During the 2014-15 financial year, expenditure on R&D performed by Australian government organisations was $3,329 million. Commonwealth government organisations contributed $2,257 million (68%), and state and territory government organisations contributed $1,072 million (32%), to total government expenditure on R&D (GOVERD).
GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE ON R&D, summary statistics |
 |  |  | 2012-13 | 2014-15 | 2012-13 | 2014-15 | 2012-13 | 2014-15 |
 |  |  | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Type of expenditure |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Capital expenditure |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  | Land, buildings and other structures | 95 | 102 | 350 | 30 | 445 | 132 |
 |  | Other capital expenditure | 185 | 178 | 37 | 38 | 223 | 216 |
 |  | Total(a) | 280 | 280 | 388 | 68 | 668 | 348 |
 | Current expenditure |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  | Labour costs | 1 277 | 1 210 | 594 | 620 | 1 871 | 1 831 |
 |  | Other current expenditure | 787 | 767 | 399 | 383 | 1 187 | 1 150 |
 |  | Total(a) | 2 064 | 1 978 | 993 | 1 004 | 3 058 | 2 981 |
Total expenditure on R&D(a) | 2 345 | 2 257 | 1 381 | 1 072 | 3 725 | 3 329 |
(a) Where figures have been rounded, discrepancies may occur between the sum of the component items and totals. |
GOVERD decreased 11% in current price terms and 16% in chain volume terms between 2012-13 and 2014-15.
 |  |  | 2004-05 | 2006-07 | 2008-09 | 2011-12 | 2012-13 | 2014-15 |
Expenditure on R&D - Current prices |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Commonwealth | $m | 1 544 | 2 046 | 2 252 | 2 426 | 2 345 | 2 257 |
 | State/territory | $m | 942 | 1 049 | 1 169 | 1 123 | 1 381 | 1 072 |
 | Total(a) | $m | 2 486 | 3 095 | 3 420 | 3 549 | 3 725 | 3 329 |
Expenditure on R&D - Chain volume measures(b) |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Commonwealth | $m | 2 140 | 2 603 | 2 699 | 2 704 | 2 498 | 2 257 |
 | State/territory | $m | 1 305 | 1 335 | 1 400 | 1 252 | 1 471 | 1072 |
 | Total(a) | $m | 3 444 | 3 938 | 4 099 | 3 956 | 3 969 | 3 329 |
Human resources devoted to R&D |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Commonwealth | PYE | 9 368 | 9 481 | 9 209 | 9 800 | 9 820 | 8 443 |
 | State/territory | PYE | 7 320 | 7 279 | 7 834 | 6 889 | 6 561 | 6 273 |
 | Total(a) | PYE | 16 687 | 16 760 | 17 042 | 16 689 | 16 381 | 14 715 |
(a) Where figures have been rounded, discrepancies may occur between the sum of the component items and totals. |
(b) The reference period for chain volume measure is 2014-15. See Explanatory Notes for details. |
Subsequent expenditure figures and supporting commentary relate to current price terms.
GOVERD and Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
GOVERD as a proportion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) decreased from 0.24% in 2012-13 to 0.21% in 2014-15.