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Quarterly Changes (Mar Qtr 2003 to Jun Qtr 2003)
The index of total hourly rates of pay excluding bonuses for all employee jobs in Australia increased by 0.6%.
The increases in the indexes at the industry level ranged from 0.2% for Accommodation, cafes and restaurants to 1.1% for Electricity, gas and water supply.
The increases in the indexes at the occupation level ranged from 0.3% for Labourers and related workers to 0.7% for Professionals.
Annual Changes (Jun Qtr 2002 to Jun Qtr 2003)
The index of total hourly rates of pay excluding bonuses for all employee jobs in Australia increased by 3.6%.
The increases in the indexes at the industry level ranged from 2.2% for Communication services to 4.7% for Education.
The annual (quarter on corresponding quarter of the preceding year) movement in the index of total hourly rates of pay excluding bonuses remained steady at 3.6% in the June quarter 2003.
Traditionally, the June quarter has the lowest quarterly movement in the Wage Cost Index and has been 0.6% in each June quarter since June 1999. In experimental seasonally adjusted terms, the increase was 0.8% in the June quarter 2003, down from the 0.9% recorded in the March quarter 2003.
The Public sector annual movement of 4.2% is the highest since the start of the series in September quarter 1997.
The 5.3% annual movement in NSW Public sector wages is the highest recorded since the June quarter 1999.
Pay movements in the Private sector in June quarter 2003 were dominated by salary reviews and certified agreements; both contributed to pay increases in about the same number of jobs in June quarter 2003. A small number of jobs were affected by award-based increases. Certified agreements were almost entirely responsible for the Public sector pay increases in June quarter 2003.
The Safety Net Review decision handed down by the Australian Industrial Relations Commission on 6 May 2003 had little effect on the June quarter WCI because the reference date for the data collection was the pay period ending on or before 16 May 2003. The Safety Net Review is applicable to workers on federal awards. The May decision was for a pay increase of $17 per week for workers on $731.80 per week or less and $15 for workers on more than $731.80 per week.
Indexes are compiled for various combinations of state/territory, sector (private/public), broad industry group and broad occupation group. Indexes not included in this publication may be made available on request by telephoning Perth 08 9360 5151.
More detailed information on the Wage Cost Index is available in Information Paper:Wage Cost Index, Australia, 2000 (cat. no. 6346.0).
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