8731.0 - Building Approvals, Australia, June 2012
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ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 31/07/2012
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3 The scope of the collection comprises the following:
4 Construction activity not defined as building (e.g. roads, bridges, railways, earthworks, etc.) are excluded. Statistics for this activity can be found in Engineering Construction Activity, Australia (cat. no. 8762.0). 5 The coverage of these statistics has changed over time:
ROUNDING 6 Estimates in this publication are rounded and this may result in discrepancies between the sums of component items and their totals. Rounding may also cause differences between the movements (e.g. percentage changes) shown in this publication and the movements calculated by users from unrounded data. Where a discrepancy occurs, the published movement will be more accurate. REVISIONS TO ORIGINAL DATA 7 The information provided to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and included in estimates for any month may be revised or corrected in later months. This can occur as a result of corrections made by a provider of data, the late provision of approval records and, occasionally, by approvals being identified after construction work has commenced. Where revisions or corrections are made to the original data for prior months, the aggregate impact on dwelling approval estimates are provided on page 2 under 'REVISIONS THIS MONTH'. VALUE DATA 8 Statistics on the value of building work approved are derived by aggregating the estimated ‘value of building work when completed’ as reported on building approval documents provided to local councils or other building approval authorities. Conceptually these value data should exclude the value of land and landscaping but include site preparation costs associated with building activity. These estimates are usually a reliable indicator of the completed value of ‘houses’. However, for other buildings they can differ significantly from the completed value of the building as final costs and contracts have often not been established before council approval is sought and gained. 9 The ABS generally accepts values provided by approving bodies. Every effort is made to ensure data are provided on a consistent basis, however, there may be instances where value reported does not reflect the building completion value. For example, the reported value for most project homes is the contract price, which may include the cost of site preparation and landscaping. In other cases where a builder is contracted to construct a dwelling based on the owner’s plans, the value may only be the builder’s costs. Some data providers do not use the value on approval documents, instead deriving a value based on floor area and type of structure. 10 From July 2000, value data includes the Goods and Services Tax (GST) for residential and non-residential building approvals. BUILDING JOB DATA 11 In these statistics a 'building job' is a construction project comprising work to one or more buildings. Building jobs data are based on the building approval records within the scope of the collection received each month. OWNERSHIP 12 Building ownership is classified as either public or private sector and is based on the sector of the intended owner of the completed building at the time of approval. Residential buildings constructed by private sector builders under government housing authority schemes are classified as public sector when the authority has contracted, or intends to contract, to purchase the building on or before completion. BUILDING CLASSIFICATIONS 13 Building approvals are classified by Type of Building (e.g. 'residential', 'non-residential') and by Type of Work. 14 Type of Building is the building's intended predominant function according to the ABS Functional Classification of Buildings 1999 (cat. no. 1268.0.55.001).
15 Type of Work consists of 'new', 'alterations and additions', and 'conversions'. Conversions are considered to be a special type of alteration, and these jobs have been separately identified as such from the July 1996 reference month, though they have only appeared separately in this publication from the January 1998 issue. Prior to that issue, conversions were published as part of the 'Conversions, etc.' category or included elsewhere within a table. SEASONAL ADJUSTMENT AND TREND ESTIMATES 16 Seasonal adjustment is a means of removing the estimated effects of seasonal and calendar related variation from a series so that the effects of other influences can be more clearly recognised. It does not remove the effect of irregular or other influences (e.g. the approval of large projects or a change in the administrative arrangements of approving authorities). 17 State/territory series are seasonally adjusted independently of the Australian series. In general, the sum of the state/territory estimates are reconciled to equal the Australian total estimates. 18 Seasonally adjusted estimates are produced by a seasonal adjustment method which takes account of the latest available original estimates. A detailed review of seasonal factors is conducted annually, generally prior to the release of data for May. The timing of this review may vary and when appropriate will be notified in the 'Data Notes' section of this publication. 19 The ABS produces trend estimates to best represent the underlying behaviour in a series. Trend estimates are created by smoothing seasonally adjusted series to reduce the impact of the irregular component of the seasonally adjusted series. Abnormally high or low values (outliers) are discounted or excluded from the trend estimates. 20 Seasonally adjusted and trend estimates may be revised as new periods of data become available. Generally, revisions become smaller over time. Revisions to original data may also lead to revisions to seasonally adjusted and trend estimates. 21 Further information on seasonally adjusted and trend estimates can be found in the ABS Information papers An Introductory Course on Time Series Analysis - Electronic Delivery, January 2005 (cat. no. 1346.0.55.001) and A Guide to Interpreting Time Series - Monitoring Trends, 2003 (cat. no. 1349.0). Queries may also be directed to the Time Series Analysis Section on (02) 6252 6345 or email <time.series.analysis@abs.gov.au>. CHAIN VOLUME MEASURES 22 Chain volume estimates reflect changes in the volume of building work approved after the direct effects of price changes have been eliminated. The chain volume measures appearing in this publication are annually reweighted chain Laspeyres indexes referenced to current price values in a chosen reference year. 23 Chain volume measures are released quarterly in the April, July, October and January issues. The reference year is updated annually in the October issue. 24 Chain volume measures do not, in general, sum exactly to the extrapolated total value of the components. Further information on the nature and concepts of chain volume measures is contained in the ABS Information Paper Australian National Accounts, Introduction of Chain Volume Measures and Price Indexes, September 1997 (cat. no. 5248.0). GEOGRAPHIC CLASSIFICATION 25 Building approvals are classified to the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), 2011 Edition (cat. no. 1216.0.15.001) and Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS), 2011 Edition (cat. no. 1270.0.55.001) effective from July 2011. Building approvals before July 2011 were classified according to the current edition of the ASGC at that time, and are presented in this publication unrevised, in the original geographical area that applied at the time of approval. From July 2012 onwards building approvals will be classified to the ASGS only - for more information see the Feature Article: Implementation of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard in ABS Building Approvals Collection in the April 2011 issue of Building Approvals, Australia (cat. no. 8731.0). 26 From 1 July 2002, approvals in the Territories of Jervis Bay, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands are included in these statistics. Jervis Bay is included in New South Wales, while Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands are included in Western Australia. This differs to their treatment in the ASGC and ASGS, where these Territories are included in 'Other Territories'. RELATED PUBLICATIONS 27 Users may also wish to refer to the following publications:
Dwelling Unit Commencements, Australia, Preliminary, cat. no. 8750.0 Construction Work Done, Australia, Preliminary, cat. no. 8755.0 Engineering Construction Activity, Australia, cat. no. 8762.0 House Price Indexes: Eight Capital Cities, cat. no. 6416.0 Housing Finance, Australia, cat. no. 5609.0 Producer Price Indexes, Australia, cat. no. 6427.0. ABS DATA AVAILABLE ON REQUEST 28 As well as the statistics included in this and related publications, the ABS may have other relevant data available on request. Inquiries should be made to the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.