The 1996 Census Household Sample File CURF contains a file of unidentified individual statistical records containing data on 76,533 Private and Non Private Dwellings, 68,782 Families within Private Dwellings and 178,198 persons in Private and Non Private Dwellings. The records on this file represent a 1% sample of the 1996 Census full unit record database with the level of detail collapsed for some variables to ensure the confidentiality of the data.
The following data are included on the file:
Dwelling variables: Geographic Area of Enumeration, BEDD No of bedrooms in private dwellings, CPAD No of persons temporarily absent from the household, DWTD Dwelling Type, FUFD Furnished/unfurnished, HHTD Household type, HIND Household income (weekly), HLRD01 Housing loan repayment (monthly), LLDD Landlord type, MV1D Household one year mobility indicator, MV5D Household five year mobility indicator, NPDD Type of non private dwelling, RNTD Rent (weekly), STRD Dwelling structure, TEND Tenure type, VEHD Number of motor vehicles
Family variables: Geographic area of enumeration, CDCAF Count of dependent children < 15 temporarily absent, CDSAF Count of dependent students temporarily absent, CNDAF Count of non-dependent children temporarily absent, CPAF Number of persons temporarily absent from family, FINF Family income, FMTF Family type, FNOF Family number, FRLF Relationship between families, SPLF Location of spouse
Person variables: Geographic areas of enumeration, ABLP Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin, AGEP Age, ALSP Age left school, BPFP Birthplace of mother (female parent), BPLP Birthplace of individual, BPMP Birthplace of father (male parent), CTPP Child type, ENGP Proficiency in English, GNGP Industry sector, HRSP Hours worked, IMPP Imputation flag, INCP Income, LANP Language, LFSP Labour force status, MDCP Social marital status, MSTP Registered marital status, NATP Australian citizenship, QALLP Post-school education qualifications: highest level, QALYP Post-school education qualifications: year completed, REGUCP Region of usual residence Census night, REGU1P Region of usual residence 1 year ago, REGU5P Region of usual residence 5 years ago, RELP Religion, RLHP Relationship in household, RLNP Relationship in non private dwelling, RPIP Family/household reference person indicator, SEXP Sex, STUP Full/part time student, TISP Number of children ever born, TPTP Method of travel to work, TYPP Type of educational institution attending, UAICP Usual address indicator, UAI1P Usual address indicator 1 year ago, UAI5P Usual address indicator 5 years ago, YARP Year of arrival, INDP Industry, OCCP Occupation, QALFP Post-school education qualifications: field of study.
More information about the CURF is available on request from ABS.