Expanded Contents
| | Message from the director
Welcome to the first issue of Labour Statistics News |
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| | Current projects
Includes: Review of the Labour Force Survey design, Investigations into making greater use of labour survey data, Employee Earnings and Hours - dissemination intentions, Independent contractors |
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| | Recent developments
Includes: Meetings, conferences and presentations, Five-yearly revision of Labour Force Survey Estimates, Survey of Employment Arrangements, Retirement and Superannuation - Release of results, Quarterly labour force underutilisation rate , Improved family estimates from the Labour Force Survey, Average Weekly Earnings Survey revisions |
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| | Articles and analysis
Includes: Comparing unemployment and the claimant count, Jobless families, Retirement intentions, Maternity leave, Time series analysis frequently asked questions |
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| | Find out more
Includes: About the Labour Market National Statistical Centre, Introduction to Labour Market Statistics training course, For more information |
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