25/10/2007 Note: Time Series Profiles are being re-issued to correct errors detected in the tables "Dwelling Structure by Household Composition and Family Composition for Time Series" (Table T14) and "Gross Household Income (Weekly) by Rent (Weekly) for Time Series" (Table T18).
The Community Profile Series contains six separate profiles aimed at providing information on key Census characteristics relating to persons, families and dwellings and covering most topics on the Census form. The profiles are excellent tools for researching, planning and analysing small and large geographic areas. They enable comparisons to be made between different geographic areas. The profiles which will be available for the 2006 Census will be: Basic Community Profile (BCP), Place of Enumeration Profile (PEP), Indigenous Profile (IP), Time Series Profile (TSP), Expanded Community Profile (XCP) and the Working Population Profile (WPP).
The Time Series Profile (TSP) consists of 26 tables containing key Census characteristics of persons, families and dwellings. The data are based on place of enumeration, not place of usual residence (as previously envisaged) due to the unavailability of CD of usual residence in 1996 to concord 1996 SLAs to 2006 SLAs. This profile compares data from the 1996, 2001 and 2006 Censuses and is based on 2006 Statistical Local Area boundaries. Where classifications have been revised, data are output on the classification used for the 2006 Census. To provide comparability between Censuses the revised classifications have been concorded, and footnotes added to the tables to indicate this. Relevant concordance files will be available though the ABS web site. The TSP will be available after the second release phase due to the complexity of concording data over three Censuses.
All Community Profiles are available on the ABS Website, or through the ABS Consultancy Service.