1 This publication presents statistics on livestock slaughterings (including chickens), meat production, whole milk intake by factories, market milk sales by factories, receivals of taxable wool by brokers and dealers, exports of live sheep and cattle and exports of fresh, chilled, frozen and processed meat.
2 Data in this publication have been revised where necessary and as a consequence may not agree with similar data shown in previous publications.
3 Where figures have been rounded, discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items and totals.
4 Unless otherwise indicated, Australian totals include data for all states/territories.
5 The statistics on slaughterings for red meat production are based on a monthly collection from abattoirs and other major slaughtering establishments and include estimates of animals slaughtered on farms, by country butchers and other small slaughtering establishments.
6 Livestock slaughter and meat production estimates published in previous editions of this publication (excluding chickens) included a small, stable component to represent the on-farm slaughter of livestock. Following a quality review of the Livestock Slaughtered collection and consultation with key users of these data, on-farm slaughter has now been removed. Historical data back to July 2007 have been revised for all series.
7 The quality review has also aligned the Livestock Slaughtered collection's calf and pig definitions to current industry standards.
8 The farm-kill and definitional changes, above, impact on livestock slaughtering and meat production estimates (excluding chickens) published in this and future editions of Livestock Products, Australia. Related estimates published in Livestock and Meat, Australia (cat. no. 7218.0.55.001) are also affected.
9 As a result of these changes, the livestock slaughter and meat production estimates included in this release cannot be directly compared to those published in previous editions. To assist users in accounting for the associated breaks in time series, historical estimates to June 2007 (excluding farm-kill) and to June 2009 (revised calf definitions) have been re-based. Additional time series data are available via the Downloads tab of this publication on the ABS website <https://www.abs.gov.au>.
10 Red meat is shown in carcass weight and excludes offal.
11 Statistics for poultry slaughterings and chicken meat produced have been compiled from quarterly returns supplied by commercial poultry slaughtering establishments and comprise boilers, fryers and roasters. Many small producers are excluded from the collection; however, the statistics represent a high level of coverage.
12 A coverage exercise has been undertaken to further review the quality of the sampling frame for the Poultry and Game Birds Collection. Although Poultry estimates will be reflective of the improved sampling frame from the September 2010 quarter onwards, the frame update has had a negligible impact on the associated timeseries spreadsheets. As a result, estimates from the September 2010 quarter onwards are comparable with previous estimates.
13 Chicken meat is shown in dressed weight of whole birds, pieces and giblets.
14 Care should be taken when using this information as the data only relate to slaughterings for human consumption and do not include animals condemned, slaughtered for pet food or those killed for boiling down.
15 Details about unpublished slaughterings and meat production statistics can be found in the Livestock Slaughtering Collection brief on the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website and also are available on request. Inquiries should be made to the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070. Further information on the new methodology and revised definitions may be obtained by contacting The Environment and Agriculture Business Statistics Centre, Australian Bureau of Statistics, GPO Box 66, Hobart TAS 7001. Alternatively, email <agriculture.statistics@abs.gov.au> or phone (03) 6222 5940.
16 International trade statistics are compiled by the ABS from information submitted to the Australian Customs Service by exporters and importers or their agents. Factors are applied to beef, veal, mutton and lamb bone-out figures to calculate a derived bone-in carcass weight. The derived bone-in carcass weights are then added to bone-in figures to calculate total exports in carcass weight. The factor for beef and veal is 1.5 and for mutton and lamb, 2.0. This information is sourced from the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
17 Beef also includes buffalo meat.
18 Bacon and ham shown is the cured carcass weight of smoked or cooked bacon and ham. It also includes the stated net weight of packs of canned bacon and ham.
19 Canned meat is shown as the canned weight and excludes canned bacon and ham.
20 Sheep and cattle exported for breeding are excluded.
21 The unit value is obtained by dividing the gross value by the number of animals exported.
22 The graphs of livestock exports present quarterly original estimates for at least the last five years for the major commodities. These graphs highlight the major movements in the estimates over that period.
23 Milk data collected by Dairy Australia. Data for the latest quarter are not yet available.
24 Whole milk intake by factories includes the whole milk equivalent of farm cream intake.
25 Market sales includes white, flavoured, high and low fat milk and ultra heat treatment (UHT) milk. Interstate transfers of UHT milk have been included in their state of destination. UHT milk is milk that is heated to high temperatures to produce a milk which does not require refrigeration for a sustained period of time when unopened.
26 Wool receivals refers to the amount of taxable wool received by brokers and purchased by dealers from wool producers. It excludes wool received by brokers on which tax has already been paid by other dealers (private buyers) or brokers.
27 From the September quarter 2010, inclusive, an updated sampling frame was introduced in respect of the Wool Receivals, Purchases and Sales collection. The impact of this change on associated time series is negligible.
28 Data are based on the state in which wool has been received, and do not necessarily reflect the production of wool in that state.
29 Seasonal adjustment is a means of removing the estimated effects of normal seasonal variation from the series so that the effects of other influences can be more clearly recognised.
30 In the seasonal adjustment of the livestock estimates, account has been taken of both normal seasonal factors and ‘trading day’ effects, where significant. Seasonal adjustment does not remove from the series the effect of irregular influences (e.g. abnormal weather, industrial disputes).
31 The state component series has been seasonally adjusted independently. Therefore, the adjusted components may not add to the Australian group totals.
32 In this publication, the seasonally adjusted estimates are produced by the concurrent seasonal adjustment method which takes account of the latest available original estimates. This method improves the estimation of seasonal factors and, therefore, the seasonally adjusted and trend estimates for the current and previous months. As a result of this improvement, revisions to the seasonally adjusted and trend estimates will be observed for recent periods. A more detailed review is conducted annually prior to the September release, using data up to and including the August release.
33 For further information, see Time Series Analysis Frequently Asked Questions, 2003 (cat. no. 1346.0.55.002).
34 From September 2007, improved methods of producing seasonally adjusted estimates, focused on the application of Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) modelling techniques, were implemented. The ARIMA modelling technique can be used to extend original estimates beyond the end of a time series.
35 For further information on ARIMA modelling, see the feature article 'Use of ARIMA modelling to reduce revisions' in Australian Economic Indicators, Oct 2004 (cat. no 1350.0).
36 The graphs of livestock slaughtered, meat production and livestock products present quarterly trend estimates for at least the last five years for the major commodities. These graphs highlight the major movements in the estimates over that period.
37 A trend estimate is obtained by reducing the irregular component in the seasonally adjusted series. For quarterly data, trend estimates are derived by applying a 7-term Henderson moving average to the seasonally adjusted series. Revisions of trend estimates will also occur with revisions to the original data and re-estimation of seasonal factors.
38 The state component series has been adjusted independently. Therefore, the adjusted components may not add to the Australian group totals.
39 For further information, see Information Paper: A Guide to Interpreting Time Series - Monitoring Trends, 2003 (cat. no. 1349.0).
40 Other ABS publications containing livestock data include:
41 Current publications and other products released by the ABS are listed under the Statistics and Topics @ a Glance pages on the ABS website <
https://www.abs.gov.au>. The ABS also issues a daily Release Advice on the website which details products to be released in the week ahead.
42 ABS publications draw extensively on information provided freely by individuals, businesses, governments and other organisations. Their continued cooperation is very much appreciated. Without it, the wide range of statistics published by the ABS would not be available. Information received by the ABS is treated in strict confidence as required by the
Census and Statistics Act 1905.