This publication contains monthly information on sales of new motor vehicles in each State/Territory in original, seasonally adjusted and trend estimated terms. The original data are sourced from the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries. Sales data are available for passenger vehicles, other vehicles and total vehicles at the State/Territory and National levels.
The trend figures indicate that total new motor vehicle sales have declined for a fifth consecutive month with July 2002 figures falling by 0.7%. Despite this recent decline in trend, new motor vehicle sales rose by 6.3% over the last 12 months. New passenger vehicle sales continued to decline for the sixth consecutive month, down 0.8% in July to record a total fall of 5.2% since February 2002. Defying this trend are new passenger vehicle sales in Queensland which have recorded monthly increases since June 2001.
Seasonally Adjusted
Seasonally adjusted sales of total new motor vehicles increased by 1.9% in July 2002. Although new passenger vehicle sales declined by 0.8%, the growth in motor vehicle sales was driven by the sale of other vehicles. In seasonally adjusted terms, Queensland recorded the strongest growth at 14.8%.
Due to a processing problem with the data supplier for heavy truck sales Other Vehicles are understated by approximately 380 units. The missing units represent approximately 2% of this vehicle type. These missing units will be included in the August sales data for Other Vehicles due for release on 18 September.

Table 1: New Motor Vehicle Sales
 |  | Passenger vehicles (No.) | Other vehicles (a) (No.) | Total vehicles (No.) | Change Passenger vehicles (%) | Change Other vehicles (%) | Change Total vehicles (%) |
Original |
2001 | May | 44,173 | 21,088 | 65,261 | 12.1 | 17.7 | 13.9 |
 | June | 49,122 | 24,435 | 73,557 | 11.2 | 15.9 | 12.7 |
 | July | 46,230 | 19,955 | 66,185 | -5.9 | -18.3 | -10.0 |
 | August | 44,861 | 21,137 | 65,998 | -3.0 | 5.9 | -0.3 |
 | September | 40,257 | 18,992 | 59,249 | -10.3 | -10.1 | -10.2 |
 | October | 45,575 | 20,805 | 66,380 | 13.2 | 9.5 | 12.0 |
 | November | 47,510 | 23,252 | 70,762 | 4.2 | 11.8 | 6.6 |
 | December | 48,193 | 20,838 | 69,031 | 1.4 | -10.4 | -2.4 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
2002 | January | 39,779 | 18,778 | 58,557 | -17.5 | -9.9 | -15.2 |
 | February | 42,776 | 22,019 | 64,795 | 7.5 | 17.3 | 10.7 |
 | March | 44,828 | 22,996 | 67,824 | 4.8 | 4.4 | 4.7 |
 | April | 42,052 | 21,834 | 63,886 | -6.2 | -5.1 | -5.8 |
 | May | 46,448 | 26,675 | 73,123 | 10.5 | 22.2 | 14.5 |
 | June | 49,101 | 29,680 | 78,781 | 5.7 | 11.3 | 7.7 |
 | July | 45,923 | 23,859 | 69,782 | -6.5 | -19.6 | -11.4 |
Seasonally Adjusted |
2001 | May | 42,953 | 19,347 | 62,300 | -3.6 | -4.6 | -3.9 |
 | June | 42,934 | 17,824 | 60,758 | 0.0 | -7.9 | -2.5 |
 | July | 45,537 | 21,050 | 66,587 | 6.1 | 18.1 | 9.6 |
 | August | 43,344 | 21,124 | 64,468 | -4.8 | 0.4 | -3.2 |
 | September | 44,281 | 21,858 | 66,139 | 2.2 | 3.5 | 2.6 |
 | October | 43,579 | 21,162 | 64,741 | -1.6 | -3.2 | -2.1 |
 | November | 43,719 | 22,068 | 65,787 | 0.3 | 4.3 | 1.6 |
 | December | 46,970 | 20,668 | 67,638 | 7.4 | -6.3 | 2.8 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
2002 | January | 49,327 | 25,036 | 74,363 | 5.0 | 21.1 | 9.9 |
 | February | 45,836 | 24,037 | 69,873 | -7.1 | -4.0 | -6.0 |
 | March | 43,275 | 21,485 | 64,760 | -5.6 | -10.6 | -7.3 |
 | April | 46,228 | 23,784 | 70,012 | 6.8 | 10.7 | 8.1 |
 | May | 45,205 | 24,572 | 69,777 | -2.2 | 3.3 | -0.3 |
 | June | 44,206 | 22,533 | 66,739 | -2.2 | -8.3 | -4.4 |
 | July | 43,865 | 24,134 | 67,999 | -0.8 | 7.1 | 1.9 |
Trend |
2001 | May | 43,287 | 19,710 | 62,997 | -0.5 | 0.1 | -0.4 |
 | June | 43,196 | 19,976 | 63,172 | -0.2 | 1.3 | 0.3 |
 | July | 43,146 | 20,346 | 63,492 | -0.1 | 1.9 | 0.5 |
 | August | 43,256 | 20,720 | 63,976 | 0.3 | 1.8 | 0.8 |
 | September | 43,757 | 21,186 | 64,943 | 1.2 | 2.2 | 1.5 |
 | October | 44,535 | 21,681 | 66,216 | 1.8 | 2.3 | 2.0 |
 | November | 45,348 | 22,103 | 67,451 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.9 |
 | December | 45,979 | 22,491 | 68,470 | 1.4 | 1.8 | 1.5 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
2002 | January | 46,309 | 22,862 | 69,171 | 0.7 | 1.6 | 1.0 |
 | February | 46,236 | 23,186 | 69,422 | -0.2 | 1.4 | 0.4 |
 | March | 45,828 | 23,388 | 69,216 | -0.9 | 0.9 | -0.3 |
 | April | 45,264 | 23,478 | 68,742 | -1.2 | 0.4 | -0.7 |
 | May | 44,757 | 23,540 | 68,297 | -1.1 | 0.3 | -0.6 |
 | June | 44,329 | 23,617 | 67,946 | -1.0 | 0.3 | -0.5 |
 | July | 43,971 | 23,524 | 67,495 | -0.8 | -0.4 | -0.7 |
(a) Other vehicles may be under-reported in July 2002. See Notes. |
Table 2: New Motor Vehicle Sales by State/Territory of Registration
 |  | NSW (No.) | Vic. (No.) | Qld (No.) | SA (No.) | WA (No.) | Tas. (No.) | NT (No.) | ACT (No.) | Aust. (No.) |
Original |
2001 | May | 23,438 | 17,865 | 11,061 | 4,153 | 5,725 | 1,138 | 621 | 1,260 | 65,261 |
 | June | 25,616 | 20,035 | 13,633 | 4,677 | 6,414 | 1,176 | 762 | 1,244 | 73,557 |
 | July | 22,850 | 20,304 | 10,872 | 3,978 | 5,391 | 1,072 | 610 | 1,108 | 66,185 |
 | August | 22,817 | 18,702 | 11,394 | 4,171 | 6,011 | 1,177 | 586 | 1,140 | 65,998 |
 | September | 21,272 | 16,295 | 10,303 | 3,670 | 5,197 | 1,044 | 508 | 960 | 59,249 |
 | October | 23,535 | 18,442 | 11,430 | 4,148 | 5,725 | 1,257 | 618 | 1,225 | 66,380 |
 | November | 24,667 | 19,544 | 12,505 | 4,515 | 6,118 | 1,427 | 670 | 1,316 | 70,762 |
 | December | 22,979 | 19,502 | 12,045 | 4,379 | 6,649 | 1,873 | 571 | 1,033 | 69,031 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
2002 | January | 20,414 | 15,658 | 10,737 | 3,727 | 5,481 | 989 | 525 | 1,026 | 58,557 |
 | February | 22,108 | 17,336 | 12,252 | 4,168 | 6,159 | 1,090 | 553 | 1,129 | 64,795 |
 | March | 23,923 | 18,330 | 12,694 | 4,224 | 5,880 | 1,093 | 658 | 1,022 | 67,824 |
 | April | 22,428 | 17,250 | 11,671 | 3,985 | 5,642 | 1,103 | 624 | 1,183 | 63,886 |
 | May | 25,763 | 19,540 | 13,507 | 4,648 | 6,344 | 1,343 | 763 | 1,215 | 73,123 |
 | June | 27,496 | 20,296 | 15,035 | 5,143 | 7,348 | 1,294 | 813 | 1,356 | 78,781 |
 | July | 24,643 | 18,721 | 13,462 | 4,457 | 5,562 | 1,174 | 579 | 1,184 | 69,782 |
Seasonally Adjusted |
2001 | May | 22,229 | 17,183 | 10,742 | 3,938 | 5,367 | 1,163 | 568 | 1,110 | 62,300 |
 | June | 21,397 | 16,955 | 10,514 | 3,859 | 5,262 | 1,117 | 570 | 1,084 | 60,758 |
 | July | 22,218 | 20,451 | 11,503 | 3,955 | 5,725 | 1,094 | 614 | 1,027 | 66,587 |
 | August | 22,741 | 18,024 | 11,179 | 3,982 | 5,778 | 1,071 | 604 | 1,089 | 64,468 |
 | September | 23,542 | 18,040 | 11,679 | 4,249 | 5,834 | 1,061 | 616 | 1,118 | 66,139 |
 | October | 22,973 | 17,414 | 11,596 | 4,032 | 5,684 | 1,244 | 605 | 1,193 | 64,741 |
 | November | 22,625 | 18,039 | 11,991 | 4,086 | 5,730 | 1,351 | 677 | 1,288 | 65,787 |
 | December | 23,131 | 19,154 | 11,554 | 4,152 | 6,724 | 1,287 | 605 | 1,031 | 67,638 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
2002 | January | 25,954 | 20,074 | 13,478 | 4,894 | 6,629 | 1,358 | 721 | 1,255 | 74,363 |
 | February | 23,861 | 18,592 | 13,038 | 4,582 | 6,577 | 1,347 | 635 | 1,241 | 69,873 |
 | March | 22,901 | 17,896 | 11,820 | 4,113 | 5,346 | 1,156 | 569 | 959 | 64,760 |
 | April | 24,649 | 18,712 | 12,848 | 4,401 | 6,239 | 1,243 | 603 | 1,317 | 70,012 |
 | May | 24,411 | 18,895 | 13,093 | 4,313 | 5,933 | 1,347 | 692 | 1,093 | 69,777 |
 | June | 23,339 | 17,610 | 11,954 | 4,444 | 6,275 | 1,279 | 629 | 1,209 | 66,739 |
 | July | 23,122 | 18,333 | 13,723 | 4,295 | 5,757 | 1,159 | 556 | 1,054 | 67,999 |
Trend |
2001 | May | 22,083 | 17,488 | 11,110 | 3,937 | 5,568 | 1,132 | 581 | 1,098 | 62,997 |
 | June | 22,171 | 17,552 | 11,169 | 3,956 | 5,555 | 1,099 | 588 | 1,082 | 63,172 |
 | July | 22,317 | 17,620 | 11,248 | 3,972 | 5,567 | 1,089 | 596 | 1,083 | 63,492 |
 | August | 22,500 | 17,715 | 11,340 | 3,990 | 5,621 | 1,107 | 605 | 1,098 | 63,976 |
 | September | 22,800 | 17,917 | 11,511 | 4,049 | 5,766 | 1,154 | 617 | 1,129 | 64,943 |
 | October | 23,154 | 18,206 | 11,745 | 4,145 | 5,960 | 1,214 | 633 | 1,159 | 66,216 |
 | November | 23,474 | 18,490 | 12,003 | 4,254 | 6,142 | 1,267 | 643 | 1,178 | 67,451 |
 | December | 23,743 | 18,725 | 12,268 | 4,348 | 6,254 | 1,302 | 646 | 1,184 | 68,470 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
2002 | January | 23,969 | 18,872 | 12,483 | 4,413 | 6,297 | 1,314 | 644 | 1,179 | 69,171 |
 | February | 24,115 | 18,878 | 12,610 | 4,439 | 6,266 | 1,304 | 640 | 1,170 | 69,422 |
 | March | 24,135 | 18,732 | 12,665 | 4,428 | 6,175 | 1,284 | 634 | 1,163 | 69,216 |
 | April | 24,019 | 18,517 | 12,698 | 4,391 | 6,066 | 1,268 | 626 | 1,157 | 68,742 |
 | May | 23,843 | 18,336 | 12,751 | 4,355 | 5,988 | 1,255 | 619 | 1,150 | 68,297 |
 | June | 23,652 | 18,194 | 12,842 | 4,330 | 5,931 | 1,243 | 613 | 1,141 | 67,946 |
 | July | 23,390 | 18,080 | 12,879 | 4,291 | 5,907 | 1,228 | 601 | 1,119 | 67,495 |