6416.0.55.001 - Information Paper: Changes to Time Series Spreadsheets for House Price Indexes: Eight Capital Cities, Mar 2006  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 28/03/2006  First Issue
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This information paper advises users of proposed changes to the time series spreadsheets associated with the publication House Price Indexes, Eight Capital Cities (cat. no. 6416.0), resulting from the conversion of the current Lotus 1-2-3 .wks spreadsheets to Excel .xls format..

A concordance between the current time series spreadsheet tables (Lotus 1-2-3 .wks format) and the proposed new tables (in Excel .xls format) is included below.

Also provided under the 'Details' tab are copies of the new tables providing time series up to and including December quarter 2005, comparable to that released on 24 February 2006.

These changes are due to come into effect with the release of the March quarter 2006 issue of 6416.0 on 25 May 2006. From that date, the current Lotus 1-2-3 .wks spreadsheets will be discontinued.

The new product provides a range of benefits for time series clients including:

  • combining some existing tables thus reducing the number of individual tables that may need to accessed
  • consistent and complete series metadata is provided for every series displayed
  • a readily recognised file format (Excel) that will 'auto launch' in most business IT environments
  • built in features on which clients can base reliable processing systems.

The new format files can be opened, read and manipulated using Excel 5.0/95 (or equivalent), however, some features will not be available unless you have Excel 97 (or better).


For further information or if you have any queries about the change or related statistics, contact Steve Whennan on (02) 6252 6251, or email <steve.whennan@abs.gov.au>.


Below is a concordance between the current Lotus 1-2-3 .wks time series spreadsheet tables and the proposed new Excel .xls time series spreadsheet tables.

Current Tables
New Tables
.wks Table no.Current Table Name.xls Table no.New Table Name
641601Table 1. House Price Indexes, Established Houses - Index Numbers Quarterly641601Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. House Price and Selected Housing Indexes, Index Numbers and Percentage Changes
641602Table 2. Established House Price Indexes - Percentage Changes641601Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. House Price and Selected Housing Indexes, Index Numbers and Percentage Changes
641603Table 3. House Price Indexes, Project Homes - Index Numbers Quarterly641601Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. House Price and Selected Housing Indexes, Index Numbers and Percentage Changes
641604Table 4. Project Home Price Indexes - Percentage Changes641601Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. House Price and Selected Housing Indexes, Index Numbers and Percentage Changes
641605Table 5. House Price Indexes, Selected Housing, Australia - Index Numbers Quarterly 641601Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. House Price and Selected Housing Indexes, Index Numbers and Percentage Changes
641606ATable 6A. House Price Indexes, Selected Housing, Australia - Percentage Changes (from corresponding quarter of previous year)641601Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. House Price and Selected Housing Indexes, Index Numbers and Percentage Changes
641606BTable 6B. House Price Indexes, Selected Housing, Australia - Percentage Changes (from previous quarter)641601Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. House Price and Selected Housing Indexes, Index Numbers and Percentage Changes
641607Table 7. House Price Indexes, Median Price of Established House Transfers641602Tables 7 and 8. Median Price (unstratified) and Number of Established House Transfers
641608Table 8. House Price Indexes, Number of Established House Transfers641602Tables 7 and 8. Median Price (unstratified) and Number of Established House Transfers
6416010Table 1. House Price Indexes, Established Houses - Index Numbers Quarterly , Pre-September Quarter 2005 Methodology640103Table 10. Established House Price Index, Index Numbers, Pre-September Quarter 2005 Methodology