The 1999-2000 collection was conducted as a sample survey of approximately 17,000 manufacturing establishments nationally, which were requested to provide data on employment, wages and salaries, turnover, purchases and whether their products were exported. A sub-sample of approximately 7,000 establishments was also asked to provide detailed structural and performance data, and value of sales for commodities produced.
The 1999-2000 series of these publications, Manufacturing Industry, Australia (Cat. no. 8221.0) and Manufacturing Industry, [State], (Cat. nos 8221.1-8221.6) will be the last that present data for manufacturing establishments. Future manufacturing collections will no longer collect data from manufacturing establishments. Starting with the 2000-01 manufacturing collection, data will be sought from a sample of approximately 9,000 manufacturing businesses nationally. For more details, see the Appendix.
The ABS continues to use Australian Taxation Office (ATO) information on group employer (GE) registrations to delete from the ABS business register those businesses which have ceased trading or are no longer employing staff. The ABS has for some time used GE information to add new businesses to the business register; however, GE information to delete businesses from the business register was first used for the 1998-99 collection. For more details, see paragraphs 12-14 of the Explanatory Notes.
For information about the availability of sub-State estimates from the 1999-2000 collection, see paragraph 27 of the Explanatory Notes.
Detailed manufacturing industry statistics for each State are being released progressively in a series of publications, Manufacturing Industry, [State], 1999-2000 (Cat. nos 8221.1-8221.6). The publication for New South Wales (Cat. no. 8221.1) also contains selected data for the Australian Capital Territory.
Management unit data and a wide range of manufacturing related ABS data, as well as data from other sources, will be presented in the compendium publication Manufacturing, Australia, 2001 (Cat. no. 8225.0), to be released in February 2002. Management unit data at the total manufacturing level are also included in Business Operations and Industry Performance, Australia, 1999-2000 (Cat. no. 8140.0).
Turnover for the year 1999-2000 by manufacturing establishments operating in Western Australia was $18,652m, which resulted in an industry value added (IVA) for the year of $5,058m. For turnover, this represents a 4.6% increase in current price terms from the $17,823m recorded for 1998-99. These manufacturing establishments employed 73,200 persons at the end of June 2000 and paid $2,655m in wages and salaries in 1999-2000.
The percentage of Australian manufacturing employment in Western Australia at the end of June 2000 was 8.0%, an increase of 0.2 percentage points on that reported at the end of June 1999. The Western Australian industry subdivisions which made a significant contribution to national manufacturing employment at the end of June 2000 at the industry subdivision level were Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing (13.2%), Metal product manufacturing (11.0%) and Other manufacturing (10.1%).
The percentage contribution by Western Australia to total Australian manufacturing turnover and IVA in 1999-2000 was 8.1% and 7.4% respectively. For turnover, this represents no change from the percentage figure recorded twelve months earlier, but for IVA this represents an increase of 0.1 percentage points on the contribution reported in 1998-99. The Western Australian industry subdivisions which made a significant contribution to national manufacturing turnover and IVA in 1999-2000 at the industry subdivision level were Metal product manufacturing (12.2% and 8.3% respectively), Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing (11.9% and 12.4% respectively), Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing (10.7% and 9.1% respectively) and Other manufacturing (10.2% and 10.7% respectively).
IVA for 1999-2000 was $5,058m. The industry subdivision which contributed the most to Western Australian manufacturing IVA in 1999-2000 was Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing, followed by Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing. Metal product manufacturing, the industry which had contributed the most in 1998-99, has fallen to be the third ranked industry in 1999-2000. All other industries were ranked in the same order as they were in 1998-99.
The industry subdivisions with the largest contribution to total manufacturing IVA and the most notable industry classes within those subdivisions (as a percentage of Western Australia's total manufacturing IVA) were:
- Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing (18.2%), where the industry classes Meat processing (ANZSIC Class 2111 at 2.6%) and Seafood processing (ANZSIC Class 2173 at 2.5%) were the most substantial. Western Australian Seafood processing accounted for 47.2% of Australian IVA for this industry.
- Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing (17.7%), where the industry classes Inorganic industrial chemical manufacturing n.e.c. (ANZSIC Class 2535 at 3.8%), Petroleum refining (ANZSIC Class 2510 at 3.2%) and Fertiliser manufacturing (ANZSIC Class 2531 at 2.3%) were the most substantial.
- Metal product manufacturing (17.3%), where the industry classes Alumina production (ANZSIC Class 2721 at 6.8%) and Structural steel fabricating (ANZSIC Class 2741 at 3.8%) were the most substantial. Western Australian Alumina production accounted for 47.0% of Australian IVA for this industry.
- Machinery and equipment manufacturing (14.4%), where the industry class Shipbuilding (ANZSIC Class 2821 at 2.7%) was the most substantial.
Industry classes making a notable contribution to industry value added and not included in the subdivisions listed above included Newspaper printing or publishing (ANZSIC Class 2421 at 6.0%), Printing (ANZSIC Class 2412 at 2.6%) and Wooden furniture and upholstered seat manufacturing (ANZSIC Class 2921 at 2.1%).
The Western Australian manufacturing industry subdivisions in 1999-2000 with the highest IVA per person employed were Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing at $134,000 per person employed and Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing (at $99,800).
The Western Australian manufacturing industry employed 73,200 persons at the end of June 2000 and paid $2,655m in wages and salaries in 1999-2000. This represents an average of $36,300 paid in annual wages and salaries per person employed at the end of June 2000, an increase of 1.2% on the $35,800 recorded twelve months earlier. (Readers should note that the employment figure in this average measures the number of persons employed at the end of June and includes working proprietors. The wages and salaries figure excludes the drawings of working proprietors.)

Western Australian manufacturing employment decreased from June 1995 (73,800 persons) to June 1996 (72,000 persons), after which it recovered by June 1998 (74,600 persons). Manufacturing employment in Western Australian manufacturing industry then fell by June 1999 (72,700 persons), only to increase again between June 1999 and June 2000 (73,200 persons). Over the five years from June 1995 to June 2000, employment fell by 0.8% or 600 persons.
Between June 1999 and June 2000, employment increased in five of the nine manufacturing industry subdivisions, decreased in three and remained steady in one. Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing recorded the largest increase in absolute terms (up 700 persons), followed by Machinery and equipment manufacturing (up 600 persons), Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing (up 500 persons) and Wood and paper product manufacturing (up 200 persons). The same industry subdivisions recorded the largest percentage increases, but in the following order: Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing (up 7.3% from 6,200 persons to 6,700 persons), Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing (up 5.5% from 12,800 persons to 13,600 persons), Wood and paper product manufacturing (up 4.7% from 4,100 persons to 4,300 persons) and Machinery and equipment manufacturing (up 4.6% from 12,400 persons to 12,900 persons). The largest percentage and absolute decreases were recorded by Printing, publishing and recorded media (down 9.4% or 700 persons), Metal product manufacturing (down 3.8% or 600 persons) and Textile, clothing, footwear and leather manufacturing (down 3.0% or 100 persons).
Average wages and salaries paid per person employed at the end of June rose in eight industry subdivisions and fell in the other one between 1998-99 and 1999-2000.
The industry subdivisions to record the largest percentage increases in wages and salaries paid per person employed at the end of June were:
- Textile, clothing, footwear and leather manufacturing (up 5.5% - from $25,600 to $27,000), where 10 (out of 19) industry classes recorded an increase.
- Machinery and equipment manufacturing (up 3.8% - from $34,900 to $36,200), where 15 (out of 27) industry classes recorded an increase, with the largest (where publishable) being:
- Lifting and material handling equipment manufacturing (ANZSIC Class 2865) (up 40.9% - from $38,800 to $54,700);
- Computer and business machine manufacturing (ANZSIC Class 2841) (up 39.5% - from $23,300 to $32,600); and
- Shipbuilding (ANZSIC Class 2821) (up 35.1% - from $31,500 to $42,500).
- Other manufacturing (up 3.8% - from $25,600 to $26,600), where 5 (out of 9) industry classes recorded an increase, with the largest being Jewellery and silverware manufacturing (ANZSIC Class 2941) (up 22.0% - from $24,900 to $30,400) and Wooden furniture and upholstered seat manufacturing (ANZSIC Class 2921) (up 11.9% - from $23,700 to $26,500), where the latter industry class accounted for approximately 53% of both employment and wages and salaries for the subdivision.
The industry subdivision to record the decrease between 1998-99 and 1999-2000 in wages and salaries paid per person employed at the end of June was Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing (down 4.4% - from $47,200 to $45,100), where the main influence on the decrease was the industry group Basic chemical manufacturing (ANZSIC Group 253) (down 8.2% - from $55,300 to $50,800).
Industry classes (where publishable) belonging to other industry subdivisions and which had the largest percentage increases between 1998-99 and 1999-2000 in wages and salaries paid per person employed at the end of June were:
- Paper stationery manufacturing (ANZSIC Class 2411) (up 49.0% - from $20,000 to $29,700);
- Glass and glass product manufacturing (ANZSIC Class 2610) (up 34.4% - from $34,700 to $46,600); and
- Prepared animal and bird feed manufacturing (ANZSIC Class 2174) (up 32.9% - from $29,600 to $39,300).
Turnover rose, in current price terms, by $829m to $18,652m for 1999-2000. This represents a 4.6% increase on the $17,823m recorded for 1998-99.
Metal product manufacturing (at 26.6%) is again the largest contributor to total Western Australian manufacturing turnover, as it has been every year since ANZSIC industry data were introduced for 1989-90. Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing (at 20.6%) remained the second largest contributor to Western Australian manufacturing turnover. All other industries were also ranked in the same order as they were in 1998-99.
Seven of the nine manufacturing industry subdivisions recorded an increase in turnover between 1998-99 and 1999-2000, while the other two recorded a decrease. The largest dollar increases between 1998-99 and 1999-2000 were recorded by Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing (up $375m or 10.8%), Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing (up $295m or 9.2%) and Other manufacturing (up $106m or 17.8%). The same three industry subdivisons recorded the largest percentage increases, but in the order: Other manufacturing (up 17.8% - from $597m to $703m), Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing (up 10.8% - from $3,472m to $3,847m) and Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing (up 9.2% - from $3,213m to $3,508m).
The two industry subdivisions to record a fall in turnover were Metal product manufacturing (down $70m or 1.4%) and Printing, publishing and recorded media (down $69m or 6.7%).
The industry classes with the largest dollar increases between 1998-99 and 1999-2000 were:
- Seafood processing (ANZSIC Class 2173) (up $181m or 52.3%);
- Petroleum refining (ANZSIC Class 2510) (up $163m or 12.0%); and
- Shipbuilding (ANZSIC Class 2821) (up $147m or 47.5%).
The industry groups (where publishable) with the largest dollar decreases between 1998-99 and 1999-2000 were:
- Industrial machinery and equipment manufacturing (ANZSIC Group 286) (down $200m or 20.9%);
- Fabricated metal product manufacturing (ANZSIC Group 276) (down $67m or 19.8%); and
- Printing and services to printing (ANZSIC Group 241) (down $65m or 14.1%).
For 1999-2000, Western Australian manufacturers directly exported $4,728m of the goods that they produced. This represents a 11.9% increase on the $4,223m recorded for 1998-99. The percentage of total sales and transfers out of goods produced that were exported also increased (from 26.2% for 1998-99 to 27.9% for 1999-2000). There has been an increase of 7.7 percentage points in this proportion since 1994-95 (when the proportion was 20.1%).
Manufacturers' direct exports increased in six industry subdivisions and decreased in the other three between 1998-99 and 1999-2000. The industry subdivisions to record the largest dollar increases in direct exports between 1998-99 and 1999-2000 were Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing (up $178m or 21.6% - from $824m to $1,002m), Machinery and equipment manufacturing (up $166m or 47.3% - from $350m to $516m) and Food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing (up $120m or 22.8% - from $525m to $645m). The industry subdivisions to record the largest percentage increases in direct exports between 1998-1999 and 1999-2000 were Printing, publishing and recorded media (up 78.9% or $4m - from $5m to $9m) and Other manufacturing (up 76.0% or $15m - from $19m to $34m). The industry subdivision to record the largest dollar decrease in direct exports was Wood and paper product manufacturing (down $17m or 14.6% - from $118m to $100m), while the largest percentage decrease was recorded by Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing (down 16.8% or $4m - from $26m to $22m).
Direct exports by establishments employing 100 or more persons increased by $380m (or 13.8%) and for establishments employing 0-49 persons increased by $176m (or 15.3%), but decreased for establishments employing 50-99 persons by $51m (or 16.0%).