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Housing Circumstances of People Using Mental Health Services and Prescription Medications

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This is an overview of selected housing circumstances of people using subsidised mental health-related services and prescription medications

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Housing is most readily defined in terms of the physical structures used to provide shelter (Endnote 1). More broadly, places of residence serve other functions such as providing a place for privacy, to care for family members and friends, to socialise, entertain and spend time with others, and to relax, eat and sleep.

For some people their housing circumstances may reflect their preferences or desires, not just their needs. However, regardless of whether those circumstances are based on a need or want, housing should cater for different needs of people at different stages of life, their physical abilities and their cultural context. Appropriate housing can be an important determinant of health and subjective wellbeing, of building social connections and of access to jobs and public services.

This publication is the third in a series of analyses based on data from the Mental Health Services-Census Integrated Dataset. It explores use of Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) subsidised mental health-related services and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) subsidised mental health-related medications in 2011 by people with different housing circumstances, building upon previous releases from the Integrated Dataset. These are:

MBS subsidised mental health-related services are those provided by psychiatrists, general practitioners (GPs), clinical psychologists, other psychologists, and other allied health professionals. PBS subsidised mental health-related medications comprise antipsychotics, anxiolytics/hypnotics and sedatives, antidepressants, and psychostimulants, agents used for ADHD and nootropics. See Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 respectively for more detail about mental health-related services and medications listed on the MBS and PBS.

Housing circumstances considered in this publication include:

  • Dwelling type (private dwellings and non-private dwellings);
  • Tenure type (home owner or renting);
  • Household type (family, group and lone person households);
  • Living arrangements; and
  • Overcrowding.

In the Integrated Dataset, the Census of Population and Housing provides insight into a range of socio-demographic characteristics including age, sex, remoteness, socio-economic disadvantage, household income, labour force status, educational attainment and others.

Data quality considerations

There are a number of factors that should be considered when interpreting information presented in this publication.

While MBS items included in scope of the Mental Health Services-Census Integrated Dataset include a range of subsidised mental health-related services provided in Australia, consultations with some medical practitioners such as paediatricians were not captured in the dataset, even if they were related to mental health. Consultations with GPs that may have involved discussion of mental health issues but were not recorded as mental-health related medications were also not captured.

The type of dwelling a person resides in is usually determined by the Census collector during enumeration. As well as being increasingly difficult to determine whether some dwellings are private or non-private, it is also becoming increasingly difficult to determine or distinguish between some types of non-private dwelling. For example, for nursing homes and accommodation for the retired or aged, accommodation is usually offered for both low and high level care which can be difficult to separately identify.

A person's use of mental health-related services or medications does not imply a diagnosis of a mental health condition. For information on people who reported having a mental or behavioural condition in Australia in 2014-15 (4.0 million people) see National Health Survey: First Results, 2014-15 (cat. no. 4364.0.55.001).


Overview of housing circumstances of Australians

As people progress through different stages of life their housing preferences and needs may change as a result of factors such as changes in family structures, health and mental well-being and financial situations (Endnote 1). For example, a young adult might rent a small flat or unit or share a group house, and then progress to purchasing and owning their own home. People may partner and have children, while other people may live alone as a result of relationship breakdown, the death of a partner, or through personal preference. People requiring support with day-to-day tasks or health care may live in facilities such as nursing homes.

In 2011, the vast majority (around 98%) of Australians at home on Census night were members of households living in private dwellings such as houses, flats or units (including dwellings rented through state or territory housing authorities). A small proportion (2%) of Australians lived in non-private dwellings such as nursing homes, psychiatric hospitals or institutions, hostels, boarding schools/residential colleges and staff quarters.

People living in private dwellings had a range of different housing circumstances in 2011; most lived in a family household (84%), while 9% lived in a lone person household and 4% lived in a group household. Of all people living in a family household, over half (58%) were in a couple family with children, around one-quarter (25%) were in a couple family without children, and 14% were in a one parent family.

Across Australia, people with different housing circumstances had different socio-demographic characteristics. For example, people living in non-private dwellings were generally older than people living in private dwellings. In 2011, the median age of people in non-private dwellings was 59 years, compared with 37 years for people in private dwellings.

  1. At home on Census night.

Source(s): The Mental Health Services-Census Integrated Dataset

Similarly, characteristics differed amongst people living in private dwellings. For example, the median age of people who owned their house/had a mortgage was 41 years in 2011, compared with 28 years for people renting through a real estate agent. Of lone person households, 55% were female (with a median age of 64 years) and 45% were male (with a median age of 52 years).

Amongst people living in non-private dwellings, those in nursing homes or accommodation for the retired or aged had a median age of 86 years in 2011, while people in boarding schools/residential colleges had a median age of 19 years.

Given the relationship between demographic characteristics such as age and sex and the use of MBS and PBS subsidised mental health-related treatments (Endnote 2), it is important to take these into consideration when interpreting data presented in this publication on the use of mental health-related treatments by people with different housing circumstances.


MBS subsidised mental health-related services

In 2011, 7.2% of all Australians (1.5 million people) used at least one MBS subsidised mental health-related service such as a consultation with a psychologist. Rates of use differed among people in different housing circumstances.

People living in private dwellings

People living in non-private dwellings

PBS subsidised mental health-related medications

In 2011, 10.9% (2.4 million people) of all Australians had at least one script filled for a PBS subsidised mental health-related prescription medication such as an antidepressant. Rates of use differed among people in different housing circumstances.

People living in private dwellings

People living in non-private dwellings

About the Mental Health Services-Census Integrated Dataset

The Mental Health Services-Census Data Integration project brings together the breadth of 2011 Census of Population and Housing (Census) data with administrative information on people accessing MBS subsidised mental health-related services and PBS subsidised mental health-related prescription medications. The project was initiated on behalf of the National Mental Health Commission (NMHC) with the aim of informing the National Review of Mental Health Services and Programmes.

Integrating a selected subset of data items from the MBS, PBS and 2011 Census has greatly increased the power of the data to support analysis of the circumstances and characteristics of people experiencing mental ill-health as they interact with the health care system. The Mental Health Services-Census Integrated Dataset includes people who responded to the 2011 Census and those who accessed subsidised mental health-related items listed on the MBS or PBS in 2011.

The Integrated Dataset contributes significantly to the pool of mental health-related data available in Australia to assist in the development and evaluation of mental health programs and support services now and into the future. Questions can be answered about people accessing subsidised mental health-related services and medications with evidence that up until now has not been available. For example, analysis of the integrated data answers questions about the relationship between mental health-related services, medication use and key socio-economic information such as education, employment and housing.

The confidentiality of these data are protected by the Census and Statistics Act (1905) and the Privacy Act (1988). MBS and PBS information provided by the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services to the ABS is treated in the strictest confidence as is required by the National Health Act (1953) and the Health Insurance Act (1973).

Data downloads

Table 1: Persons accessing MBS mental health-related services in 2011, housing circumstances

Table 2: Persons accessing PBS mental health-related medications in 2011, housing circumstances

Table 3: Persons accessing MBS or PBS mental health-related services and/or medications in 2011, housing circumstances

Table 4: Persons accessing MBS subsidised mental health-related services in 2011, type of service and selected housing and family characteristics

Table 5: Persons accessing PBS subsidised mental health-related prescription medications in 2011, type of medication and selected housing and family characteristics

History of changes

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Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 4329.0.00.002.

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