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In this issue 2006 Census debrief On Tuesday 8 August, more than 20 million Australians played their role in helping ABS develop a statistical snapshot of Australia’s population by participating in the 2006 Census of Population and Housing. Media coverage and feedback from collectors indicated unprecedented public interest in the Census. While most Australians completed the traditional paper copy of the Census form; for the first time, almost 775,000 Australians completed their Census form online. The release of Census data will occur in two stages. First release processing, due for completion by June 2007, covers basic demographics such as usual address, sex, age, marital status, relationship, birthplace, religion, ancestry and language. Second release processing covering “complex” topics like occupation, qualifications and industry will be completed by October 2007. Once released, many Census data products will be available free on the ABS website at <>. To learn more about 2006 Census products and services, refer to the 'A Taste of What's to Come - Preview 2006 Census Products and Services' information session on page 11 (ABS Statistical Training and Information Seminars).National Regional Profile The latest version National Regional Profile (NRP)(cat no 1379.0.55.001 and 1379.0.55.002) was released on 21 September 2006. Those needing a thorough regional snapshot have access to information for Local Government Areas, Statistical Local Areas, Statistical Subdivisions, Statistical Divisions, States/Territories and Australia. NRP caters for users who want a brief snapshot of their region, more detailed regional data, and those wanting to compare regions. There are now: 1. Summary web pages for regions: a page of data under the topics of economy, population/people, industry and environment/energy. 2. Excel spreadsheets for regions: more detailed data, including all summary page data, plus other state/territory data where available. 3. SuperTABLE datacubes: the same information as in Excel spreadsheets, but for many regions. NRP topics include: local government finance, land area (sq km), Indigenous population estimates, some 2001 Census data, estimated resident population, births, deaths, unemployment, income support customers, taxable income, building approvals, motor vehicle sales, agriculture, persons born overseas, language other than English, educational qualification, occupation, families, and households. NRP can be accessed from <>. Select 'Regional', then 'Regional releases'. Users can select a region by name or drill-down using maps, and view or download information. Contact Andrea Woods on Adelaide (08) 8237 7350 or email <>.Water resources ABS is working with the National Water Commission (NWC) to help deliver the 'Australian Water Resources Assessment (AWRA) 2005' in early 2007. The following ABS products are major inputs into AWRA 2005.
Another ABS water-related output is 4623.0 Characteristics of Australia's Irrigated Farms, released 27/9/2006. It presents output from a collaborative arrangement between ABS and the Productivity Commission. CensusAtSchool There was an excellent response to ABS's online resource CensusAtSchool, with 24.3 % of all schools across Australia participating and a total of 112,000 students submitting questionnaires. CensusAtSchool was launched in October 2005 and is a non-compulsory, free, internet based data collection and analysis project for primary and secondary schools. It provides a unique e-learning opportunity for Australian school students to use technology to investigate questions of interest to themselves, and provide opportunities for teachers to enhance their technical skills. CensusAtSchool was developed by ABS's National Education Services Unit in consultation with teachers and students across Australia, with the aim of promoting Census 2006 and improving statistical literacy of year 5 to 12 students. In late January 2006, students at participating schools were able to access the CensusAtSchool Online Questionnaire, where they responded to questions about themselves designed to be both fun and engaging. As examples, questions included what they ate for breakfast, right or left handedness and favourite type of music. Questionnaire submission ceased in early-July and was immediately followed by the Data Usage Phase. Students are now able to take random samples of raw data (up to 200 records) from the CensusAtSchool database. To date over 40,000 random samples have been downloaded. It is hoped that widespread use of this data will encourage classroom use of mainstream ABS statistics and raise ABS's school sector profile. Project support material for teachers, and advice on how to incorporate CensusAtSchool in the classroom, have been provided on the web site. Personal development (PD) sessions have been conducted across Australia, and a CD-ROM covering PD has been produced. Strict safeguards are in place to ensure the anonymity of all CensusAtSchool participants. An international conference of countries conducting CensusAtSchool projects is planned for Melbourne in March 2007. It is hoped a conference outcome will be an international standard set of questions, leading to Australian schools having access to both local and international CensusAtSchool data for analysis and comparison. For further information go to the ABS website <> and select the CensusAtSchool link on the homepage. Contact CensusAtSchool on 1800 623 273 or email <>.National standards for health surveillance of preventable chronic diseases and risk factors ABS plays an important role in promoting standards within the wider statistical community. Standard ABS questions, frameworks and classifications are freely available on the ABS website, and available for use in new collections conducted outside ABS. During the last six years, ABS has worked closely with state health departments to develop national data collection standards for health surveillance of preventable chronic diseases and risk factors. This collaborative work was done as part of a Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) Technical Reference Group (TRG) reporting to the National Public Health Information Working Group (NPHIWG) under the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council (AHMAC). Funded by the Department of Health and Ageing, and with significant input from the CATI Technical Reference Group, ABS examined questions relating to preventable chronic diseases and risk factors, using cognitive and field testing to determine the best questions for CATI health surveys. ABS health questions, although not designed for the CATI environment, were often included in the testing process as a set of standard questions. Manuals on each topic have been prepared by ABS, including testing undertaken and recommendations for questions. They will be available progressively on the CATI TRG website <>. Work on the project is being finalised this year. The importance of question harmonisation across collections has been emphasised through the project. Many standard CATI questions are used in Victorian surveys, along with standard ABS classifications such as the Australian Standard Classification of Occupations. With standard questions, frameworks and classifications used in a variety of surveys; the relatability, usefulness and quality of health data has been extended. Contact Catriona Bate on Canberra (02) 6252 7647 or email <>. Indigenous Vital Statistics The feature article in June quarter 2006 State and Regional Indicators, Victoria (cat. no. 1367.2, released 10/08/2006) was titled 'Indigenous Vital Statistics' (i.e. birth and death registrations). Complete and consistent Indigenous identification in censuses, surveys and administrative data collections is fundamental to developing high quality statistical information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. After examining the definition of 'Indigenous', the article notes that Indigenous population estimates are experimental due to deficiencies in vitals registrations. It then outlines the registration process, which includes a 'standard' Indigenous status question. Time-series graphs are presented to emphasise the importance of accurate identification of Indigenous births and deaths; especially in estimating Indigenous population size, being able to track changes, and predicting future growth. Indigenous vital statistics also give important clues to the overall health status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Indigenous deaths data are used in the construction of experimental Indigenous life tables. These then give rise to estimates of Indigenous life expectancy, which the article contrasts with the general population's life expectancy. The article concludes with work done to address quality issues in Indigenous statistics, particularly births and deaths, and includes references. Contact Janet Lui on Melbourne (03) 9615 7510 or email <>. SELECTED RECENT RELEASES 1351.0.55.015 - Research Paper: Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas: Introduction, Use and Future Directions, Sep 2006. First issue. Released 28/09/2006.
1380.0.55.003 Perspectives on Regional Australia: Household Expenditure Throughout Australia, 2003-04. Released 12/07/2006. Presents a regional perspective on average weekly household expenditure on goods and services from the Household Expenditure Survey (HES) 2003-04. HES collected information on income, expenditure, net worth and other characteristics of households resident in private dwellings. The publication's regional dimension is based on Section of State structure: major urban, other urban, and rural areas. In 2003-04, average Victorian weekly household (HH) expenditure on goods and services ran to $898; with Victorian major urban areas ($943) spending more than rural areas ($871) and other urban areas ($752). At Victoria level, the largest weekly expenditures were: food and non-alcoholic beverages ($156, 17.3% of weekly HH expenditure), transport ($139, 15.4%), current housing costs (selected dwelling)($132, 14.7%) and recreation ($119, 13.3%). Contact Kirsten Hastwell on Adelaide (08) 8237 7369 or email <>. 4102.0 Australian Social Trends, 2006. Released 20/07/2006. Information on contemporary social issues and areas of public policy concern. By drawing on a wide range of ABS statistics, and statistics from other official sources, it describes aspects of Australian society, and how these are changing over time. Material is organised into nine chapters, including: population, family and community, health, education and training, work, economic resources, and housing. An eighth chapter covers other areas of concern (e.g. crime and justice, culture and leisure, and environment). The ninth chapter provides international comparisons for a number of these areas. Contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070, or refer to contacts listed at the back of this publication. 4183.0 Cultural Funding by Government, Australia, 2004-05. Released 24/08/2006. Estimates Australian public funding for arts and cultural activities, facilities and services for 2002-03 to 2004-05, for the three levels of government. Detailed estimates of local government funding of arts and cultural activities are not available for this edition, but are expected to be available in a future edition. In Australia during 2004–05, the Federal Government spent an average $87.14 per person on cultural funding, State and territory government $116.61, and local government $44.42. Recurrent expenditure refers mainly to expenditure on wages and salaries, purchases of goods and services, and current grants and subsidies. In 2004–05, the Australian Government allocated $1,736.3m (98.6%) of its cultural funding towards recurrent activity, while state and territory governments provided $2,050.1m (87.0%) and local governments $747.2m (83.2%). The Victorian State government spent $384.6m on heritage (eg. museums, libraries, parks and zoos), and $87.6m on arts (eg. performance, venues, broadcasting and film); totalling $472.2m. This equated to $94.58 per person cultural funding. Victorian local government spent a total $235.8m on cultural funding, for an average $47.24 per person. Contact Damian Sparkes on Adelaide (08) 8237 7425 or email <>. 4390.0 Private Hospitals, Australia, 2004-05. Released 14/07/2006. Presents private hospital sector data for 2004-05. About 4 in 10 hospital patients in Australia were admitted to private hospitals, accounting for 30% of all hospitalisation days. There were 142 private hospitals operating in Victoria in 2004-05; of which 75 were acute, 6 psychiatric, and 61 free-standing day hospitals. The Melbourne Statistical Division held 59 private acute and psychiatric hospitals, and Balance of Victoria 22. Victorian acute hospitals had 5,897 beds, and psychiatric hospitals 423 beds. In 2004-05, Victorian private acute and psychiatric hospitals had 570,900 separations, for 1,741,100 patient days; giving a 3.0 day average stay, and 75.5% bed occupancy rate. Their annual expenditure totalled $1.54 bil; giving an average recurrent expenditure of $2,703 per separation, or $886 per patient day. Victorian free-standing day hospitals had an annual total expenditure of $47.6 mil, for a $373 average recurrent expenditure per separation. Contact Shell McConville on Brisbane (07) 3222 6428 or email <>. 4390.0.40.001 Private Health Establishments: Acute and Psychiatric Hospitals Data Report, 2004-05. Released 14/07/2006. Tables show statistics additional to those published in Private Hospitals, Australia (cat no 4390.0). A data report consisting of 28 tables, showing a wide range of information for States/Territories and Australia; including patient classification, operations performed, specialised services, staffing, income, expenditure and broad morbidity data (age, sex, principal diagnosis and principal procedure). Contact Shell McConville on Brisbane (07) 3222 6428 or email <>. 4390.0.40.002 Private Health Establishments: Free Standing Day Hospital Facilities Data Report, 2005-05. Released 14/07/2006. Presents details on Private Free-standing Day Hospital Facilities from the 2004-2005 national census of private hospitals, and contains state level data. Contact Shell McConville on Brisbane (07) 3222 6428 or email <>. 4618.0 Water Use on Australian Farms, 2004-05. Released 25/07/2006. Water Account Australia 2000-01 (cat. no. 4610.0) showed that agriculture accounted for 67% of Australian water consumption in 2000-01. This publication presents estimates of agricultural water use, sources of irrigation water, irrigation methods, and water traded in Australia during 2004-05. The estimates were compiled from data collected as part of the annual Agricultural Survey. Victoria reported the largest number of Agricultural establishments irrigating (9,828), followed by New South Wales (8,606) and Queensland (8,258). NSW was the state with the largest irrigated area: 910,000 hectares and 3,717 gigalitres of irrigation water used. While Victoria had more establishments using surface irrigation, the total area irrigated by this method was greater in NSW (678,000 ha) than Victoria (442,000 ha). Victoria had the largest percentage of agricultural establishments trading water, with 8.1% purchasing extra water and 6.6% selling water. Pasture for grazing was the dominant use of irrigation water in several States, but particularly in Victoria and Tasmania, with 68.0% of irrigation water applied in Victoria and 52.7% in Tasmania used for grazing pasture. Autumn 2005 was very dry through much of eastern and central Australia, particularly in Victoria and South Australia, which both had their driest autumn on record. Contact Ron Just on Hobart (03) 6222 5842 or email <>. 4624.0 Natural Resource Management on Australian Farms, Preliminary, 2004-05. Released 06/07/2006, first issue. Contains preliminary estimates from ABS's first dedicated Natural Resource Management Survey. Priority topics include: native vegetation, weeds, pests, land and soil, and water. Regional data are being released at the Natural Heritage Trust (NHT2) region level. Final results released in cat no 4620.0 during October 2006. Contact Erica McCoull on Hobart (03) 6222 5977 or email <> 4821.0.55.001 Cardiovascular Disease in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05. Released 15/09/2006. A brief overview of prevalence, risk factors, hospitalisations and trends in morbidity for cardiovascular disease in Australia. Information was drawn from ABS's 2001 and 2004-05 National Health Surveys, 2004-05 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey, 2004 Cause of Death collection and 2003 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers. In relation to direct health care expenditure, cardiovascular disease is the most expensive health condition, costing 11% of the total allocated health system expenditure or $5.4 bil, in 2000-01 (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare). In 2004-05, 18% of Australians (approximately 3.5 million) reported having a long-term cardiovascular condition. The most common cardiovascular condition was hypertension (high blood pressure), reported by 11% (2.1 million). Heart, stroke or vascular conditions were reported by 3.8% of Australians. Some 13% of persons aged 35 to 44 years reported a long term cardiovascular condition, increasing to 23% of persons 45 to 54 years, and 63% of persons 75 years and over. Many people reporting diabetes (60%) also reported having a cardiovascular disease. In 2003-04, cardiovascular disease was the principal diagnosis for 7% or 448,859 hospitalisations in Australia. The average stay for those staying at least one night was six days. Cardiovascular disease accounted for 47,637 or 36% of deaths in 2004.
4824.0.55.001 Mental Health in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05. Released 30/08/2006. Presents ABS's 2004-05 National Health Survey (NHS). Note that it excluded persons in hospitals, nursing and convalescent homes and hospices; and hence, data relates only to persons in private dwellings. This article also draws on data from the 2003 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC) and other ABS and non-ABS sources. Contact Ken Black on Canberra (02) 6252 7430 or email <>. 4911.0 Aspects of Social Capital, Australia, 2006. Released 17/07/2006, first issue. Drawing together available data from the 2002 General Social Survey and other ABS collections, this compendium presents data and analysis relating to the ABS Social Capital Framework. Geographic and structural features of Australia's population set the scene; and analysis addresses such topics as feelings of safety, reciprocity, involvement in voluntary work and caring, and other aspects of community support and social participation. The short articles for each topic present summary information for the Australian population, along with comparative information for various population sub-groups. State/territory and remoteness area level data are also presented. Contact Elisabeth Davis on Canberra (02) 6252 7880 or email <>. 7123.2.55.001 Agricultural State Profile, Victoria, 2004-05. Released 10/08/2006. Provides data on farm numbers, agricultural production and contribution of agriculture to the economy; with some statistical division data. At 30 June 2005, there were an estimated 32,357 farms in Victoria. Beef cattle farming was the most common farming activity with 7,924 farms (24.5% of Vic farms) mainly engaged in this activity, followed by dairy cattle (6,199 farms, 19.2%) and sheep farming (3,790 farms, 11.7%). In 2003-04, the gross value of Victorian agricultural production was $8.7 billion. In 2004-05, Victorian gross farm product (the value added in production by farm businesses) was worth $6.43 bil, or 2.9% of gross state product. Victoria exported $1.7 billion worth of agricultural commodities. Contact John Moody on Hobart (03) 6222 5867 or email <>. 7124.0 Historical Selected Agriculture Commodities, by State (1861 to Present), 2005. Released 10/07/2006. Contains historical agricultural production details. Variables include the area and production of wheat, oats, barley, maize and potatoes; number of sheep, cattle, pigs and horses; and tonnes of wool produced. This time series information covers Victoria. Contact Karen Connaughton on Canberra (02) 6252 5337 or email <>. 8104.0 - Research and Experimental Development, Businesses, Australia, 2004-05. Released 28/08/2006. During 2004-05, Australian business expenditure on R&D (BERD) was $8,446.2 million; an increase of 10.4% in current price terms over 2003-04, and the sixth successive year of increase. Over five years to 2004-05, BERD increased at an average annual rate of 20.8% in current price term. Although Australia recorded one of the largest increases in BERD/GDP ratio of all OECD countries from 2003-04 to 2004-05, Australia (0.95%) remained below the OECD average (1.53%). In 2004-05, the largest contributors to BERD were manufacturing ($3,451.4 million or 40.9% of BERD), property and business services ($1,609.6 million or 19.1%) and mining ($1,204.5 million or 14.3%). The business sector was the main source of R&D funds, with 88.7% coming from own funds and 2.7% from other businesses; followed by Commonwealth government (3.9%) and overseas organisations (3.7%). Transport, storage, construction, finance and insurance were almost wholly self-funded (all above 99.0%); while property and business services had the lowest rate of self-funding (74.5%). Locations in NSW and Victoria continued to record the highest levels of BERD in 2004-05, at $3,157.0 million (37.4%) and $2,405.0 million (28.5%) respectively. Since 2003-04, WA has recorded the highest level of growth, increasing by 36.7% to $1,051.2 million, surpassing Qld. Manufacturing expenditure on R&D was highest in Victoria ($1,396.1 million), Property and business services in NSW ($559.4 million) and Mining in WA ($452.0 million) and Qld ($354.0 million). The highest state percentages of BERD as a proportion of Gross State Product (GSP) were in Victoria (1.08%), WA (1.04%) and NSW (1.03%). Contact Kirsty Rothenbury on Perth (08) 9360 5382 or email <>. 8221.0 Manufacturing Industry, Australia, 2003-04. Released 05/07/2006. Presents Economic Activity Survey manufacturing industry estimates for 2003-04, together with comparable 2001-02 and 2002-03 data. Manufacturing ranked fifteenth (of seventeen industries) in its average annual growth rate over the past 10 years (2.0%), compared with the highest growth rate industry of communication services (6.1%). In 2003-04, 15.7% of Victoria's production was attributed to manufacturing, which was the state's largest industry. Victorian metal product manufacture held 26% of national sector employment and 19% of sector sales and service income. Textile, clothing, footwear and leather manufacturing was heavily concentrated in Victoria, which produced 44% of national sector sales and service income. NSW dominated printing, publishing and recording media with 43% of industry sales and service income, compared with 30% for Victoria. Victoria accounted for 33% of national petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing sales and service income, and 38% of sector value adding. Victoria's (32%) share of wood and paper product manufacturing sales and service income exceeded that of NSW (31%). Contact John Ridley on Sydney (02) 9268 4541 or email <>. 8684.0 Gambling Services, Australia, 2004-05. Released 20/09/2006. Presents statistics on businesses engaged in the provision of gambling services for 2004-05, including results from a census of Australian casino businesses. It includes: net takings from gambling, composition of other income earned, details of expenses incurred and workforce structure. Net takings from gambling ($4,383.2m) for the 946 businesses operating in Victoria represented 28.4% of total Australian net takings from gambling. Net takings per head of adult population in Victoria were $1,134 in 2004-05. Contact Sophie Vassiliou on Melbourne (03) 9615 7442 or email <>. 8686.0 Sports and Physical Recreation Services, Australia, 2004-05. Released 29/08/2006. This survey measured the performance, structure and activity of businesses/organisations providing sports and physical recreation services. It covers the composition of income earned, details of expenses incurred and workforce structure. During 2004-05, Australian businesses/organisations engaged in sports and physical recreation services generated $8,820.5m total income. The highest single income items were government funding ($1,563.6m or 17.7% of total income), sports membership and competition fees ($1,305.7m or 14.8%), and sponsorship/fundraising ($806m or 9.1%). Total employment in sports and physical recreation services was 111,519 persons, with an additional 181,832 volunteers during June 2005. Within the survey's scope (eg. sports and physical recreation activities: namely horse and dog racing, health/fitness centres and gyms, sports venues, sports professionals, support and admin services) total Victorian employment was 27,558 persons or 24.7% of national employment in these activities. Businesses/organisations mainly involved in Victorian horse and dog racing activities accounted for 39.4% of Australian employment and 41.2% of total Australian income for these activities. The 171 Victorian health and fitness centres and gymnasia accounted for 17.4% of Australian employment and 17.6% of income generated in this sector. Contact Sophie Vassiliou on Melbourne (03) 9615 7442 or email <>. 8903.0 Australia's Health, 2006. Released 03/07/2006. The eighth biennial health report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). It is the nation's authoritative source of information on patterns of health and illness, determinants of health, supply and use of health services, and health service costs and performance. This publication is produced by AIHW, with an agreement to sell copies through the ABS bookshop; and is not available free off the ABS website. Contact ABS's National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or email <>. INFORMATION PAPERS, RESEARCH PAPERS AND CLASSIFICATIONS 1200.0 Standards for Social, Labour and Demographic Variables, 1999. Released 04/07/2006. Developed by ABS to standardise the way ABS and other agencies collect and disseminate information relating to social and labour issues. These standards relate to labour force, demographic, family, household, income, education, cultural diversity and language variables. Contact Tim Holloway on Canberra (02) 6252 6000 or email <>. 1220.0 Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), First Edition, 2006. Released 11/09/2006. ANZSCO was developed jointly by ABS, Statistics NZ and Australian Department of Employment and Workplace Relations; for use in the collection, publication and analysis of occupation statistics. Contact Andrew Woolley on Canberra (02) 6252 7073 or email <>. 1252.0.55.001 National Localities Index (NLI), Australia, July 2006. Final issue. Released 14/07/2006. Final NLI issue, relating to the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) 2006, and current to 30 June, 2007. There will be no NLI for ASGC 2007. The NLI is to be replaced with a web service, AddressCoder@ABS in the second half of 2006. This will be able to receive addresses and respond with the Statistical Local Area, Collection District and, eventually, Mesh Block codes. AddressCoder@ABS is available free to eligible users outside ABS through the National Data Network. For more information please email <>. 1259.0.30.002 Statistical Geography - Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), Digital Boundaries , 2006. Released 14/07/2006. Date of effect is 1 July 2006, and used for the 2006 Census of Population & Housing. It contains digital boundaries for Census Collection District (CD) and higher level spatial units. Urban Centre & Locality (UC/L) and Section of State boundaries will be available in September 2007. Digital boundaries supplied in MapInfo Interchange Format (.mid/.mif), based on Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA) 1994. Contact the Assistant Director, Geographic Classification, on Canberra (02) 6252 5888 or email <>. 1351.0.55.014 Research Paper: Analysing the Terms of Trade Effect on GDP and Employment in the Presence of Low Real Unit Labour Costs, Jul 2006. Released 13/07/2006, first issue. While there is a general understanding of a lagged relationship between economic growth (as measured by GDP volumes) and growth in the labour market (measured by employment), the nature of relationship between these variables during 2005 seemed unusual. As part of efforts to ensure the quality of statistical information, ABS undertook modelling work aimed at better understanding the relationship between GDP and employment. Results suggested that recent strength in terms of trade and historically low real unit labour costs may have been two factors that led the relationship between GDP and employment in 2005 to be different from past experience. Contact Dr Mark Zhang, Statistical Services Branch on Canberra (02) 6252 5132 or email <>. 4610.0.55.001 Proposed Methodology for Producing Regional Water Use Estimates, 2004-05. Released 18/09/2006. Outlines a proposed methodology for producing regional water use estimates. This is a methodological paper, and not a statistical publication. Contact John Ovington on Canberra (02) 6252 6854 or email <>. 4616.0.55.001 Research Paper: A Methodology for Estimating Regional Agricultural Water Use, Sep 2006. Released 20/09/2006. This research paper (not a statistical publication) presents the results of applying a small area estimation methodology. Contact the Director, Centre of Environment and Energy Statistics (02) 6252 7348. 5514.0.55.001 Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2005. Released 31/07/2006. A general reference manual which provides a detailed account of the concepts underlying government finance statistics, sources of data employed and methods used to compile the statistics. Contact Jonathan Sim in Canberra on (02) 6252 5735 or email <>. 6429.0 Producer and International Trade Price Indexes: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2006. Released 15/08/2006, first issue. Describes concepts underlying the indexes, as well as data sources and methods used to compile them. It explains what they measure and how they relate to other economic series, goods and services included in the indexes; and the source of price information used to compile them. Contact Matthew Berger on Canberra (02) 6252 6170 or email <>. 9208.0.55.005 Research Paper: Survey of Motor Vehicle Use - An Investigation Into Coherence, 2006. Released 08/09/2006, first issue. Presents results of a joint ABS and Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics project. It investigated disparities between Survey of Motor Vehicle Use estimates of total petrol consumption and annual automotive gasoline sales data, published by Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources. Contact David Skutenko on Canberra (02) 6252 5871 or email <>. OTHER SELECTED RELEASES 1352.0.55.067 Research Paper: Exploring Hedonic Methods for Constructing a House Price Index (Methodology Advisory Committee), Nov 2004. First issue. Released 27/07/2006 1352.0.55.079 Research Paper: Some Aspects of Turning Point Detection in Seasonally Adjusted and Trend Estimates (Methodology Advisory Committee), June 2006. First issue. Released 20/07/2006 4172.0 Arts and Culture in Australia: A Statistical Overview, 2004 (Reissue). Released 06/09/2006 4721.0 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: Involvement in Arts and Culture, 2001 and 2002. First issue. Released 28/08/2006 4820.0.55.001 Diabetes in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05. Released 22/08/2006 4821.0.55.001 Cardiovascular Disease in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05. Released 15/09/2006 4822.0.55.001 Cancer in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05. Released 22/08/2006 4823.0.55.001 Musculoskeletal Conditions in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05. Released 28/09/2006 4831.0.55.001 Tobacco Smoking in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05. First issue. Released 15/09/2006 4832.0.55.001 Alcohol Consumption in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05. First issue. Released 25/08/2006 4833.0.55.001 Health of Older People in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-05. First Issue. Released 28/09/2006 4906.0.55.004 Personal Safety, Australia: State Tables, 2005. Re-issue. Released 21/08/2006 6224.0.55.001 Labour Force, Australia: Labour Force Status and Other Characteristics of Families, Electronic Delivery, June 2006. Released 20/07/2006 7106.0 Australian Farming in Brief, 2006. Released 28/08/2006 7503.0 Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced, Australia, 2004-05. Released 12/09/2006 8104.0 Research and Experimental Development, Businesses, Australia, 2004-05. Released 28/08/2006 8109.0 Research and Experimental Development, Government and Private Non-Profit Organisations, Australia, 2004-05. Released 6/10/2006 8111.0 Research and Experimental Development, Higher Education Organisations, Australia, 2004 (Reissue). Released 27/07/2006 8112.0 Research and Experimental Development, All Sector Summary, Australia, 2004-05. Released 11/10/2006 8126.0 Information and Communication Technology, Australia, 2004-05. Released 25/09/2006 8150.0 Use of Information Technology on Farms, Australia, 2004-05. Released 22/08/2006 8687.0 Clubs, Pubs, Taverns and Bars, Australia, 2004-05. Released 04/07/2006 9208.0 Survey of Motor Vehicle Use, Australia, 01 Nov 2004 to 31 Oct 2005. Released 07/09/2006 Confidentialised Unit Record Files (CURF) A basic CURF costs $1320. Universities have an agreement on CURF use for teaching and research purposes. Contact Carolyn Kennedy on Canberra (02) 6252-5853 or email <>. 4402.0.55.001 Child Care, Australia, Expanded CURF, Jun 2005. First issue. Released 24/07/2006 4524.0.55.003 Crime and Safety, Australia, Expanded CURF, 2005. First issue. Released 05/09/2006 4715.0.55.001 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey: Expanded CURF, 2004-05. Released 16/08/2006 6278.0.55.002 Survey of Education and Training, Australia, CURF, 2005. First issue. Released 13/07/2006 6278.0.55.004 Survey of Education and Training, Australia, Expanded CURF, 2005. First issue. Released 29/08/2006 Main Economic Indicators (MEIs). Also released during the past quarter were a number of monthly and quarterly MEIs which can be accessed from the ABS website home page <>. Examples of MEIs include: housing finance, labour force, consumer price index and retail trade. Free ABS publications online. All ABS electronic publications from 1998 onwards are available free from <>. ABS STATISTICAL TRAINING & INFORMATION SEMINARS What statistical training courses are available at ABS Victoria? Basic Statistical Analysis (BSA) Turning Data Into Information (TDII) Making Quality Informed Decisions (MQID) Basic Survey Design (BSD) Understanding Labour Statistics (ULS) Training Program - October to December, 2006 Basic Survey Design (BSD) This two day course aims to provide a broad overview of all facets of survey development. Topics include developing survey objectives, advantages and disadvantages of various collection methodologies, questionnaire design, data processing, reporting of results and management of the design process. Course Fee: $550.00 Course Dates:28 & 29 November Venue: ABS Victorian Office, 484 La Trobe St, Melbourne In Victoria we present BSA, TDII, MQID and BSD twice yearly, and schedule other courses on an ad hoc needs basis. There has been a very positive response to the 2006 program, and we are currently compiling the 2007 schedule, to be released shortly. For further information, go to the ABS website <>. Select 'Services We Provide' then 'ABS Training' or contact Maxine McDermott on Melbourne (03) 9615 7080 or email <>. A Taste of What's to Come - Preview 2006 Census Products and Services Following consultations held late last year which sought input on proposed 2006 Census products and services, ABS has now finalised its plans for output. ABS's Director of Census Output, Mr Michael Beahan, will be holding free information sessions to inform data users about our Census products and services. The main points of discussion will be:
There will be two sessions, each expected to go for 2-3 hours. For regional Victoria, information sessions are being planned for the first half of 2007. Further details will be provided in a future issue of this newsletter. Monday 30 October 9.30am OR 1.30pm Treasury Theatre, Lower Plaza, 1 Macarthur Street, East Melbourne To reserve a place, email Robert Letheby at <> (indicating your preferred session in the 'subject' field) or phone Melbourne (03) 9615 7423 before cob Thursday 26 October 2006. POINTS OF CONTACT Victorian Statistics Advisory Forum (VSAF) VSAF is a major forum for statistical liaison between Victorian Government Agencies and ABS. The following group of departmental representatives meet 3 times each year. VSAF Chair Dial-a-Statistic 1 900 986 400 ($0.77 per minute) National Information and Referral Service 1 300 135 070 email <> Postal address GPO Box 2796Y Melbourne Vic 3001 ABS website <> Regional Director ABS Victoria Vince Lazzaro (03) 9615 7345 email <> Statistical Coordination Branch Director Joseph Salvatore (03) 9615 7924 email <> Assistant Director Antonella Caruso (03) 9615 7860 email <> Assistant Director (a/g) Christine Sergi (03) 9615 7695 email <> Statistics Victoria Editor Alan Page (03) 9615 7899 email <> Spread the news electronically Copies of Statistics Victoria are available free for electronic dissemination. There are two ways to access an electronic copy of the newsletter: 1. Elect to receive your copy of this newsletter in PDF format by contacting Alan Page on (03) 9615 7899 or email <>. ABS encourages further dissemination of this newsletter through email, or by its placement on your organisation's intranet.
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