This publication presents quarterly estimates of selected indicators of manufacturing production in Australia.
This issue also includes annual summary data mainly related to yarns, textiles, clothing and footwear, which were last published in the September quarter 2003 issue of the Manufacturing Production, Australia (cat.no. 8301.0) publication.
More detailed breakdowns and other commodity items collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) are available on request for a charge. Monthly series are also available for a limited number of data items. Items for which additional production data are available are listed in paragraph 7 of the Explanatory Notes.
Where figures have been rounded, discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items and totals.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Graeme Thomas on Adelaide (08) 8237 7536.
Table 1 Quarterly Commodity Production |
|  |
 |  | Beer | Portland Cement | Clay Bricks | Pre-mixed concrete | Gas | Electricity |  |
Period | megalitres | '000 tonnes | million | '000 cubic metres | petajoules | million kWh |  |
|  |
1999 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Mar | 435 | 1,737 | 376 | 4,251 | 145 | 45,084 |  |
 | Jun | 383 | 1,944 | 401 | 4,611 | 182 | 45,227 |  |
 | Sep | 424 | 2,006 | 430 | 5,187 | 198 | 46,785 |  |
 | Dec | 521 | 2,027 | 417 | 5,217 | 165 | 44,591 |  |
2000 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Mar | 421 | 1,835 | 416 | 4,880 | 164 | 46,040 |  |
 | Jun | 402 | 2,070 | 447 | 5,349 | 199 | 47,374 |  |
 | Sep | 414 | 1,898 | 421 | 4,679 | 213 | 49,387 |  |
 | Dec | 500 | 1,652 | 379 | 4,188 | 172 | 46,113 |  |
2001 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Mar | 451 | 1,554 | 304 | 3,932 | 177 | 46,865 |  |
 | Jun | 380 | 1,717 | 337 | 4,452 | 205 | 46,317 |  |
 | Sep | 416 | 1,679 | 385 | 4,880 | 218 | 47,412 |  |
 | Dec | 492 | 1,836 | 381 | 4,896 | 161 | 45,305 |  |
2002 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Mar | 428 | 1,729 | 345 | 4,523 | 166 | 45,814 |  |
 | Jun | 408 | 1,992 | 405 | 5,148 | 201 | 46,650 |  |
 | Sep | 406 | 2,030 | 417 | 5,570 | 228 | 48,462 |  |
 | Dec | 506 | 1,978 | 420 | 5,433 | 186 | 46,459 |  |
2003 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Mar | 435 | 1,617 | 387 | 4,771 | 172 | 46,159 |  |
 | Jun | 380 | 1,892 | 415 | 5,213 | 204 | 46,128 |  |
 | Sep | 421 | 2,227 | 440 | 5,903 | 232 | 48,641 |  |
 | Dec | 490 | 2,090 | 413 | 5,542 | 188 | 46,261 |  |
2004 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Mar | 435 | 1,963 | 409 | 5,325 | 173 | 48,362 |  |
 | Jun | 390 | 2,180 | 423 | 5,698 | 214 | 48,443 |  |
 | Sep | 412 | 2,307 | 428 | 5,983 | 226 | 49,712 |  |
|  |
Table 2 Annual Commodity Production (a) |
|  |
Commodity item | 1999-2000 | 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 |  |
|  |
Scoured and carbonised wool (tonnes) | 118,558 | 124,679 | 99,924 | 88,663 | 79,213 |  |
Wool and man-made fibre tops (tonnes) | 55,335 | 61,315 | 53,828 | 38,903 | 21,263 |  |
Knitted or crocheted fabric (tonnes) | 14,135 | 14,946 | 9,227 | 6,452 | 7,979 |  |
Total yarn (tonnes) | 63,536 | 58,609 | 50,379 | 39,671 | 29,584 |  |
Total broadwoven fabric ('000m2) | 186,424 | 131,612 | 106,557 | 78,272 | 61,502 |  |
Total selected clothing items ('000) | 41,448 | 28,206 | 24,872 | 27,133 | 25,797 |  |
Total footwear ('000 pairs) | 9,697 | 8,129 | 6,340 | 5,596 | 4,031 |  |
|  |
(a) Refer to the Glossary for definitions. |