Two CURFs were prepared following the 1986 Census of Population and Housing. The two files use different classifications for geography (and have a slightly different range of variables). The contents of the files are described below. When ordering a 1986 Census CURF please indicate which file is sought, by using the underlined titles.
This file contains data classified to State/Territory (the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory are combined for confidentiality reasons) and Major Urban/Balance of State. This Household Sample File contains unidentified individual statistical records containing data on 52,676 Private Dwellings and 156,723 persons in Private and Non Private Dwellings. The records on this file represent a 1% sample of the 1986 Census full unit record database with the level of detail collapsed for some variables to ensure the confidentiality of the data.
The following variables are included on the file:
Dwelling variables: ALM Mortgage payments - monthly, BED Bedrooms - number of, FUF Furnished/ unfurnished, HIN Household income (annual), HST Household type, NOC Nature of Occupancy, NPD Non-private dwelling, PPD Persons in household, RNT Rent (weekly), STR Structure of dwelling, VEH Motor vehicles - number of
Family variables: DPA Dependent children absent, DPE Dependent children enumerated, DPT Total dependent children, FIN Family income, FMC Family composition, FNO Family number, MDC Married/ de facto couple, NPF Persons in family/ group household, SPL Spouse location
Person variables: AGE Age, ALS Age left school, ANC Ancestry, BPL Birthplace of individual, BPL04 Birthplace of individual (sub-continental groups), BPL36 Birthplace of individual (country), BPF Birthplace of father, BPF04 Birthplace of father (sub-continental groups), BPF30 Birthplace of father (Australia/overseas), BPM Birthplace of mother, BPM04 Birthplace of mother (sub-continental groups), BPM30 Birthplace of mother (Australia/overseas), CHT Dependent family child type, CIT Citizenship, ENG Proficiency in English, GNG Industry sector, HRS Hours worked, IMI Internal migration indicator, INC Individual income, IND Industry, LAN Language, LFS Labour force status, MMO Married more than once, MST Marital status, OCC Occupation, PER Period of residence in Australia, QAL Qualification, QAL025S Qualification (level), QAL13S Qualification (field), REL Religion, RLF Relationship in household, RSC Usual residence - census night, RSO Usual residence - 1985, RSV Usual residence - 1981, SEX Sex, STU Student, TIL Total living issue, TIS Total issue, TPT Method of travel to work, TYP Type of educational institution being attended, YFM Year first married, YOQ Year of qualification.
This file contains data classified to Major Urban, Other Urban and Rural. Records do not contain an indication of the State/Territory in which the data was collected. This Household Sample File contains unidentified individual statistical records containing data on 52,678 Private, Dwellings and 156,302 persons in Private and Non Private Dwellings. The records on this file represent a 1% sample of the 1986 Census full unit record database with the level of detail collapsed for some variables to ensure the confidentiality of the data.
The following variables are included on the file:
Dwelling variables: ABD Aboriginal dwelling indicator, ALM Mortgage payments - monthly, BED Bedrooms - number of, FUF Furnished/ unfurnished, HIN Household income (annual), HST Household type, LLD Landlord, NOC Nature of Occupancy, NPD Non-private dwelling, PPD Persons in household, RNT Rent (weekly), STR Structure of dwelling, VEH Motor vehicles - number of
Family variables: DPA Dependent children absent, DPE Dependent children enumerated, DPT Total dependent children, FIN Family income, FMC Family composition, FNO Family number, MDC Married/ de facto couple, NPF Persons in family/ group household, SPL Spouse location
Person variables: ABL Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander origin, AGE Age, ALS Age left school, ANC Ancestry, BPL Birthplace of individual, BPF Birthplace of father, BPM Birthplace of mother, CHT Dependent family child type, CIT Citizenship, ENG Proficiency in English, GNG Industry sector, HRS Hours worked, IMI Internal migration indicator, INC Individual income, IND Industry, LAN Language, LFS Labour force status, MMO Married more than once, MST Marital status, OCC Occupation, PER Period of residence in Australia, QAL Qualification, REL Religion, RLF Relationship in household, RSC Usual residence - census night, RSO Usual residence - 1985, RSV Usual residence - 1981, SEX Sex, STU Student, TIL Total Living issue, TIS Total Issue, TPT Method of travel to work, TYP Type of educational institution being attended, YFM Year first married, YOQ Year of qualification.
More information about the CURF is provided in the Technical Paper available below. Information in the Technical Paper was correct at time of publication.