16/12/2009 Note: Additional spreadsheets released. Through this additional material release, all tables in the pdf publication will now be made available in Excel format.
This publication presents selected counts of Australian business operators as sourced from the 2007 Forms of Employment Survey and the 2006 Census of Population and Housing.
This publication replaces business operator counts previously published in regard to the Characteristics of Small Business Survey (cat. no. 8127.0). The counts presented in this publication are not directly comparable with those presented in previous releases.
This publication has two Sections.
Section One includes data sourced from the 2007 Forms of Employment Survey. The data presented describe Australian business operators across a range of characteristics, using counts and proportions. These characteristics provide an indication of the distribution of Australia's business operators and also provide further insight into the characteristics of the businesses operated in the Australian economy. For example, data on industry, geography, and employment are relevant to individuals (i.e. business operators) and the businesses they operate. Where possible, data have also been included for "non-business operators".
Section Two includes data sourced from the 2006 Census of Population and Housing. The data presented describe the distribution of Australian business operators (including small business operators) across a range of characteristics, in terms of proportions. The distribution of these characteristics has also been compared with "non-business operators" where possible.
Together, these two sections provide, on a similar conceptual basis, a comprehensive picture of Australia's business operators. For the purposes of this publication, business operators essentially comprise owner managers of incorporated and unincorporated Australian enterprises, while non-business operators mainly comprise all other employed persons (please refer to the Glossary for further information). Further, the data sources used in Sections One and Two collect information in regard to individuals and their "main job", which further enhances the consistency and complementary nature of the data.
Additional information is presented towards the end of the publication, including Explanatory and Technical Notes, an Appendix pertaining to the history of ABS business operator counts, and a Glossary of terms used in the publication.
Data pertaining to Australian business operators were last published in a Main Features Article released in August 2008 entitled Australian Small Business Operators - Findings from the 2005 and 2006 Characteristics of Small Business Surveys (cat. no. 8127.0). This Article also foreshadowed the pending release of Counts of Australian Business Operators.
While Counts of Australian Business Operators continues to provide users with access to data pertaining to those persons in the Australian economy who operate businesses, this publication differs from the previous release in that it references data pertaining to Australia's business operators using two new data sources.
Specifically, the 2007 Forms of Employment Survey has been used to provide a more recent snapshot of the counts and proportions of Australia's business operators across a number of other selected characteristics.
In addition, the 2006 Census of Population and Housing included questions which allowed ABS to collect data on those Australians who operated businesses (including small businesses). Due to the significant range of topics covered in the 2006 Census, this allows ABS to produce data on business operators by a range of characteristics.
It should be noted that the previous release, Australian Small Business Operators - Findings from the 2005 and 2006 Characteristics of Small Business Surveys (cat. no. 8127.0), excluded the operators of Agricultural businesses. Counts of Australian Business Operators differs in that it provides a comprehensive, industry-wide view of Australia's business operators.
It is planned to continue releasing updated counts every five years, following the Census of Population and Housing. For further information regarding ABS' plans for future releases, please refer to Appendix 1.
Where figures have been rounded discrepancies may occur between the sum of component items and the total.
The ABS welcomes feedback from users of these business operator counts.
To provide feedback or for further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070, e-mail <client.services@abs.gov.au> or Ashley Bartlett on Canberra (02) 6252 5402, e-mail <integration.nsc/bsc.wdb@abs.gov.au>
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Ashley Bartlett on Canberra (02) 6252 5402.