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5 Information was sought from approximately 4,300 households containing 8,500 persons. Of these, 4,025 households (94%) and 8,100 (95%) responded. COVERAGE 6 Coverage rules were applied to ensure that each person was associated with only one dwelling and hence had only one chance of selection in the survey. STATISTICAL REGION ESTIMATES 7 While the MPS is designed primarily to produce reliable estimates at the national, state and territory levels, it also delivers estimates for a number of regions within states. The statistical regions used in this publication are based on the standard geographical regions defined in the 2001 edition of Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) (cat. no. 1216.0). However, the survey is not designed to provide accurate regional estimates. Since estimates for regions are components of corresponding estimates at the state level - and are thus based on considerably smaller samples - they are subject to higher relative standard errors. Care should therefore be taken in the interpretation of regional estimates. EFFECTS OF ROUNDING 8 Estimates have been rounded. Discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items and totals due to the effect of rounding. Published percentages are calculated prior to rounding of the figures and therefore some discrepancy may occur between these percentages and those that could be calculated from the rounded figures. DATA INTERPRETATION 9 Some of the tables in this publication include a column or row which is headed 'Other'. These contain respondent answers which could not be entered into any of the pre-coded response categories. The 'Other' categories are generally made up of widely varying responses given by a small proportion of the survey population. ACKNOWLEDGMENT 10 Australian Bureau of Statistics publications draw extensively on information provided freely by individuals, businesses, governments and other organisations. Their continued cooperation is very much appreciated. Without it, the wide range of statistics published by the ABS would not be available. Information received by the ABS is treated in strict confidence as required by the Census and Statistics Act 1905. RELATED PUBLICATIONS 11 Other ABS publications which relate to this survey topic include:
Sport and Recreation: A Statistical Overview, Australia, November 2003, cat. no. 4156.0 Travel to and from Work and Place of Study, Queensland, October 1997, cat. no. 9201.3 Travel to Work, School and Shops, Victoria, October 1994, cat. no. 9201.2 Bicycles, Urban Northern Territory, 1991, cat. no. 9215.7 Bicycle Usage and Safety, Western Australia, October 1989, cat. no. 9215.5 Bicycle Usage and Safety, New South Wales, October 1988, cat. no. 4505.1 PREVIOUS STATE SUPPLEMENTARY SURVEYS 12 Previous Queensland State Supplementary Survey publications are:
Safety in the Home, Queensland, October 2001, cat. no. 4387.3 Population Mobility, Queensland, October 2000, cat. no. 3237.3 Working Hours of Wage and Salary Earners, Queensland, October 1999, cat. no. 6344.3 Persons Aged Fifty Years and Over, Queensland, October 1998, cat. no. 4139.3 Travel to and from Work and Place of Study, Brisbane and Moreton Statistical Divisions, Queensland, October 1997, cat. no. 9201.3 Survey of Safety in the Home, Queensland, October 1996, cat. no. 4387.3 Knowledge and Use of the Queensland Government Seniors Card, October 1995, cat. no. 8178.3 Overseas and Interstate Visitors to Queensland Households and Interstate Trips by Queenslanders, October 1994, cat. no. 8633.3 Participation in Sporting and Physical Recreational Activities, Queensland, October 1993, cat. no. 4110.3 Housing Intentions, Preferences and Attitudes, Queensland, October 1991, cat. no. 8710.3 Consumer Credit, Queensland, October 1990, cat. no. 5670.3 ADDITIONAL DATA 13 Additional data for this current survey (Bicycle Usage and Household Telephone Connections, Queensland 2003) are available subject to confidentiality and data quality restrictions. 14 The data are available on a fee-for-service basis. For further information about this service, please contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.