08/12/2009 Note: CURF data item list updated to reflect the removal of the SEIFA variable IEOCDH from the expanded CURF.
Appropriate use and interpretation of the results of the Survey of Employment Arrangements, Retirement and Superannuation (SEARS) 2007 relies upon knowledge of what information was collected, how the information was collected and how the information was used to produce final estimates. This User Guide covers these topics in several chapters: Survey methodology; Data processing; Data quality; and Survey output and dissemination.
The final chapter presents technical information to assist you in using the expanded Confidentialised Unit Record File (CURF). In addition, the following are available on the ABS web site <www.abs.gov.au>:
- a comprehensive list of the data items available from the survey;
- the 2007 SEARS questionnaire;
- the 2007 SEARS prompt cards used to assist respondents; and
- the data items available on the expanded CURF.
Brian Pink
Australian Statistician
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.