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Foundation for a National Data Collection and Reporting Framework for family, domestic and sexual violence

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Identifies the key data items and recording formats required to improve reporting of family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia

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Family, domestic and sexual violence causes both human and economic suffering across Australia. Improving the evidence base across sectors and jurisdictions can help enhance understandings about the extent of these issues and provide the basis to make sound policy and service provision decisions.

In providing a solid foundation and evidence base for the reporting of family, domestic and sexual violence, it is essential to focus effort on collecting consistent and comparable data. The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) recognises this through its endorsement of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children (National Plan). The Commonwealth, states and territories are working together to support the National Plan through the evidence building process by committing to and adopting consistent data collection standards in existing administrative processes.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is also committed to producing nationally consistent data to support the National Plan.

Purpose of this publication

The purpose of this publication is to provide an overview of the Foundation for a National Data Collection and Reporting Framework (DCRF) and to act as a guide for organisations about the collection of administrative data in respect to family, domestic and sexual violence. The DCRF identifies the key data items and recording formats required to improve reporting of family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia. It is designed to assist in reporting at different levels; from monitoring of service provision and funding submissions through to meeting requirements for national data collection, analysis and reporting. The aims of the DCRF are to provide:

  • a clear, concise and logical structure for data collection activities;
  • guidelines for collecting data items to ensure consistent family, domestic and sexual violence reporting; and
  • advice to organisations on the implementation of data collection, storage and reporting practices.

The National Plan

The National Plan is a long term approach to reducing violence against women and their children in Australia. It is driven by Six National Outcomes designed to support long lasting change as measured by the Four High Level National Indicators of Change. The National Plan recognises the long term commitment required to achieve these outcomes, and to support this has developed four action plans that all jurisdictions have agreed to work together to implement (Diagram 1).

Diagram 1: The first action plan to support the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children

Diagram 1: The first Action Plan to support the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children
The National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children includes six national outcomes: 1. Communities are safe and free from violence 2. Relationships are respectful 3. Indigenous communities are strengthened 4. Services meet the needs of women and their children experiencing violence 5. Justice responses are effective 6. Perpetrators stop their violence and are held to account Followed by four high level national indicators of change; Reduced prevalence of family and domestic violence and sexual assault Increased proportion of women who feel safe in their communities Reduced deaths related to family and domestic violence and sexual assault Reduced proportion of children exposed to their mother’s or carers’ experience of domestic violence. The four action plans are; Building a strong foundation Moving ahead Promising results Turning the corner

Source: Adapted from the National Implementation Plan: First Action Plan 2010-2013 (FaHCSIA, 2012)

The first action plan - Building a Strong Foundation

The first action plan, Building a Strong Foundation, establishes a solid basis for the National Plan through a number of priority areas. One of these priority areas is a commitment to Building the Evidence Base for family, domestic and sexual violence. There are four activities identified in this priority area (Diagram 2). The ABS was commissioned to implement one of the activities, the development of a National Data Collection and Reporting Framework. This is the third publication in a series of ABS work to establish the Foundation for a National Data Collection and Reporting Framework (DCRF).

The first publication Defining the data challenge for family, domestic and sexual violence, Australia (cat. no. 4529.0) provided a framework for understanding the data complexities in this area. It identified the use of administrative data as a potentially cost effective means of collecting data. The second publication Bridging the data gaps for family, domestic and sexual violence, Australia ( 4529.0.00.002) built on the first paper by outlining the current data environment for both survey and administrative collections. It also assessed the key data priorities against existing sources and provided recommendations for improvements in administrative data collection.

The focus of the first two publications was on realising the potential of administrative information for more robust reporting within organisations and across the family, domestic and sexual violence service sectors. This publication builds on the information presented in the earlier publications by outlining the DCRF and identifying the key data items for collection in administrative data sets.

Diagram 2: Activities that support Building the Evidence Base

Diagram 2: Activities that support Building the Evidence Base
The diagram outlines the activities that support Building the Evidence Base for family, domestic, and sexual violence statistics. These include establishing a National Centre for Excellence; Building the Evidence Base through four-yearly cycles of the Personal Safety Survey and National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey; establishing an evaluation framework for the life of the National Plan; and establishing a National Data Collection and Reporting Framework. The three publications that support the National Data Collection and Reporting Framework include Defining the Data Challenge; Bridging the Data Gaps; and Foundation for a National Data Collection and Reporting Framework (DCRF).

Source: Adapted from the National Implementation Plan: First Action Plan 2010-2013 (FaHCSIA, 2012)

Overview of the Foundation for a Data Collection and Reporting Framework (DCRF)

The DCRF provides the basis for consistent collection of administrative data by organisations in the field of family, domestic and sexual violence. The data items identified in the DCRF are designed to support a stable national framework that is consistent with the reporting needs of organisations, jurisdictions and national programs. A list of key data items are outlined for collecting information about the characteristics of individuals experiencing violence, the incidents of violence (location and the circumstances involved), the types of responses, and the outcomes of these responses for the individuals involved.

Consistent adoption of the data items outlined in the DCRF has the potential to deliver direct benefits to organisations by enabling the production of robust evidence about service provision from their administrative processes. These include being able to:

  • evaluate their own procedures and services;
  • better understand client needs;
  • strategically plan business and service operations;
  • make comparisons with similar organisations;
  • devise an evidence based business/funding case; and
  • report as a service, department, region, or sector, and in the longer term contribute to national reporting initiatives.

Notwithstanding the benefits of consistent data collection practices and standards, the implementation of the DCRF may present significant challenges for organisations. Implementation may require:

  • a commitment by management to the DCRF;
  • analysis and identification of potential reporting data items;
  • operational changes to processes and practices; and
  • Information and Communications Technology (ICT) system improvements.

The scope of administrative data that can be made available for reporting purposes is determined by the service provided. Some information that is ideally required for reporting may not be collected by all organisations, particularly when it does not inform service provision. For example a counselling service may ask who the perpetrator was, but may not need to collect a large amount of information about that person. On the other hand, a police officer may collect as much identifying information as possible about a suspect in an effort to gather evidence to proceed with the case. As a result, some information about family, domestic and sexual violence may not be found within all administrative data sets.

With this in mind, the DCRF should be used as a guide for organisations to improve current data capture and recording practices.

The Foundation for a National Data Collection and Reporting Framework

The DCRF is a broad level conceptual map that provides a systematic way of organising data about experiences of family, domestic and sexual violence into information units for statistical collection. It also provides the specifications and standards for the key data items. When implemented, collection of these data items can allow for consistent monitoring and reporting of family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia by organisations and governments.

Why use a framework?

Organisations share many common information practices and needs. For instance, on any given day organisations may need to know:

  • information about the client (for example, their age and sex, family situation, languages spoken, where they live and with whom, disability and health status);
  • details about the experience/event (what occurred, when and where);
  • the type of service/s provided and the result of those services or programs; and
  • how many clients they have and at what times of the day or year are they most busy.

Some of this information may already be collected during the organisation’s administrative processes. By using the DCRF to collect client and service details, organisations can create consistent and comparable data to better understand client characteristics, needs and the service demand. This information can also contribute to local, jurisdictional and national reporting requirements.

The Foundation for a Data Collection and Reporting Framework (DCRF)

The DCRF consists of two separate components: data collection and reporting. Both of these are linked to a person’s experience of violence, as is illustrated in Diagram 3. The DCRF focuses on improving the quality and consistency of the inputs (data collection) in an effort to lay the basis for answering research and policy questions (reporting).

The day to day operations of organisations produces information that has the potential to support both components of the DCRF. Specifically, information about family, domestic and sexual violence is recorded in administrative systems when a person comes into contact with an organisation. This is referred to as the process of data collection.

This publication focuses on the data collection component of the DCRF as this is considered the building block of consistent reporting. Data collection captures information about a person’s experience of violence through the use of three information units (‘person’, ‘event’ and ‘transaction’) as highlighted in Diagram 3.

The ‘person’ unit captures information about the individual (such as ‘Age’, ‘Sex’ and ‘Relationship Status’). Information about the experience of violence (such as ‘Location of Event’ and ‘Type/s of Violence’) is included in the ‘event’ unit. When a person seeks help (in the form of contacting an organisation) it is included in the ‘transaction’ unit. This unit can be further separated into data items about the service sought (organisational information) and the outcome/s of this interaction.

Typically, information about a transaction is recorded throughout the duration of a person’s contact with an organisation and concludes when an outcome has been reached or the service provision is terminated.

The reporting component of the DCRF is dependent on the quality of the data items outlined in the Framework. By collecting information about the three information units it may be possible to combine the data items to answer key research questions identified in Defining the data challenge. This also includes the production of a variety of measures that monitor and report on service delivery activities.

Collection of 'person' data items

Data items collected about a person (the individual seeking a service) are part of the administrative work undertaken by organisations at the commencement of contact with an individual. This information can be collected via self-enumeration or through direct questioning in a paper based or electronic format. It is recommended that the same questions and response options are asked in the same format to better ensure consistency in recording and optimise data quality.

The uses of these ‘person’ data items include: understanding the client base; assessing higher risk groups; monitoring whether services are operating efficiently and client needs are being met. Other uses for this information include developing business cases to access additional resources or funding for better service delivery (for more information, see Person Information Unit - Key Data Items).

Collection of 'event' data items

Information about how violence is experienced by a person is best understood by collecting data items about the event (for more information, see Event Information Unit - Key Data Items). This includes the type/s of violence experienced, date, location and the relationship/s in which violence occurs. This information can be collected via self-enumeration or through direct questioning in a paper based or electronic administrate format. It is recommended that the same questions and response options are asked in the same format to better ensure consistency in recording and optimise data quality.

Standardising data collection about an event assists organisations in understanding people’s experience of family, domestic and sexual violence and assists with early identification of those at risk. This in turn, may identify where improvements, developments and prevention programs are required. It also provides the opportunity to generate data that ensures support services are responding to client need and improving outcomes for individuals who experience family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia.

There are many organisations that may come into contact or respond to family, domestic and sexual violence events. Information about an event can be collected within administrative processes at a number of different time points. Where and when this processing/recording occurs will have an impact on the quantity and quality of the data collected. For example, for police and emergency departments, information is collected at or close to the time of the event. However, this may not be the case for all organisations. Details of the event may also be obtained from a person retrospectively, during service delivery.

Collection of 'transaction' data items

Understanding how often particular organisations are frequented, by whom and how effective these are, is possible from analysis of administrative data. Information about an organisation’s service delivery is valuable as it can provide evidence regarding where services are unable to meet existing need and where additional resources are required.

The standardisation of data collection practices by an organisation equips them with statistical data from which to measure performance. Transaction data forms part of the evidence base about service use and demand in the field of family, domestic and sexual violence.

Differing from the previous two information units, the nature of the information collected about a transaction is not obtained directly from the person accessing a service. Rather it is information about the organisation (such as ‘Organisation Address’) and data which may be recorded as part of their day to day administrative operations, including information about the output/s from service provision (for more information, see Transaction Information Unit - Key Data Items).

The type of organisation providing a service determines the data items collected. Some of the data items will be derived. For example, the type of organisation may not be recorded as a data item; instead it may be implied by who is undertaking the collection activities. Similarly the type of person who is seeking assistance may be implied in the type of service accessed (victim support, perpetrator counselling, child protection etc.)

Recording of outcomes is also dependant on the definitions, processes and practices of the organisation/s responsible for data collection and compilation.

Diagram 3: The Foundation for a National Data Collection and Reporting Framework

Diagram 3: The Foundation for a National Data Collection and Reporting Framework
Presents a visual representation of the framework, including the data collection aspect, comprised of the three information units (person, event, transaction) and the data items subsumed under each. The reporting aspect is also presented which includes the research and policy questions and how each of these is informed by the information units. The data items relating to 'person' information unit include sex, date of birth, address, indigenous status, CALD characteristics (country of birth, main language other than English spoken at home, proficiency in English), relationship status, pregnancy status, children, housing, disability status, mental health indicator, labour force status, source of income, educational attainment and linkage key. The associated research/policy questions are; Who experiences family, domestic and sexual violence? · Number of clients · Demographic profile of client base · Geographic proximity to client base · Barriers to access and special needs · Economic indicators. The data items relating to 'event' information unit include date of event, location of event, relationship between parties and types of violence. The associated research/policy questions are; How do people experience family, domestic and sexual violence? · Types of violence experienced · Persons involved in family, domestic and sexual violence events · Characteristics of family, domestic and sexual violence events The data items relating to 'transaction' information unit include date of transaction, organisation address, organisation type and output/s from service provision. The associated research/policy questions are; Outputs from engaging with organisations that respond to those affected by violence. · Number of perpetrators charged · Number of restraining orders issued · Counselling service attended · Medical treatment received · Housing assistance · Financial assistance · Legal advice/repreentation

Person information unit - key data items

This section identifies and describes the key data items for collection about the person information unit. It also provides general guidelines for collecting this information with references to existing data collection standards which can be adopted to ensure that data is being collected consistently across a range of organisations.

The collection of data about a person can have numerous benefits including improving:

  • information about the prevalence of family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia;
  • understanding about who experiences, or is exposed to incidents of family, domestic and sexual violence;
  • initiatives aimed at prevention through the identification of common risk factors; and
  • formal responses by highlighting the types of barriers people face when attempting to access support services following an event of family, domestic and sexual violence.

A range of data items have been included to enable the identification of the population groups of interest (for more information, see Defining the Data Challenge for Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence (cat. no. 4529.0). However, it is important to note that the DCRF aims to outline key data items only. As a result, organisations may need to consider the addition of further data items for the statistical measurement of population groups of interest.

The recommended key data items for the ‘person’ information unit are highlighted in Diagram 3. In order to make it possible to count the number of persons that have contacted an organisation within a given reference period, a unique identifier for each individual person is required, such as a ‘Linkage Key’.

Diagram 4: Data items required for the ‘person’ information unit

Diagram 4: Data items required for the ‘person’ information unit
Outlines the data items required for the 'person' information unit, including: sex; date of birth; address; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status; cultural and linguistic diversity characteristics, including country of birth, main language other than English spoken at home, and proficiency in English; Relationship status, pregnancy status; children; housing, disability status; mental health indicator; labour force status; source of income; educational attainment; and linkage key (given name, surname, date of birth, and sex).


Date of Birth


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Status

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (CALD) characteristics

Relationship Status

Pregnancy Status



Disability Status

Mental Health Indicator

Labour Force Status

Source of Income

Educational Attainment

Linkage Key

Event information unit - key data items

This section identifies and describes the key data items that help inform the nature of a family, domestic and sexual violence event information unit. It also provides general guidelines for collecting this information and includes references to existing data collection standards, where these exist. These data items can be adopted to ensure consistency of data collected by administrators across a range of organisations.

There are numerous benefits to collecting this information including:

  • highlighting how, when and where violence is experienced;
  • improved understanding about prevalence of family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia;
  • identifying the types of violence that are experienced;
  • improving service delivery;
  • identifying the types of relationships; and
  • enhancing education programs and initiatives aimed at prevention.

The data items recommended for collection about an ‘event’ of family, domestic and sexual violence are outlined in Diagram 5.

Diagram 5: Data items required for the ‘event’ information unit

Diagram 5: Data Items required for the ‘event’ information unit
Outlines the data items required for the 'event' information unit, including the date of the event, the location of the event, the relationship between parties, and the type(s) of violence.

Date of Event

Location of Event

Relationship between Parties

Types of Violence

Transaction information unit - key data items

This section identifies and describes the key data items for collection about the transaction information unit; and provides general guidelines for collecting this information. It includes references to data collection standards where these exist.

The collection of ‘transaction’ data can have numerous benefits for organisations by:

  • enabling assessment of services to determine which of these are best placed to respond to the needs of those who experience family, domestic and sexual violence;
  • identifying the level of demand for services;
  • identifying the proximity of the service in relation to the client base to ensure that services are conveniently located and accessible to people in need; and
  • highlighting where resources are insufficient in responding to client needs/demands.

The data items recommended for the collection about the ‘transaction’ are highlighted in Diagram 6.

Diagram 6: Data items required for the ‘transaction’ information unit

Diagram 6: Data items required for the ‘transaction’ information unit
Outlines the data items required for the 'transaction' information unit, including date of transaction, organisation address, organisation type, and output/s from service provision.

Date of Transaction

Organisation Address

Organisation Type

Outputs from Service Provisions

The way forward

Unlocking information about family, domestic and sexual violence has potential benefits for the Australian community and the organisations that support them. Refining administrative data collection activities and ensuring data items are collected in a consistent and comparable manner will set the stage for robust reporting and a more flexible evidence base.

The DCRF is the basis of a shared understanding of family, domestic and sexual violence and is the first step to improving the evidence base. It can assist and guide organisations in the implementation of new systems or when considering existing measurement issues. Adoption of the key data items outlined in the DCRF will provide the foundations for the creation of strong reporting frameworks, at the local, jurisdictional and national levels.

The next step in developing a statistical evidence base for family, domestic and sexual violence is the application of the DCRF to existing administrative datasets. However, it is important to note that the DCRF is not limited to existing datasets. It can also be used to establish new data collection activities to fill gaps in the evidence base. The ABS is committed to providing statistical leadership to improve its statistical information. And as custodian of crime and justice datasets will be taking steps to apply the DCRF principles in augmenting these datasets to unlock family, domestic and sexual violence information.

A shift in the components of current information environments to adopt the DCRF may require ICT system improvements and/or change at the operational level. These changes may incur a cost to organisations, as will the establishment and agreement of conceptual standards to datasets that require improvement or do not currently exist.

The development and implementation of the DCRF requires ongoing and continued commitment from Australian government and non-government organisations. Furthermore, funding arrangements for the long term development of statistical assets in Australia to support a robust family, domestic and sexual violence evidence base will require negotiation and agreement by Australian governments.


This publication was completed in consultation with a range of Commonwealth, State and Territory governments and other organisations that operate in the field of family, domestic and sexual violence policy, research, service provision and prevention.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) acknowledges the support and input of the Department of Social Services (DSS) which, under the auspices of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children (2010-2022) (National Plan), provided funding support for the development of this publication by the ABS.

The ABS thanks the individuals and groups involved for their contributions to this publication.

Other useful publications

This publication continues the ABS role to provide guidance and leadership on standards, classifications, frameworks and best practice guides in the use of statistics, including those produced from administrative data. It can be used in conjunction with other ABS papers in the quality management series, including:


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Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 4529.0.00.003

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