New Tables | New Table Name | Current Tables | Current Tables |
1 | Key National Accounts Aggregates | 1 | Table 1. KEY NATIONAL ACCOUNTS AGGREGATES |
2 | Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) | 2 | Table 2. EXPENDITURE ON GDP, Chain volume measures |
| | 3 | Table 3. EXPENDITURE ON GDP, Chain volume measures - Percentage changes |
| | 4 | Table 4. EXPENDITURE ON GDP, Chain volume measures - Contributions to growth |
| | 5 | Table 5. EXPENDITURE ON GDP, Current prices |
3 | Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Chain price indexes | 6 | Table 6. EXPENDITURE ON GDP, Chain price indexes |
| | 7 | Table 7. EXPENDITURE ON GDP, Chain price indexes - Percentage changes |
4 | Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Implicit price deflators | 8 | Table 8. EXPENDITURE ON GDP, Implicit price deflators |
5 | Gross Value Added (GVA) by Industry | 9 | Table 9. INDUSTRY GROSS VALUE ADDED, Chain volume measures |
| | 10 | Table 10. INDUSTRY GROSS VALUE ADDED, Chain volume measures - Percentage changes |
| | 11 | Table 11. INDUSTRY GROSS VALUE ADDED, Current prices |
6 | Income from Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Current prices | 12 | Table 12. INCOME FROM GDP, Current prices |
7 | National Income Account, Current prices | 13 | Table 13. NATIONAL INCOME ACCOUNT, Current prices |
8 | National Capital Account, Current prices | 14 | Table 14. NATIONAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT, Current prices |
9 | National Financial Account, Current prices | 15 | Table 15. NATIONAL FINANCIAL ACCOUNT, Current prices |
10 | National Balance Sheet, Volume/Real and current prices - as at 30 June | 18 | Table 18. NATIONAL BALANCE SHEET, Volume/Real - as at 30 June |
| | 19 | Table 19. NATIONAL BALANCE SHEET, Volume/Real - Percentage changes - as at 30 June |
| | 16 | Table 16. NATIONAL BALANCE SHEET, Current prices - as at 30 June |
| | 17 | Table 17. NATIONAL BALANCE SHEET, Current prices - Percentage changes - as at 30 June |
11 | Balance Sheet Accounts and Accumulation Accounts, Current prices | 20 | Table 20. BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS AND ACCUMULATION ACCOUNTS, Current prices |
12 | Analytical Measures of National Income, Saving and Wealth, Current prices | 21 | Table 21. ANALYTICAL MEASURES OF NATIONAL INCOME, SAVING AND WEALTH |
13 | Productivity in the Market Sector | 22 | Table 22. PRODUCTIVITY IN THE MARKET SECTOR |
14 | Productivity in the Market Sector, Growth cycle analysis
Note: this workbook is not a time series workbook; it will be shown as a 'data cube'. | 23 | Table 23. PRODUCTIVITY IN THE MARKET SECTOR, Growth cycle analysis |
15 | Labour Productivity and Input, Hours worked and Gross Value Added (GVA) per hour worked - by Industry | 24 | Table 24. LABOUR INPUT, Hours worked - By industry |
| | 25 | Table 25. LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY, Gross value added per hour worked - By industry |
16 | Selected Analytical Series | 26 | Table 26. SELECTED ANALYTICAL SERIES |
17 | Non-Financial Corporations Income Account, Current prices | 27 | Table 27. NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS INCOME ACCOUNT, Current prices |
18 | Non-Financial Corporations Capital Account, Current prices | 28 | Table 28. NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS CAPITAL ACCOUNT, Current prices |
19 | Non-Financial Corporations Financial Account, Current prices | 29 | Table 29. NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS FINANCIAL ACCOUNT, Current prices |
20 | Non-Financial Corporations Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June | 30 | Table 30. NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS BALANCE SHEET, Current prices - as at 30 June |
21 | Private Non-Financial Corporations Income Account, Current prices | 31 | Table 31. PRIVATE NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS INCOME ACCOUNT, Current prices |
22 | Public Non-Financial Corporations Income Account, by Level of government, Current prices | 72 | Table 72. COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS INCOME ACCOUNT, Current prices |
23 | Private Non-Financial Corporations Capital Account, Current prices | 33 | Table 33. PRIVATE NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS CAPITAL ACCOUNT, Current prices |
24 | Public Non-Financial Corporations Capital Account, by Level of government, Current prices | 74 | Table 74. COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS CAPITAL ACCOUNT, Current prices |
25 | Financial Corporations Income Account, Current prices | 35 | Table 35. FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS INCOME ACCOUNT, Current prices |
26 | Financial Corporations Capital Account, Current prices | 36 | Table 36. FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS CAPITAL ACCOUNT, Current prices |
27 | Financial Corporations Financial Account, Current prices | 37 | Table 37. FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS FINANCIAL ACCOUNT, Current prices |
28 | Financial Corporations Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June | 38 | Table 38. FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS BALANCE SHEET, Current prices - as at 30 June |
29 | Life Insurance Offices and Superannuation Funds, Current prices | 39 | Table 39. LIFE INSURANCE OFFICES AND SUPERANNUATION FUNDS, Current prices |
30 | General Government Income Account, by Level of government, Current prices | 76 | Table 76. NATIONAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT INCOME ACCOUNT, Current prices |
| | 40 | Table 40. GENERAL GOVERNMENT INCOME ACCOUNT, Current prices |
31 | General Government Adjusted Disposable Income Account, Current prices | 41 | Table 41. GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADJUSTED DISPOSABLE INCOME ACCOUNT, Current prices |
32 | General Government Capital Account, by Level of government, Current prices | 78 | Table 78. NATIONAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT CAPITAL ACCOUNT, Current prices |
| | 42 | Table 42. GENERAL GOVERNMENT CAPITAL ACCOUNT, Current prices |
33 | General Government Financial Account, Current prices | 43 | Table 43. GENERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL ACCOUNT, Current prices |
34 | General Government Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June | 44 | Table 44. GENERAL GOVERNMENT BALANCE SHEET, Current prices - as at 30 June |
35 | Government Final Consumption Expenditure, by Level of government and purpose, Current prices | 45 | Table 45. GOVERNMENT FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE, By level of government and purpose - Current prices |
36 | Household Income Account, Current prices | 46 | Table 46. HOUSEHOLD INCOME ACCOUNT, Current prices |
37 | Household Adjusted Disposable Income Account, Current prices | 47 | Table 47. HOUSEHOLD ADJUSTED DISPOSABLE INCOME ACCOUNT, Current prices |
38 | Analytical Measures of Household Income, Consumption, Saving and Wealth, Current prices | 48 | Table 48. ANALYTICAL MEASURES OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME, CONSUMPTION, SAVING AND WEALTH |
39 | Household Capital Account, Current prices | 49 | Table 49. HOUSEHOLD CAPITAL ACCOUNT, Current prices |
40 | Household Financial Account, Current prices | 50 | Table 50. HOUSEHOLD FINANCIAL ACCOUNT, Current prices |
41 | Household Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June | 51 | Table 51. HOUSEHOLD BALANCE SHEET, Current prices - as at 30 June |
42 | Household Final Consumption Expenditure | 53 | Table 53. HOUSEHOLD FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE, Chain volume measures |
| | 52 | Table 52. HOUSEHOLD FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE, Current prices |
43 | External Accounts, Current prices | 54 | Table 54. EXTERNAL ACCOUNTS, Current prices |
44 | External Financial Account, Current prices | 55 | Table 55. EXTERNAL FINANCIAL ACCOUNT, Current prices |
45 | External Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June | 56 | Table 56. EXTERNAL BALANCE SHEET, Current prices - as at 30 June |
46 | Total Factor Income, by Industry and principal components - Current prices | 57 | Table 57. TOTAL FACTOR INCOME, By industry and principal components - Current prices |
47 | Consumption of Fixed Capital, by Industry and institutional sector - Current prices | 58 | Table 58. CONSUMPTION OF FIXED CAPITAL, By industry and institutional sector - Current prices |
48 | Compensation of Employees, by Industry - Current prices | 59 | Table 59. COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES, By Industry - Current prices |
49 | Income from Dwelling Rent, Current prices | 60 | Table 60. INCOME FROM DWELLING RENT, Current prices |
50 | Agricultural Income, Current prices | 61 | Table 61. AGRICULTURAL INCOME, Current prices |
51 | Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Type of Asset | 63 | Table 63. GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION, By Type of Asset - Chain volume measures |
| | 62 | Table 62. GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION, By Type of Asset - Current prices |
52 | Private Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Industry - Current prices | 64 | Table 64. PRIVATE GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION, By Industry - Current prices |
53 | General Government Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Level of government and purpose - Current prices | 65 | Table 65. GENERAL GOVERNMENT GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION, By level of government and purpose - Current prices |
54 | Public Corporations Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Level of government and industry - Current prices | 66 | Table 66. PUBLIC CORPORATIONS GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION, By level of government and industry - Current prices |
55 | Changes in Inventories | 68 | Table 68. CHANGES IN INVENTORIES, Chain volume measures |
| | 67 | Table 67. CHANGES IN INVENTORIES, Current prices |
56 | Capital Stock, by Type of asset | 69 | Table 69. CAPITAL STOCK, By type of asset - All sectors |
57 | Capital Stock, by Institutional sector | 70 | Table 70. CAPITAL STOCK, By institutional sector |
58 | Capital Stock, by Industry | 71 | Table 71. CAPITAL STOCK, By industry |
59 | Consolidated Balance Sheet and Accumulation Accounts, Current prices | 80 | Table 80. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND ACCUMULATION ACCOUNTS |
60 | Livestock, Value and number of Fixed Assets and Inventories - as at 30 June | 81 | Table 81. VALUE OF LIVESTOCK, FIXED ASSETS AND INVENTORIES - as at 30 June |
61 | Value of Land, by Land use by State/Territory - as at 30 June, Current prices | 83 | Table 83. VALUE OF LAND, Land use by state - as at 30 June |
62 | Value of Demonstrated Subsoil Assets, by Commodity - as at 30 June | 84 | Table 84. VALUE OF DEMONSTRATED SUBSOIL ASSETS, By commodity - as at 30 June |
63 | Net Capital Stock, by Industry by type of asset | 89 | Table 89. NET CAPITAL STOCK, Industry by type of asset - Chain volume measures |
| | 88 | Table 88. NET CAPITAL STOCK, Industry by type of asset - Current prices |
64 | Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Industry by type of asset | 91 | Table 91. GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION, Industry by type of asset - Chain volume measures |
| | 90 | Table 90. GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION, Industry by type of asset - Current prices |
65 | Consumption of Fixed Capital, by Industry by type of asset | 93 | Table 93. CONSUMPTION OF FIXED CAPITAL, Industry by type of asset - Chain volume measures |
| | 92 | Table 92. CONSUMPTION OF FIXED CAPITAL, Industry by type of asset - Current prices |
66 | Machinery and Equipment Net Capital Stock, by Industry | 95 | Table 95. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT NET CAPITAL STOCK, Industry - Chain volume measures |
| | 94 | Table 94. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT NET CAPITAL STOCK, Industry - Current prices |
67 | Machinery and Equipment Gross Fixed Capital Formation, by Industry | 97 | Table 97. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION, Industry - Chain volume measures |
| | 96 | Table 96. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION, Industry - Current prices |
68 | Machinery and Equipment Consumption of Fixed Capital, by Industry | 99 | Table 99. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT CONSUMPTION OF FIXED CAPITAL, Industry - Chain volume measures |
| | 98 | Table 98. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT CONSUMPTION OF FIXED CAPITAL, Industry - Current prices |
69 | Information Technology Net Capital Stock, Selected items by Industry | 101 | Table 101. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY NET CAPITAL STOCK, Industry - Chain volume measures |
| | 100 | Table 100. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY NET CAPITAL STOCK, Industry - Current prices |
70 | Information Technology Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Selected items by Industry | 103 | Table 103. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION, Industry - Chain volume measures |
| | 102 | Table 102. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION, Industry - Current prices |
71 | IInformation Technology Consumption of Fixed Capital, Selected items by Industry | 105 | Table 105. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONSUMPTION OF FIXED CAPITAL, Industry - Chain volume measures |
| | 104 | Table 104. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONSUMPTION OF FIXED CAPITAL, Industry - Current prices |
72 | Unit Labour Costs | 106 | Table 106. UNIT LABOUR COSTS |