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Table 2. AVERAGE INCOME by Source - Greater Capital City Statistical Areas and Rest of State/Territory, 2009-10
Table 2 presents average income data for 2009-10 for all sources of income, by state and territory. The Australian Capital Territory recorded the highest average total income of all states and territories ($58,034), followed by Western Australia ($53,397) and the Northern Territory ($51,366). When interpreting these results, it should be noted that some low income earners, for example those receiving Government pensions and allowances, or those under the income threshold for tax form lodgement, are excluded from the data. This can impact on the data story for the Northern Territory, for example. For Australia, average total income was $48,530. Overall, the Greater Capital City Statistical Areas recorded substantially higher average total incomes than the rest of each state or territory. Average wage and salary total incomes were highest in the Australian Capital Territory, Western Australia and New South Wales. Average individual income from Own unincorporated business was highest in the Australian Capital Territory ($25,297), Western Australia ($24,757) and New South Wales ($21,025). Again, Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSAs) recorded considerably higher average incomes from this source than the Rest of each state or territory. Victoria recorded the highest average Investment income in 2009-10, followed by Western Australia and New South Wales. The Australian Capital Territory had the highest average income from Superannuation and annuities ($32,657), followed by the Northern Territory ($27,438) and South Australia ($24,615). Map 1 (below) illustrates average total income data for 2009-10 by Statistical Area Level 2 geographies. Excluding regions with less than one hundred income earners, almost two-thirds (65.8%) of SA2s in Australia had average total incomes lower than the national average ($48,530). Toorak in Melbourne recorded the highest average total income ($132,252) of all Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) regions, nationally. This was followed by the SA2s of Double Bay - Bellevue Hill ($129,116), Mosman ($126,956), Hunters Hill - Woolwich ($123,869), Woollahra ($120,199), Dover Heights ($115,387) and Rose Bay - Vaucluse - Watson's Bay ($115,148) - all in Sydney in New South Wales. The Cottesloe SA2 ($113,892) in western Perth was the only other SA2 in Australia (outside of NSW and Victoria) that had an Average Total income exceeding $110,000. Outside of the metropolitan/city regions, the SA2s with the highest average total incomes were the mining regions of Western Australia, in particular Karratha ($79,925), Port Hedland ($78,584), Roebourne ($75,316) and Ashburton ($73,645). Map 1. AVERAGE TOTAL INCOME, Statistical Area Level 2 - Australia, 2009-10 TOP AVERAGE TOTAL INCOME REGIONS This section presents data on the five Statistical Area Level 2 regions (SA2s) in each Greater Capital City Statistical Area and the Rest of each state/territory with the highest average total incomes in 2009-10. Readers should note that SA2s with less than 100 income earners have been excluded from the data and percentages presented below, however all SA2s are in the spreadsheets attached to this release. NEW SOUTH WALES The SA2 of Double Bay - Bellevue Hill, a harbour-side area in eastern Sydney, had the highest average total income in New South Wales in 2009-10 ($129,116) as shown in Table 3. The SA2 of Mosman on Sydney's north shore, had the state's second highest average total income in 2009-10 ($126,956). Hunters Hill - Woolwich, Woollahra and Dover Heights were also in the top five highest income SA2s in New South Wales. All five SA2s also recorded relatively high proportions of Investment income relative to total income, ranging from 39.6% for Double Bay - Bellevue Hill, to 34.9% for Dover Heights, to 25.6% for Mosman. In contrast, the Investment to total income share for the whole Greater Sydney GCCSA was 10.7%. Outside of Greater Sydney, Queanbeyan West - Jerrabomberra in the south east of NSW had the highest average Total income ($64,728). Wages and salaries contributed 85.4% of Total income for this region. Other SA2s with high average total income were Merewether - The Junction ($62,296) and Newcastle - Cooks Hill ($61,295) where Wages and salaries contributed 72.6% and 72.2% of total income respectively (compared with 81.4% for Australia). In 2009-10, 25.5% or 132 of SA2s in New South Wales recorded average total incomes above the state average ($50,328). Of these SA2s, twenty were located outside of the Greater Sydney region. Table 3. TOP AVERAGE INCOMES, New South Wales, 2009-10 (a)
(b) Excludes 'SA2 unknown'. (c) Includes 'SA2 unknown'. VICTORIA Areas in Greater Melbourne's inner south-east recorded Victoria's highest average total incomes in 2009-10 (Table 4). The SA2 of Toorak recorded the state's highest average ($132,252) followed by Brighton ($101,776) and East Melbourne ($95,349). Greater Melbourne's top five was completed by Albert Park ($ 91,871) and Armadale ($89,534). Outside of Greater Melbourne, the highest average total incomes were in the SA2s of Newtown in the Geelong area ($56,512) and Woodend in the Macedon Ranges ($50,960). Other regions with high average total incomes were the SA2s of Torquay ($48,553), Geelong ($48,528) and Traralgon ($48,344). In 2009-10, 28.7% (or 121) of all SA2s in Victoria recorded average total incomes above the state average ($47,623). Five of these SA2s were located outside the Greater Melbourne GCCSA. Table 4. TOP AVERAGE INCOMES, Victoria, 2009-10 (a)
(b) Excludes 'SA2 unknown'. (c) Includes 'SA2 unknown'. QUEENSLAND Individuals in the inner-city areas of Ascot and Hamilton earned higher average incomes than Queenslanders in other regions (Table 5). The SA2 of Ascot recorded the highest average total income in Queensland in 2009-10 ($90,945), followed closely by Hamilton ($90,900). As Table 5 shows, Bulimba, Hawthorne and Bardon completed the top five for the Greater Brisbane GCCSA, Outside of Greater Brisbane, the highest average total income was found in the Moranbah SA2 ($75,662) - a mining region near Mackay (northern Queensland). Other SA2s with high average total incomes included Broadsound - Nebo ($64,814) and Central Highlands - East ($61,361). In 2009-10, 37.8% (or 193) of all SA2s in Queensland had average total incomes above the state average ($45,844). Of these SA2s, 119 were located within the Brisbane metropolitan area. Table 5. TOP AVERAGE INCOMES, Queensland, 2009-10 (a)
(b) Excludes 'SA2 unknown'. (c) Includes 'SA2 unknown'. SOUTH AUSTRALIA The inner-city SA2s of North Adelaide and Walkerville had the highest annual average total income Roxby Downs, an SA2 in the state's north, and a mining centre, had the highest annual average total income outside of the Greater Adelaide area ($68,359) and the fourth highest average income in the state. Other SA2s with high average income in the rest of state included Whyalla ($48,138), the Outback SA2 in the north of the State ($47,355), Tanunda ($46,039) and Port Augusta ($44,750). In 2009-10, 31.5% of SA2 regions (or 51) in South Australia had average total incomes above the state average ($44,312). Of these SA2s, 46 were located in the Greater Adelaide region. Table 6. TOP AVERAGE INCOMES, South Australia, 2009-10 (a)
(b) Excludes 'SA2 unknown'. (c) Includes 'SA2 unknown'. WESTERN AUSTRALIA Cottesloe, a beach-side SA2 in Perth had the highest annual average total income ($113,892) in Western Australia. Also prominent were the SA2s of Nedlands - Dalkeith - Crawley ($106,981), City Beach ($102,971) and Mosman Park - Peppermint Grove ($99,609). Outside of Greater Perth, the Pilbara mining regions of Karratha ($79,925), Port Hedland ($78,584), Roebourne ($75,316) and Ashburton ($73,645) had the highest average total income levels. In 2009-10, 31.6% of all SA2s in Western Australia (or 72) had annual average total incomes that exceeded the State level ($53,397). Of these, 13 SA2s were located outside of Greater Perth. Table 7. TOP AVERAGE INCOMES, Western Australia, 2009-10 (a)
(b) Excludes 'SA2 unknown'. (c) Includes 'SA2 unknown'. TASMANIA The SA2 of Sandy Bay, in the south of Hobart, had the highest average total income in Tasmania in 2009-10 ($59,002). Table 8 shows that the SA2 of Mount Nelson - Dynnyrne had the next highest average total income ($54,660). Of the areas outside of the Greater Hobart GCCSA, the SA2s of West Coast ($46,606) and Norwood ($44,784) had the highest average incomes in 2009-10. In 2009-10, 38.9% of all SA2s in Tasmania (or 37) had average annual total incomes above the state average ($41,542). Of these SA2s, 19 were located outside of the Greater Hobart GCCSA. Table 8. TOP AVERAGE INCOMES, Tasmania, 2009-10 (a)
(b) Excludes 'SA2 unknown'. (c) Includes 'SA2 unknown'. NORTHERN TERRITORY In 2009-10, the three highest income SA2s in the Northern Territory were located outside of the Greater Darwin area - Anindilyakwa ($73,480), Nhulunbuy ($63,985) and East Arnhem ($63,955). Care should be taken when interpreting these results, as some low income earners, for example those receiving Government pensions and allowances, or those under the income threshold for tax lodgement, are excluded from these results. Moreover, recent data from the 2011 Population Census confirms that one quarter of the combined populations of these SA2s receive between $1-299 a week. Excluding the top 3 regions, all other SA2s outside of Greater Darwin had average incomes below the Northern Territory average ($51,366). In Greater Darwin, the central city areas of Stuart Park, Fannie Bay - The Gardens and Ludmilla - The Narrows had the highest average total incomes with $60,979, $60,976 and $60,975 respectively. Table 9. TOP AVERAGE INCOMES, Northern Territory, 2009-10 (a)
(b) Excludes 'SA2 unknown'. (c) Includes 'SA2 unknown'. AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY People living in the inner southern areas of Red Hill and Forrest recorded the highest average incomes in the Australian Capital Territory in 2009-10 ($87,496 and $87,488 respectively). The SA2s of Griffith, Deakin and Yarralumla rounded out the top five, as shown by Table 10. The Australian Capital Territory had the highest average income of all states and territories in 2009-10 ($58,034). Table 10. TOP AVERAGE INCOMES, Australian Capital Territory, 2009-10 (a)
(b) Includes 'SA2 unknown'. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.