The Location is the physical site from which a business engages in productive activity on a relatively permanent basis (e.g. a shop, a factory, or a suite of offices in a multi-occupancy building). For an agricultural unit, the Location is usually the property, even though this may consist of a number of separate holdings. The Location is the lowest-level business unit recorded on the Register.
This consultancy service provides a count of businesses (as recorded on the ABS Business Register Extract) at the Location level. Information can be output in the form of tables, maps, reports or files, tailored to a client's specific needs. Business counts can be requested cross-classified by:
employment size ranges -- both standard and customised;
aggregate employment (confidentialised);
industry (Australian Standard Industry Classification for Extract's prior to March 1994 or Australian and New Zealand Industrial Classification);
geographic area (Australian Standard Geographical Classification) including Local Government Areas and Australia Post postcodes;
type of legal organisation; and
public/private sector.