporary appreciation of statistical priorities in Tasmania. We will then be better positioned to anticipate the needs of decision-makers and ensure that the right data are available when needed.
  • Are there any projects/initiatives you would like to highlight?
The Tripartite Agreement on Population Ageing in Tasmania was recently signed by Premier Lennon, the Australian Government Minister for Ageing Santo Santoro and Councillor Mike Gaffney for the Local Government Association of Tasmania. This agreement relates to cooperative arrangements for sharing information between the three levels of government to improve service delivery and living environments for older people in Tasmania. This agreement is the first of its kind and presents an opportunity for Tasmania to demonstrate what can be achieved through improved information sharing.
  • What do you bring to your role?
I have more than a decade of experience in the Australian Public Service, with involvement in developing policy, and in planning and implementing a wide range of health and ageing programs. This means I can bring a user's perspective to the role of Regional Director, helping the office to make the right connections between our statistical expertise and data collections and the real world needs of decision-makers. I am also keen to draw on some of my recent experience in overseeing Australian Government aged and community care programs in Tasmania to enhance the ABS' service to the Tasmanian Government as it engages with population ageing issues.
  • Who do you see as clients of the ABS - now and future?
The clients are decision-makers, whoever they be and wherever they are! The information explosion and increasing use of the internet have broadened the audience for our data. A quality statistical service can assist people in business, community members and government policy makers alike and these users are getting increasingly sophisticated in their awareness of and demand for data. The trick is to ensure that we collect the data that people need and that we package and deliver data sets in a way that suits the different audiences. In the future I think users will be more intent on accessing data relating to their local area or topic of interest, and data that is combined from various sources to create a picture.
  • Do you foresee any changes to client servicing?
Our ability to make connections across the different sectors will be critical to meeting the demands of clients. There is an increasing focus on whole of government and cross agency perspectives at all levels of government and this is something I am keen for us to respond to in Client Services. The Demographic Change Council is a good example of where economic and social issues converge and different portfolios are coming together to discuss a common approach to challenges over the coming decades. A responsive statistical service has an enormous contribution to make to this process by making sure the right data are available at the right time.
  • What direction do you see the work of the ABS taking in the future?
A high quality, objective and responsive statistical service can help society respond effectively to changes in demography. While macro-economic indicators will always be important, attention is increasingly being given to local area statistics. Future clients are likely to seek meaningful profiles that draw on a variety of data sources to create a picture of local geographical areas and to undertake modelling at that level to inform planning decisions. Static indicators and data sets won't necessarily be able to keep pace as questions change, data will need to form around emerging questions and be assembled according to the purpose at hand.


It has been six months since I took on the role as the Chair of the Tasmanian Statistical Advisory Committee. In this time I have gained a good understanding of the importance of the work of TSAC and its contribution to maintaining and developing the productive relationship between the Tasmanian Government and the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

I am a Senior Policy Analyst in the Policy Division of the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC). While DPAC doesn’t have an active role as an administrator or collector of statistics, the Department has a clear and important role as a user of statistics to support policy development, implementation and evaluation. An evidence-based approach to policy development is essential and TSAC is an important mechanism in supporting this approach.

The primary role of TSAC is to promote statistical cooperation, consultation and coordination between the ABS and State Government. However TSAC is also well placed to take a more strategic and forward thinking approach. Therefore reinvigorating the work and contribution of the Committee will be a major objective for the coming 12 months. My first six months in this role provided a good opportunity to assess the membership of TSAC and to meet with State agencies to discuss how their views could be best represented on the Committee. This has made it possible to broaden agency representation to reflect the diversity of issues and interests within agencies.

State statistical priorities will continue to be determined by the Statistical Policy Committee (SPC), which is chaired by Ms Rebekah Burton, Deputy Secretary DPAC. TSAC will also continue to report to the SPC as necessary.

I would like to thank the ABS for providing the executive support for TSAC and welcome the new Regional Director of the ABS and Government Statistician of Tasmania Ms Lisa Wardlaw-Kelly. I look forward to working more closely with the ABS and all TSAC members in the future.

I can be contacted on (03) 6233 3256 and am located on Level 7/15 Murray Street, Hobart.

Cheryl Garrett


The Tasmanian Demographic Change Advisory Council (DCAC) was established to help the Tasmanian Government plan for future opportunities and challenges presented by demographic change. The work being done by many organisations in Tasmania will be brought together and utilised to provide the State Government with expert advice from key areas across both Government and the community. Issues such as the ageing of the population, a decrease in the size of the workforce, skills shortages and the geographic spread of the Tasmanian population will be addressed from a whole of Tasmania perspective.

The Demographic Change Advisory Council comprises:
  • Michael Kent, President of the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI)
  • Alex Huntir, President of the Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS)
  • Chris Brown, President of Unions Tasmania
  • Professor Daryl LeGrew, Vice Chancellor of the University of Tasmania
  • David Bartlett MHA, Minister for Education
  • Lara Giddings MHA, Minister for Health and Human Services and
  • Treasurer Michael Aird (Chair)

(Source: "Setting Course for the Tasmania of Tomorrow" http://www.media.tas.gov.au)

The ABS has observer status on the Council and will also participate as a member of the steering committee which supports and reports to the Council. The steering committee will provide advice on key issues associated with Tasmania's demographic change; highlight the emerging challenges and opportunities; assess the extent to which current and planned activities address the immediate and emerging issues; and identify areas where new or improved strategies are required.


The field phase for Tasmania is now complete and processing has begun at the Data Processing Centre in Melbourne. The ABS experienced high levels of public cooperation and good will along with relatively few incidents during this successful collection phase. The census media coverage was very positive through the days before and after the census.

There was also positive public reaction to the eCensus with a national take up rate of about 9%.

Census data will be released from July 2007 and will provide government, businesses and community organisations with essential information for planning and decision making in the future.
For the 2006 Census the ABS is offering a new and improved online product range, and a simplified web interface designed to offer users greater flexibility in obtaining the data to meet their statistical needs:
  • Redefined terms and concepts facilitate improved searching and data accessibility
  • Added features to data tables provide extra detail, e.g. links to meta-data descriptions, images of the question as it appears on the census form, links to statements describing data quality.

These features take into account the different skills and experience of users.

2001 census data is now available in QuickStats, Census Tables and Community Profiles via the new web interface. QuickMaps, CDATA Online, and Table Builder will be released to the web in the coming months. Further information about these products can be found under 'New Products Brief' from the census pages of the ABS website for both 2001 and 2006 census data. For more detail about proposed product releases for 2006 census data see the Information Paper: Census of Population and Housing - Proposed Products and Services, 2006 (cat. no. 2011.0).

Further information about census data, including a schedule of releases can be found by clicking on 'Census' from the ABS home page at https://www.abs.gov.au.


The latest version of the National Regional Profile (NRP) was released on 21 September 2006.

The NRP is an easy to use self-help facility that allows users to find their desired region from a map or pick-list and then view or download information for that region. The NRP was developed in response to requests for more accessible information about regions and was first released in 2004. Information is available for Local Government Areas, Statistical Local Areas, Statistical Subdivisions, Statistical Divisions, States/Territories and Australia.

There are a number of changes in the new NRP release that significantly enhance content and functionality for users, including choices of summary or more detailed data, and the expansion of data available.

New features

If you are looking for a brief snapshot of your region the NRP now contains:
  • Summary web pages for regions - a page of data is available under the topic headings of Economy, Population/People, Industry and Environment/Energy. Users can view one region at a time with this new feature.

If you would like more detailed data the NRP now contains:
  • Excel spreadsheets for regions - more detailed data, including all the data in the Summary pages plus other state/territory data where it is available. Users can view/download one region at a time with this feature.

For those who want to compare regions the NRP now contains:
  • SuperTABLE datacubes - these contain the same information as in the Excel spreadsheets, but for many regions (for example, all Local Government Areas in Australia). Data cubes will allow users to view data for many regions. For example, there will be a SuperTABLE data cube containing Local Government Areas in Australia with all the data items that can be compared across all regions.

New content

The NRP now includes:
  • Local Government Finance
  • Indigenous population estimates
  • Some 2001 Census data:
    • persons born overseas
    • persons speaking a language other than English
    • qualifications
    • occupation
    • families
    • households

The National Regional Profile can be accessed from the 'Regional Statistics' links on the ABS home page. Users can select a region by name or drill-down to the area they want using maps.

A 'step by step' demonstration on how to compare regions of interest using SuperTABLE using the new release of the National Regional Profile can be found in the latest edition of SA Stats (cat. no. 1345.4).

For further information please contact Andrea Woods on (08) 8237 7350 or email andrea.woods@abs.gov.au.


Tasmanian Key Indicators is a web-based product containing a snapshot of the latest social and economic summary data on Tasmania, including labour force, wages and prices, tourism, finance, consumption and investment, state accounts, population, living arrangements, mortality, education and health. Data will also be available in spreadsheet format. This product will be released on a monthly basis. It will also contain links to source publications on the ABS website to enable readers to explore particular topics in more detail.

Tasmanian Key Indicators (cat. no. 1304.6) replaces the paper publication Tasmanian Statistical Indicators (cat. no. 1303.6) which ceased in 2004.

The first issue of Tasmanian Key Indicators will be released 18 January 2007. Users will be able to access this product from the 'Statistics' portal accessed from the ABS home page or via the Tasmanian Theme page which can be found by clicking on 'Themes - Regional' from the ABS home page at https://www.abs.gov.au.


After a career spanning 41 years at the Australian Bureau of Statistics, including over six years as the Australian Statistician, Dennis Trewin will retire in mid-January 2007.

Among the highlights of his term as Australian Statistician, Dennis lists the level of Government Support received (eg. support for new policy proposal); the increase in the range of statistical outputs, conducting two successful populations censuses with strong public support; enhanced access to statistics (eg. free statistics on the web support for research); the development of Measures of Australia’s Progress; and maintaining an excellent international reputation and a strong influence on international statistics.

For information about arrangements in Tasmania to farewell Dennis, please contact Gina Sidhu on (03) 6222 5985 or email gina.sidhu@abs.gov.au.


How is the Estimated Resident Population calculated?

The official measure of the population of Australia is based on the concept of usual residence. It refers to all people, regardless of nationality or citizenship, who usually live in Australia, with the exception of foreign diplomatic personnel and their families. It includes usual residents who are overseas for less than 12 months. It excludes overseas visitors who are in Australia for less than 12 months.

Estimates of the Australian resident population are generated on a quarterly basis by adding natural increase (the excess of births over deaths) and net overseas migration (NOM) occurring during the period to the population at the beginning of each period. This is known as the cohort component method, and can be represented by the following equation:

P(t+1) = P(t) + B - D + NOM, where:

P(t) = the estimated resident population at time point t

P(t+1) = the estimated resident population at time point t+1

B = the number of births occurring between t and t+1

D = the number of deaths occurring between t and t+1

NOM = net overseas migration occurring between t and t+1.

For state and territory population estimates, an additional term is added to the equation representing net interstate migration occurring between t and t+1, represented by the following equation:

P(t+1) = P(t) + B - D + NOM + NIM.

For a further explanation of Estimated Resident Population (ERP) please contact Libby O'Toole on (03) 6222 5853 or email libby.otoole@abs.gov.au.


Local Government and ABS is a free quarterly newsletter created by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) aimed at helping the Local Government Sector use statistics to assist with planning and other community servicing decisions.

The specific aims of the newsletter are to:
  • Help you easily find information on the ABS website and explain the structure of the ABS website;
  • Provide direct electronic links to statistical series of use to local government;
  • Explain statistical terms to help make sense of more complex data;
  • Provide a central contact point where you can provide your views and suggestions as to how the ABS can better assist local government.

To subscribe please send an email to andrea.woods@abs.gov.au with "subscribe Local Government and ABS" in the subject line.

To access previous editions of the newsletter from the web site go to: https://www.abs.gov.au and head to News and Media - ABS Newsletters.

The National Statistical Service newsletter is designed to keep you in touch with developments across a range of statistical fields. The latest issue features the progress of the Child & Youth Portal which is soon to be released on the NDN, including the powerful analytical tool from the US Census Bureau "Data Ferrett". You can also read about the reason behind the recent integration of the Statistical Clearing House (SCH) and NSS websites, keep up to date with census developments and discover what happened at the population well-being data gaps workshop and the community indicators workshop.

The October 2006 edition of the National Statistical Service newsletter can be found on the NSS website at http//www.nss.gov.au/.

Alternatively you can open the newsletter document in the attached PDF.

NSS News issue 7 October 2006.pdf

If you have and questions or comments regarding the newsletter, please phone Geoff de Baux on (02) 9268 4327 or email geoffrey.debaux@abs.gov.au.


When you need to engage professional, timely and objective information or statistical consultancy services, first consider the range of services available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The ABS Hobart Office has a team of consultants available to answer all your information and statistical enquiries on a fee for service basis. Our consultants can assist you with the provision of data for the most recent period available or on a time series basis. They can provide tailored reports, containing tables, commentary and maps which highlight the characteristics of a target market. To discuss your information needs contact the ABS Client Services phone (03) 6222 5812 or email scott.calver@abs.gov.au.

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Fax: 1300 135 211
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The 2005-06 Agricultural Census was despatched on the 9 June 2006. Processing is underway in the Tasmanian Office of the Australian Bureau of Statistics, with preliminary data for key commodities due to be released in February 2007. Data from the Agricultural Census will be available free on the ABS website.

Statistics gathered from the census will give planners and policy makers a greater understanding of what is happening in the agriculture sector and an understanding of future prospects for all agriculture industries. This information will also help policy makers and other bodies involved in the industry, including farmers, to develop and maintain strategies to ensure sustainable farming practices.

Farm businesses with outstanding forms are urged to complete and return them to help build an accurate picture of the industry across the country. For assistance in completing the 2005-06 Agricultural Census form please visit the website or call the 1800 freecall number on the front of the form.

Further information about agriculture statistics can be found under 'Themes - Agriculture' accessed from the ABS home page at https://www.abs.gov.au.


The environment statistics program in Tasmania is administered by the Environment and Energy Business Statistics Centre in Hobart in conjunction with the Centre for Environment and Energy Statistics (CEES) in Canberra. Over the last few months, a range of environment statistical publications have been released, with a number of other publications due for release shortly.

Natural Resource Management on Australian Farms, 2004-05 (cat no. 4620.0) was released 12 October 2006. This was the ABS' first dedicated Natural Resource Management (NRM) survey, and asked survey respondents a range of questions relating to their farm management practices in five priority areas: weeds, pests, water, land and soil, and native vegetation. The data is presented at state/territory and regional (Natural Heritage Trust 2) levels. It was found Tasmanian agricultural establishments spent $71m on natural resource management activities during 2004-05, the greatest proportion of which was on land and soil issues ($25m or 35%).

Water Access Entitlements, Allocations and Trading 2004-05 (cat. no. 4610.0.55.003) was released 13 October 2006 presenting data on the number of water access entitlements, the volume of water allocated to water access entitlements, and water trading in Australia during 2004-05. This publication, the first to collate this publicly available data at both national and state/territory level, found that there were 3110 water entitlements in Tasmania during 2004-05, which equated to 1,038,419 megalitres (ML). Data from this publication will form part of the upcoming Water Account, Australia 2004-05 publication (cat. no. 4610.0) which is scheduled for release on 28 November 2006.

Water Use on Australian Farms 2004-05 (cat. no. 4618.0) was released 25 July 2006. This presented estimates for agricultural water use, including crops and pastures irrigated by area and volume applied, sources of irrigation water, irrigation methods and water traded at a national and state/territory level. In Tasmania, total farm water use was 255 gigalitres, or 2.3% of the Australian total. Following the national trend, irrigation (232 gigalitres) accounted for just over 90% of the agricultural water use, with pasture for grazing the most irrigated crop.

In addition to the Water Account, Australia 2004-05, Australia's Environment: Issues and Trends (cat. no. 4613.0) and Environmental Issues: People's Views and Practices (cat. no. 4602.0) will be released during November 2006. The former focusses on major aspects of Australia's environment and, in particular, provides data relevant to the emerging discipline of sustainable development, while the latter examines information on environmental behaviour and practices of Australian households and individuals.

Further information on environment statistics can be found under 'Themes - Environment & Energy' accessed from the ABS home page at https://www.abs.gov.au. Alternately, contact Ron Just on (03) 6222 5842 or email ron.just@abs.gov.au.


Approximately 9,500 vineyards across Australia were selected to participate in this year's Vineyards collection with approximately 250 Tasmanian growers taking part.

The Vineyards Estimates, Australia, Preliminary, 2005-06 (cat. no. 1329.0.55.001) was released on 12 October 2006 and shows Tasmania recorded a 12% decrease in production, down to 5,400 tonnes. Tasmania's area of vines however, increased by 2% to stand at 1,300 hectares.

Final estimates for the 2005-06 Vineyards collection will be released on 20 December 2006.

For further information on the Vineyards collection please contact Mark Heathcote on (03) 6222 5910 or email mark.heathcote@abs.gov.au


1385.0 Information Paper: Emergency Management Information Development Plan, 2006 (Released 31/10/2006)
The Emergency Management Information Development Plan (EMIDP) is a national strategic framework of emergency management research initiatives in Australia. The EMIDP identifies key issues and data items for consideration; presents agreed priorities and plans for improving relevance, coverage, comparability and quality of information; and identifies responsibilities for progressing individual strands of work, and for monitoring overall progress.

1385.0.55.001 Emergency Management Information Development Plan Matrix, 2006 (Released 31/10/2006)
The Emergency Management Information Development Plan Matrix is a complex data needs analysis of the emergency management sector which underpins the EMIDP. For each of the five domains of emergency management the matrix provides information on the characteristics of the data needs and development requirements. It contains information on existing data and data gaps and their data characteristics, cross-classified by the environmental characteristics, the hazard or risk types and the business processes that constitute the different organisational and operational procedures within the service agencies.

8415.0 Mining Operations, Australia, 2004-05 (Released 27/10/2006)
Includes State and territory estimates of employment, wages and salaries, sales and service income, and industry value added for mining (excluding services to mining). Also presents estimates of the value of mineral production by state and for the Northern Territory, drawn from their administrative sources. Details of production quantity will be available on spreadsheets to be released concurrently.

4913.0 Pregnancy and Employment Transitions, Australia, Nov 2005 (Released 23/10/2006)
Pregnancy and Employment Transitions is a new survey topic. It provides important statistics about the experiences of women with young children, including some aspects of women's working experiences while pregnant and after returning to paid work, as well as the use of leave by women and their partners following the birth of a child.

3127.0.55.001 Information Paper: Evaluation of Administrative Data Sources for Use in Quarterly Estimates of Interstate Migration, 2006 to 2011 (Released 16/10/2006)
This report evaluates the suitability of a number of administrative data sources for use in the quarterly estimation of interstate migration for the intercensal period up to the next Census of Population and Housing.

1002.0 Australian Statistics Advisory Council - Annual Report, 2005-06 (Released 13/10/2006)
Outlines the functions and activities of the Australian Statistics Advisory Council.

8635.6.55.001 Tourist Accommodation, Small Area Data, Tasmania - Electronic Delivery, Jun 2006 (Released 10/10/2006)
Contains the results from the on-going quarterly Survey of Tourist Accommodation. Data provide information on the supply of, and demand for, tourist accommodation facilities. Data include number of establishments, capacity and employment for the quarter and occupancy and takings from accommodation for each month; by type of establishment and by star grading. This is a useful reference for policy makers and industry monitors and advisers. Information is presented for the state and by Tourism Regions as defined by the state tourism commission.

3101.0 Australian Demographic Statistics, Mar 2006 (Released 21/09/2006)
Quarterly estimates of total population for states, territories and Australia. Includes the most recent estimates of the population in five-year age groups; numbers (and some rates) of births, deaths, infant deaths, interstate and overseas movements. Quarterly and/or annual time series tables throughout. Also includes population projections and estimated resident households for states, territories and Australia.

4824.0.55.001 Mental Health in Australia: A Snapshot 2004-05 (Released 30/09/2006)
This article provides a brief overview of the prevalence, risk factors and characteristics of persons with mental or behavioural problems in Australia. This article presents information sourced from the 2004-05 ABS National Health Survey (NHS), as well as the 2003 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC) and other ABS and non-ABS sources.

8686.0 Sports and Physical Recreation Services, Australia, 2004-05 (29/08/2006)
Presents final results, in respect of the 2004-05 financial year, from a survey of businesses involved in a range of sports services. Information presented includes the income, expenses and employment of organisations involved in horse and dog racing, health/fitness centres and gymnasia, other sporting venues, administrative organisations, sporting clubs, and sports support services.


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