This data cube provides six tables containing the 17th series weights and household average weekly expenditure for the Selected Living Cost Indexes (SLCIs). Households have been categorised based on the principal source of household income derived from the 2015-16 Household Expenditure Survey (HES). The household types are:
- Employee households (i.e. those households whose principal source of income is from wages and salaries);
- Age pensioner households (i.e. those households whose principal source of income is the age pension or veterans affairs pension);
- Other government transfer recipient households (i.e. those households whose principal source of income is a government pension or benefit other than the age pension or veterans affairs pension); and
- Self–funded retiree households (i.e. those households whose principal source of income is superannuation or property income and where the HES defined reference person is 'retired' (not in the labour force and over 55 years of age));
- Pensioner and beneficiary households (includes Age pensioner households and Other government transfer recipient households described above).
The 17th series weights and household average weekly expenditure for all the household types have been based on the 2015-16 HES expenditures at the weighted eight capital cities level. This is the same methodology as the Consumer Price Index (CPI). For Self–funded retiree households, this represents a change from the 16th series, where the weights were derived using national expenditures as a proxy measure for capital city expenditures.
An explanation regarding the data in each table is provided below. Any discrepancies between totals and sums of components in this publication are due to rounding.
For more information regarding the 17th series SLCIs, please refer to
Information Paper: Introduction of the 17th Series Australian Consumer Price Index, 2017 (cat. no. 6470.0.55.001).
Table 1. Average weekly Employee households expenditure and weights, September quarter 2017, weighted average of eight capital cities, shows:
- the average weekly expenditure (in September quarter 2017 prices) of Employee households for the weighted average of eight capital cities by group, sub–group and expenditure class. This data was used to construct the 17th series Employee households weights. For example, the average weekly expenditure for 'Vegetables' is $23.06 out of the total average weekly expenditure of $1,762.52. This proportion, $23.06/$1,762.52=1.31%, is the same as the percentage contribution of 'Vegetables’ to the Employee households All groups index.
- the percentage contribution of each group, sub–group and expenditure class to the Employee households All groups index at the weighted average of eight capital cities level. Each column will add to 100%. Each component series will add to the next level. For example, the weights for expenditure classes 'Bread', 'Cakes and biscuits', 'Breakfast cereals’ and ‘Other cereal products' will add to the sub–group 'Bread and cereal products' which, along with the other sub–groups, will add to the group 'Food and non–alcoholic beverages'.
Table 2. Average weekly Age pensioner households expenditure and weights, September quarter 2017, weighted average of eight capital cities, shows:
- the average weekly expenditure (in September quarter 2017 prices) of Age pensioner households for the weighted average of eight capital cities by group, sub–group and expenditure class. This data was used to construct the 17th series Age pensioner households weights.
- the percentage contribution of each group, sub–group and expenditure class to the Age pensioner households All groups index at the weighted average of eight capital cities level. Each column will add to 100%. Each component series will add to the next level.
Table 3. Average weekly Other government transfer recipient households expenditure and weights, September quarter 2017, weighted average of eight capital cities, shows:
- the average weekly expenditure (in September quarter 2017 prices) of Other government transfer recipient households for the weighted average of eight capital cities by group, sub–group and expenditure class. This data was used to construct the 17th series Other government transfer recipient households weights.
- the percentage contribution of each group, sub–group and expenditure class to the Other government transfer recipient households All groups index at the weighted average of eight capital cities level. Each column will add to 100%. Each component series will add to the next level.
Table 4. Average weekly Self–funded retiree households expenditure and weights, September quarter 2017, weighted average of eight capital cities, shows:
- the average weekly expenditure (in September quarter 2017 prices) of Self–funded retiree households for the weighted average of eight capital cities by group, sub–group and expenditure class. This data was used to construct the 17th series Self–funded retiree households weights.
- the percentage contribution of each group, sub–group and expenditure class to the Self–funded retiree households All groups index at the weighted average of eight capital cities level. Each column will add to 100%. Each component series will add to the next level.
Table 5. Average weekly Pensioner and beneficiary households expenditure and weights, September quarter 2017, weighted average of eight capital cities, shows:
- the average weekly expenditure (in September quarter 2017 prices) of Pensioner and beneficiary households for the weighted average of eight capital cities by group, sub–group and expenditure class. This data was used to construct the 17th series Pensioner and beneficiary households weights.
- the percentage contribution of each group, sub–group and expenditure class to the Pensioner and beneficiary households All groups index at the weighted average of eight capital cities level. Each column will add to 100%. Each component series will add to the next level.
Table 6. Comparison between the 16th and 17th series weights for all household types, weighted average of eight capital cities, shows:
- the comparison between the 16th series weights in the June quarter 2011 and the 17th series weights in the September quarter 2017 for each group, sub–group and expenditure class, for each household type. Each column will add to 100%. Please note there are a number of changes resulting from the introduction of the 17th series which should be considered when comparing the 17th series weights to the 16th series weights. These include changes to data sources and an updated geographical coverage.
- The 16th series weights were based on 2009-10 HES expenditures at the weighted average of eight capital cities level for all household types except Self-funded retirees. For the 17th series, the weights for all household types are based on expenditure estimates at the weighted average of eight capital cities level.